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Today, we are extremely happy to release ABP Framework 4.0 with .NET 5.0 support!
As a nice coincidence, today is the 4th year since the first commit made in the abp repository! So, we can say "Happy Birthday ABP Framework!".
ABP.IO Platform and the ABP Community is growing. Here, a summary of these 4 years.
From GitHub, only from the main abp repository;
From NuGet & NPM;
From Website;
Since all the new features are already explained in details with the 4.0 RC Announcement Post, I will not repeat all the details again. Please read the RC post for new feature and changes you may need to do for your solution while upgrading to the version 4.0.
Here, a brief list of major features and changes;
You can create a new solution with the ABP Framework version 4.0 by either using the abp new
command or using the direct download tab on the get started page.
See the getting started document for details.
This is a major version and requires some manual work, especially related to .NET 5.0 and IdentityServer 4.0 upgrades.
See the MIGRATION GUIDE that covers all the details about the upgrade progress.
You can also see the upgrading document.
We are constantly improving the documentation. Our purpose is not only document the ABP Framework, but also write architectural and practical guides for developers.
Implementing Domain Driven Design is a practical guide for they want to implement the DDD principles in their solutions. While the implementation details rely on the ABP Framework infrastructure, core concepts, principles and patterns are applicable in any kind of solution, even if it is not a .NET solution.
The new Testing document discusses different kind of automated tests and explains how you can write tests for your ABP based solutions.
We've created a lot of documents for the MVC, Blazor and the Angular UI.
The next versions 4.1 will mostly focus on;
Planned preview date for the version 4.1 is December 17, 2020. See the Road Map document and GitHub Milestones to learn what's planned for the next versions. We are trying to be clear about the coming features and the next release dates.
Parabéns, estou encantado com a ferramenta abpcommercial, isto prova a seriedade da volo software
Obrigado por seus comentários :)
I've been working with ASP.NET Zero for almost two years now and although I was really happy with it, ABP.IO Commercial is so much better. I really like the clean project structure and the upgradeability. Just upgraded to 4.0 and it was hassle-free... The migration document contained all the necessary information. Keep up the great work!
Thanks @cbogner85 for your comments. We are glad that the Migration document worked for you :)
We have already applied the ABP framework to the production environment, looking forward to better
That's awesome :)
Good work :)
Its not just framework also its guide. Even you don't use you can read documents for learn design patterns and software principles
This is the purpose: To be a guide for developers. Thanks :)
We have successfully delivered a new saas product using ABP 3.x. Before using ABP, I have worked on multiple AspNetboilerplate/ASPNETZERO projects. But ABP is much cleaner and organized compared to AspNetboilerplate. I am excited to try ABP 4.x for upcoming projects.
Thanks Arif :)
You are the best. Congrats...
Thanks :)
Congratulations... best framework ever....! Keep going...
Thanks Elhadi. Keep using it :)
Best framework ever! ;)
I agree :))
Well done everyone! 👍
Thanks :)
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Introducing the new features and changes coming with ABP Framework and ABP Commercial version 5.1. Continue Reading
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Introducing the ABP v5.0 RC and the new features coming with this version. Continue Reading
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Introducing the ABP.IO Platform version 4.3.0! Continue Reading
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This post covers the new features and changes coming with the ABP.IO platform 4.2 version. Continue Reading
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Released ABP.IO Platform v4.0 RC. Some new features: Migrated to .NET 5.0, Stable Blazor UI, Identity Server 4 Upgrade, Moved to System.Text.Json, ... Continue Reading
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Released ABP v3.3 RC. Some new features: New modules & features for the Blazor UI, Automatic Validation for AntiForgery Token for HTTP APIs, Rebus ... Continue Reading
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Released ABP v3.1 final. Some new features: Angular Service Proxies, Authorization Code Flow for the Angular UI, Global Feature System etc. Learn m... Continue Reading
Released ABP v3.1 RC. Some new features: Angular Service Proxies, Authorization Code Flow for the Angular UI, Global Feature System etc. Learn more... Continue Reading
Released ABP v3.0. Some new features: Angular 10, The Oracle Integration Package, Azure BLOB Storage Provider etc. Learn more about what's new with... Continue Reading
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Released ABP Framework and ABP Commercial v2.8. Some new features: SignalR Integration Package, RTL Support for the MVC UI, New Lepton Theme Styles... Continue Reading
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Released ABP Framework v2.3. Some new features: React Native Mobile App, Angular TypeScript Proxy Generator, CRUD app service etc. See the GitHub m... Continue Reading
Released ABP Framework v2.0 and ABP Commercial. See the release notes for changes. Create a demo to see application startup template of ABP Commerc... Continue Reading
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Released ABP v0.21 with no new feature. The release is just upgrade to the stable AspNet Core 3.0. Check v0.20 release notes for new features, and ... Continue Reading
Released ABP v0.19 with 90+ issues resolved and 650+ commits pushed. Some new features: Angular UI, Widget System. See the roadmap for all upcomings. Continue Reading
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See microservice solution demo documentation for a detailed explanation of the solution. It aims to demonstrate a simple yet complete microservice ... Continue Reading