Reduce your development costs by more than 50% with the ABP Platform.
This page covers the fundamental steps of developing a software solution and explains how the ABP Platform reduces your development costs at each step.
Setting up the Architecture
Doing everything from scratch
Organize code base and solution structure
Determine, install and configure essential 3rd-party libraries
Setup automated integration and unit test infrastructure
Determine and document code standards, train the development team
Using the ABP Platform
Use ABP's startup solution templates
Reduce Costs with ABP by
80% to 100%
Designing the User Interface
Doing everything from scratch
Create or buy a UI theme
Adapt the UI theme to the solution
Build the essential UI parts (layout, menu, header, footer with responsive design)
Ensure the design consistency across application pages
Using the ABP Platform
Use ABP's LeptonX UI Theme
Reduce Costs with ABP by
80% to 100%
Developing the Application Features
Doing everything from scratch
Develop your own business logic
Develop every page one by one
Develop common business modules yourself
Develop the authentication system (single sign on, 2 factor auth, social logins, reset password, email activation, etc...)
Apply cross-cutting concerns in every use case (DB transactions, authorization, validation, exception handling, etc...)
Use ABP Suite to automatically generate CRUD-like pages
Directly use ABP's pre-built common application modules and customize based on your unique requirements
Reduce Costs with ABP by
40% to 60%
Why ABP Platform?
If you want to learn more details about why should you use the ABP Platform instead of creating a new solution from scratch, read the following document.