Release Notes

This document contains brief release notes for each release. Release notes only include major features and visible enhancements. They don't include all the development done in the related version. To see raw and detailed change logs for every release, please check the related milestone and the change logs page (only for paid license holders).

If you want to read the release notes for each ABP Studio release, check it out from here.

8.3 (2024-09-05)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v8.3 release.

  • CMS Kit: Marked Items & Approvement System for Commenting Feature
  • Enhancements on the Docs Module (Google Translation support & new single project mode)
  • Using DbFunction for generating more precise SQL commands for Global Query Filters
  • CMS Kit (Pro): FAQ System

8.2 (2024-06-26)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v8.2 release.

  • Blazor Full-Stack Web App UI.
  • Introducing the IBlockUiService for Blazor UI (disables/blocks the page or a part of the page).
  • Session Management (prevent concurrent login, view & manage users' sessions).
  • ABP Suite: File/Image property.
  • ABP Suite: DateOnly & TimeOnly types.
  • Periodic Log Deletion for Audit Logs.

8.1 (2024-04-04)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v8.1 release.

  • Introducing the ExposeKeyedServiceAttribute & DisableAbpFeaturesAttribute.
  • Custom menu component support for MVC UI.
  • ABP Suite: Bulk delete.
  • ABP Suite: Filterable properties.
  • ABP Suite: Customizable page titles.
  • ABP Suite: Establishing relationships with installed ABP modules' entities.
  • ABP Suite: Support BasicAggregateRoot base class.
  • ABP Studio v0.6.5.

8.0 (2023-12-19)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v8.0 release.

  • Upgraded to .NET 8.0 & Angular 17.
  • Dynamic Claims (allows to get the latest user claims for the current user).
  • CDN support for Bundling & Minification System.
  • Read-only repositories
  • ABP Suite: Generating Master/Detail Relationship
  • Getting profile picture from social/external logins.
  • Switch Ocelot to YARP for the API Gateway for Microservice Solution Template.
  • Password complexity indicators for MVC & Blazor UIs.
  • Readonly view & export/import support for Identity/Users page.

7.4 (2023-08-16)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v7.4 release.

  • Dynamic Setting Store (collects and gets all setting definitions from a single point).
  • Introducing the AdditionalAssemblyAttribute.
  • CorrelationId support on distributed events.
  • Database migration system for EF Core.
  • Preserving customizations on code re-generation with ABP Suite.
  • Support custom text-templates in distributed scenarios.
  • MAUI & React Native mobile applications are re-designed and revised for functionality.
  • A new CMS Kit feature to collect feedback from users about the site's contents.

7.3 (2023-06-12)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v7.3 release.

  • Introducing the Volo.Abp.Imaging packages, which allows you to compress and resize images.
  • ABP CLI: switch-to-local command.
  • Monitoring distributed events.
  • Allow ordering of the local event handlers.
  • Account Module: Using Authenticator App for Two-Factor Authentication.
  • Support for the Module Entity Extensions in the CMS Kit Pro Module.
  • New Account Layout Design for LeptonX Theme.
  • Many enhancements and fixes for the 7.3 version.

7.2 (2023-05-03)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v7.2 release.

  • Grouping of the navigation menu items.
  • New Components for Angular UI.
  • LeptonX Theme - Navigation Menu Item Grouping.
  • Support for the Authority Delegation in the Account Module.
  • Forcing Password Change at Next Logon.
  • Periodic Password Changes / Password Aging.
  • ABP Suite: Show/Hide Properties on Create/Update/List Pages
  • CMS Kit Comments: Disallowing External URLs.

7.1 (2023-03-22)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v7.1 release.

  • New Blazor WASM option for Application Single Layer Startup template.
  • Introducing the IHasEntityVersion & EntitySynchronizer services.
  • Introducing the DeleteDirectAsync method for the IRepository interface.
  • Blazor WebAssembly option for the single-layer startup template.
  • ABP Suite code generation for MAUI Blazor Hybrid solutions.
  • Allow to impersonate an arbitrary user in the SaaS module.
  • Many enhancements and fixes for the 7.1 version.

7.0 (2023-01-05)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v7.0 release.

  • Upgraded to .NET 7.0.
  • Upgraded to OpenIddict 4.0.
  • Dapr Integration.
  • Introducing the Integration Services.
  • New MAUI Blazor Hybrid UI.
  • Implemented external localization, dynamic feature and dynamic permission systems to allow more advanced microservice scenarios. All they are applied to the microservice startup template.
  • WeChat and Alipay integrations for the Payment module.
  • Allow host users to change the password of a user of a tenant.
  • Allow host users to test connection string of a tenant database on the UI.
  • Introduce permission for searching other users in the chat module.

6.0 (2022-10-05)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v6.0 release.

  • New OpenIddict integration module (replacing the IdentityServer integration module).
  • The LeptonX theme is the default theme now, allowing to use the old Lepton theme too.
  • New .NET MAUI mobile application.
  • Blazor UI for the Chat module.
  • Blazor admin UI for the CMS Kit module.
  • Allow to add poll widgets in blog/page contents in the CMS Kit module.
  • Cookie consent feature for the GDPR module.
  • Optional PWA support.
  • Exporting to excel for ABP Suite code generation.

5.3 (2022-06-14)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v5.3 release.

  • New module: GDPR (currently, allows to download/delete user's personal data).
  • Polling feature for the CMS Kit module.
  • OAuth as external login provider for the Identity module.
  • ABP Suite: Support for the no-layers startup template, concurrency stamp support on code generation, downloading Suite logs, using ABP CLI to trigger code generation.
  • Docker-compose configuration for the no-layers startup template.
  • PWA support for Blazor WASM and Angular UI.

5.2 (2022-04-05)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v5.2 release.

  • Code generation with many to many relation support for the ABP Suite.
  • The new single-layer, simpler startup solution template.
  • Migrated to Blazorise 1.0 for the Blazor UI.
  • Improvements on the microservice startup solution, pre-built application modules and other existing features.
  • API Versioning.
  • Allowing to hide default ABP endpoints from the Swagger UI.

5.1 (2022-01-12)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v5.1 release.

  • Upgraded to Angular 13.
  • Changed the application startup solution to use the new ASP.NET Core minimal hosting model.
  • New URL Forwarding feature for the CKS Kit Pro module.
  • Improvements and fixes for the features shipped with the 5.0 release.

5.0 (2021-12-14)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v5.0.

  • Upgraded to .NET 6.0.
  • Upgraded to Bootstrap 5.1.
  • Transactional Outbox & Inbox for the distributed event bus.
  • User impersonation (passwordless login with another user's account).
  • Tenant impersonation (passwordless login as a tenant).
  • Added Helm charts to the microservice startup template to deploy to Kubernetes.
  • Added host and tenant dashboards to the microservice startup template.
  • Generate entities and CRUD pages from database tables with ABP Suite.
  • Pre-configured social logins for the microservice startup template.
  • Switched to static C# and JavaScript proxies for all the modules.
  • Removed NGXS and states from the Angular UI.
  • Many improvements on existing modules and ABP Suite.

4.4 (2021-08-02)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.4.

  • Removed the EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations project for simplicity.
  • Dynamic menu management for the CMS Kit module.
  • New ABP CLI commands (install-libs, prompt and batch).
  • Subscription system & payment integration for the SaaS module.
  • SaaS module: Allow to make a tenant active/passive and limit user count.
  • ABP Suite code generation for the microservice solution.
  • Allow to set multiple connection strings for each tenant, to separate a tenant's database per module/microservice.
  • Angular UI: Two-factor authentication for resource owner password flow.
  • New localizations: Hindi, Italian, Arabic, Finnish, French.
  • A lot of small improvements and fixes for the current modules, themes and the tooling.

4.3 (2021-04-23)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.3.

  • New module: CMS Kit (pro)
  • New module: Forms
  • Blazor Server Side support.
  • Extensibility system for the Blazor UI.
  • A lot of improvements done to ripen the Microservice Startup Template, including "new service" template, automatic database migrations, solution structure improvements, Tye, Prometheus, Grafana integrations, and more...
  • Allow to use a separate database schema for tenants to not include host-related empty tables in tenant databases.
  • Creating & migrating tenant databases on the fly.
  • Enabling/disabling modules per edition/tenant.
  • Email settings page.
  • Required navigation properties on Suite code generation.

4.2 (2021-01-28)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.2.

  • Introducing the IRepository.GetQueryableAsync() method.
  • Bulk operations for EF Core (InsertManyAsync, UpdateManyAsync and DeleteManyAsync).
  • Microservice startup template (initial) to create microservice solutions.
  • Public website application in the application startup template.
  • Blazor UI for the Easy CRM sample application.
  • Added login / authorization to the Swagger UI to test authorized APIs.
  • DBMS selection on new application creation.
  • Infrastructure for Angular Unit Testing.
  • Iyzico integration for the Payment module.
  • Performance optimization and other enhancements.

4.1 (2021-01-06)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.1.

  • Introducing the module entity extensions system.
  • Bundling & Minification System for Blazor UI.
  • Organization Unit Management for the Blazor UI.
  • Identity Server Management for the Blazor UI.
  • ABP Suite: Navigation Property Selection with Typeahead (supported by all UI types).
  • Spanish language translation.

4.0 (2020-12-03)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.0.

  • Upgraded to .NET 5.0.
  • The Blazor UI option is now stable and officially supported.
  • Completed the Blazor UI for the file management module.
  • Upgraded to the Identity Server 4.1.1 and revised the management UI.
  • ABP Suite: Blazor UI code generation.
  • ABP Suite: Navigation property selection supports dropdowns with auto-complete & lazy load.
  • ABP Suite: Generate new modules inside an application solution.
  • ABP Suite: Made the backend code generation optional to allow re-generate the UI with a different UI framework.

3.3 (2020-10-27)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v3.3.

  • Completed fundamental features, modules and the theme integration for the Blazor UI.
  • Automatic AntiForgery Token Validation for HTTP APIs.
  • New async LINQ extension methods for repositories.
  • Stream support for the Application Service methods.
  • Multi-Tenant social/external logins with options configurable on runtime.
  • Linked Accounts system to link multiple accounts and switch between them easily.
  • Paypal & Stripe integrations for the Payment Module.
  • reCAPTCHA option for login & register forms.
  • ABP Suite improvements.

3.2 (2020-10-01)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v3.2.

  • Released the preview (experimental) Blazor UI option.
  • Angular UI for the file management module.
  • Managing the application features for the host side.
  • User profile picture for the account module.
  • Options to enable, disable or force two factor authentication for tenants and users.

3.1 (2020-09-03)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v3.1 release.

  • Completely re-written the ABP Suite Angular UI code generation, using the Angular Schematics system.
  • Implemented Authorization Code Authentication Flow for the Angular UI.
  • Revised and documented social/external logins for the account module and tested with major providers.
  • Introduced the new external login system supporting to login via LDAP / Active Directory. Also, added a setting page to configure the LDAP options.
  • Created a new security log system and the user interface to save and report all the authentication related operations (login, logout, change password...) for users.
  • Implemented email & phone number verification.
  • Implementing locking a user for a given period of time (locked users can not login to the application).
  • Added breadcrumb and file icons for the file management module.

3.0 (2020-07-01)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v3.0 release.

  • Introducing the Azure BLOB Storage Provider.
  • Created the Oracle Integration Package for EF Core.
  • New File Management Module that is used to store and manage files in your application.
  • Migrated the Angular UI to the Angular 10.
  • Published an API documentation web site to explore the classes of the ABP.

2.9 (2020-06-04)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v2.9 release.

  • Performance improvements (pre-compiling razor pages).
  • New Organization Unit Management UI for the Identity Module to create hierarchical organization units and manage their members and roles.
  • Created Angular UI for the Chat Module.
  • Implemented Angular UI for the Easy CRM application.
  • ABP Suite code generation support for module development.
  • New web site to show the Lepton Theme components.

2.8 (2020-05-21)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v2.8 release:

  • RTL support for the MVC UI & Arabic localization.
  • Completely renewed the Lepton Theme styles and add a new one.
  • New module: Created a real time Chat Module that is built on ASP.NET Core SignalR. It currently has only the MVC / Razor Pages UI. Angular UI is on the way.
  • Implemented module entity extension system for the Angular UI. Also improved the system to better handle float/double/decimal, date, datetime, enum and boolean properties.
  • Gravatar integration for the Angular UI.
  • Managing product groups on a tree view for the EasyCRM sample application.

2.7 (2020-05-07)

See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v2.7 release:

  • New module: Text template management (with angular and mvc UI - document is coming).
  • Dynamically add properties to current entities of the depended modules (see module entity extensions)
  • To be able to add navigation properties to entities with the ABP Suite (see navigation properties section).
  • Dynamically add data table columns on the user interface (see the documents: angular, mvc).
  • Created a rich sample solution, named "Easy CRM" (see the document).
  • Allow to dynamically override the logo.
  • Optimize database migrations & seed code for multi-tenant multi-database systems.
  • ABP Suite: Make menu item active on navigation menu when selected.
  • ABP Suite: Improve enum usage while creating new entities.
  • Bug fixes in the Lepton Theme, ABP Suite and other modules.

See Also


Last updated: September 24, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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