ABP.IO Platform 4.0 with .NET 5.0 in the 4th Year!


Today, we are extremely happy to release ABP Framework 4.0 with .NET 5.0 support!

4 Years of Work

As a nice coincidence, today is the 4th year since the first commit made in the abp repository! So, we can say "Happy Birthday ABP Framework!".


Some Statistics

ABP.IO Platform and the ABP Community is growing. Here, a summary of these 4 years.

From GitHub, only from the main abp repository;

  • 15,297 commits done.
  • 3,764 issues are closed.
  • 2,133 pull requests are merged.
  • 158 contributors.
  • 88 releases published.
  • 5.2K stars on GitHub.

From NuGet & NPM;

  • 220 NuGet packages & 52 NPM packages.
  • 1,000,000 downloads only for the core NuGet package.

From Website;

  • 200,000 visitors.
  • 1,000,000+ sessions.

What's New With 4.0?

Since all the new features are already explained in details with the 4.0 RC Announcement Post, I will not repeat all the details again. Please read the RC post for new feature and changes you may need to do for your solution while upgrading to the version 4.0.

Here, a brief list of major features and changes;

  • Migrated to .NET 5.0.
  • Stable Blazor UI.
  • Moved to System.Text.Json.
  • Upgraded to IdentityServer version 4.0.
  • WPF startup template.

Creating New Solutions

You can create a new solution with the ABP Framework version 4.0 by either using the abp new command or using the direct download tab on the get started page.

See the getting started document for details.

How to Upgrade an Existing Solution

This is a major version and requires some manual work, especially related to .NET 5.0 and IdentityServer 4.0 upgrades.

New Guides / Documents

We are constantly improving the documentation. Our purpose is not only document the ABP Framework, but also write architectural and practical guides for developers.

Implementing Domain Driven Design

Implementing Domain Driven Design is a practical guide for they want to implement the DDD principles in their solutions. While the implementation details rely on the ABP Framework infrastructure, core concepts, principles and patterns are applicable in any kind of solution, even if it is not a .NET solution.



The new Testing document discusses different kind of automated tests and explains how you can write tests for your ABP based solutions.

UI Documents

We've created a lot of documents for the MVC, Blazor and the Angular UI.

About the Next Version

The next versions 4.1 will mostly focus on;

  • Improving current features.
  • Complete module features for the Blazor UI.
  • Improve developer experience and productivity.
  • More documentation and examples.

Planned preview date for the version 4.1 is December 17, 2020. See the Road Map document and GitHub Milestones to learn what's planned for the next versions. We are trying to be clear about the coming features and the next release dates.