ABP.IO Platform v4.3 Has Been Released!
ABP Framework and ABP Commercial 4.3 versions have been released today.
What's New With 4.3?
Since all the new features are already explained in details with the 4.3 RC announcement posts, I will not repeat all the details again. See the related blog posts for all the features and enhancements;
The Quick Start Tutorial
With this version, we've created a minimalist quick start tutorial for developers who are new to the ABP Framework.
How to Upgrade an Existing Solution
Install/Update the ABP CLI
First of all, install the ABP CLI or upgrade to the latest version.
If you haven't installed yet:
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli
To update an existing installation:
dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
ABP CLI provides a handy command to update all the ABP related NuGet and NPM packages in your solution with a single command:
abp update
Run this command in the root folder of your solution.
Migration Guides
Check the migration guides (for ABP Framework & for ABP Commercial) for the applications with the version 4.2.x upgrading to the version 4.3.0.
The Road Map
The next feature version will be 4.4. It is planned to release the 4.4 RC (Release Candidate) at the end of Quarter 2, 2021. See the updated road maps;
Johan Sánchez 204 weeks ago
Great!!, but I can't see CMS Kit in Blazor UI?
Halil İbrahim Kalkan 204 weeks ago
CMS Kit is only available for MVC UI with this release. We are planning for other UI types in the future. However, if you are using Blazor Server, then MVC UI modules are usable in the same application.
Johan Sánchez 204 weeks ago
Thank you!
brokenthorn@gmail.com 203 weeks ago
Halil İbrahim Kalkan 200 weeks ago
Thanks :)
Naushad Khalid 201 weeks ago
do you any plan in the future to implement distributed transaction pattern for business transactions that span across multiple services in the microservices solutions architecture e.g. something like saga pattern to handle business transactions that span multiple service. this will be really useful and make life easier to implement transactions that span services.
Halil İbrahim Kalkan 200 weeks ago
Hi. It is not in our focus in the short term, but we are thinking to work on in the long term. However, you can use existing tools in your ABP project.
Yangjun 194 weeks ago
When I use the addreplaceable component of @ ABP / ng.core according to the official documents, I encounter a problem: '"@ ABP / ng.core"' has no exported member named 'addreplaceable component'. Did you mean 'replaceable components'? How can I solve this problem?
hqmlz 191 weeks ago
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli Have you ever run into blue screen?