Manage Profile Page Tabs

manage profile page

The tabs in the manage profile page can be managed via ManageProfileTabsService which is exposed by the @volo/ package. You can add, remove, or edit a tab with using this service.

See the example below, covers all features:

// manage-profile-tabs.provider.ts

import { APP_INITIALIZER, Component } from "@angular/core";
import { TwoFactorTabComponent } from "@volo/";
import {
} from "@volo/";
import { MyAwesomeTabComponent } from "./my-awesome-tab/my-awesome-tab.component";

  standalone: true,
  selector: "abp-my-awesome-tab",
  template: `My Awesome Tab`,
class MyAwesomeTabComponent {}

  useFactory: configureManageProfileTabs,
  deps: [ManageProfileTabsService],
  multi: true,

export function configureManageProfileTabs(tabs: ManageProfileTabsService) {
  return () => {
        name: "::MyAwesomeTab", // supports localization keys
        order: 5,
        component: MyAwesomeTabComponent,

    tabs.patch(eAccountManageProfileTabNames.TwoFactor, {
      name: "Two factor authentication",
      component: TwoFactorTabComponent,


import { MANAGE_PROFILE_TAB_PROVIDER } from "./manage-profile-tabs.provider";

export class AppModule {}

What we have done above;

  • Created the manage-profile-page-tabs.provider.ts.
  • Determined the configureManageProfileTabs function to perform manage profile tabs actions.
    • Added a new tab labeled "My awesome tab".
    • Renamed the "Two factor" tab label.
    • Removed the "Profile picture" tab.
  • Determined the MANAGE_PROFILE_TAB_PROVIDER to be able to run the configureManageProfileTabs function on initialization.
  • Registered the MANAGE_PROFILE_TAB_PROVIDER to the AppModule providers.

See the result:

my awesome tab


Last updated: August 12, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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