Get Started

Download ABP Studio

ABP Studio is the easiest way to get started with the ABP Platform. Download it using the following links and create your first ABP solution today.

Compatible with both systems from Windows 7 all the way up to the latest Windows 11 and Apple Silicon

Explore ABP Studio

Follow the links below;

Install The ABP CLI

Install the ABP CLI in a command line terminal, if you haven't installed it before:

                        > dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Studio.Cli

Give your project a name

You can use different levels of namespaces; e.g. BookStore, Acme.BookStore or Acme.Retail.BookStore.

Select Project Type

Creates a fully layered solution based on Domain Driven Design practices.

Recommended for long-term projects that need a maintainable and extensible codebase.

Select UI Framework

Select UI Theme

A modern and stylish Bootstrap UI theme. Ideal if you want to have a production ready UI theme. This is the newest theme and is the default.

See the screenshot

Select Database Provider

Select Database Management System


                        > abp new Acme.BookStore

Explore the ABP CLI

You can reach our books from the link;

Mastering ABP Framework 2

Mastering ABP Framework

Build maintainable .NET solutions by following software development best practices using ABP.

Written by the creator of the ABP Framework, this book will help you gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques.
