Distributed Event Bus

Distributed Event bus system allows to publish and subscribe to events that can be transferred across application/service boundaries. You can use the distributed event bus to asynchronously send and receive messages between microservices or applications.


Distributed event bus system provides an abstraction that can be implemented by any vendor/provider. There are four providers implemented out of the box:

  • LocalDistributedEventBus is the default implementation that implements the distributed event bus to work as in-process. Yes! The default implementation works just like the local event bus, if you don't configure a real distributed provider.
  • AzureDistributedEventBus implements the distributed event bus with the Azure Service Bus. See the Azure Service Bus integration document to learn how to configure it.
  • RabbitMqDistributedEventBus implements the distributed event bus with the RabbitMQ. See the RabbitMQ integration document to learn how to configure it.
  • KafkaDistributedEventBus implements the distributed event bus with the Kafka. See the Kafka integration document to learn how to configure it.
  • RebusDistributedEventBus implements the distributed event bus with the Rebus. See the Rebus integration document to learn how to configure it.

Using a local event bus as default has a few important advantages. The most important one is that: It allows you to write your code compatible to distributed architecture. You can write a monolithic application now that can be split into microservices later. It is a good practice to communicate between bounded contexts (or between application modules) via distributed events instead of local events.

For example, pre-built application modules is designed to work as a service in a distributed system while they can also work as a module in a monolithic application without depending an external message broker.

Publishing Events

There are two ways of publishing distributed events explained in the following sections.

Using IDistributedEventBus to Publish Events

IDistributedEventBus can be injected and used to publish a distributed event.

Example: Publish a distributed event when the stock count of a product changes

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.EventBus.Distributed;

namespace AbpDemo
    public class MyService : ITransientDependency
        private readonly IDistributedEventBus _distributedEventBus;

        public MyService(IDistributedEventBus distributedEventBus)
            _distributedEventBus = distributedEventBus;
        public virtual async Task ChangeStockCountAsync(Guid productId, int newCount)
            await _distributedEventBus.PublishAsync(
                new StockCountChangedEto
                    ProductId = productId,
                    NewCount = newCount

PublishAsync method gets the event object, which is responsible to hold the data related to the event. It is a simple plain class:

using System;

namespace AbpDemo
    public class StockCountChangedEto
        public Guid ProductId { get; set; }
        public int NewCount { get; set; }

Even if you don't need to transfer any data, you need to create a class (which is an empty class in this case).

Eto is a suffix for Event Transfer Objects we use by convention. While it is not required, we find it useful to identify such event classes (just like DTOs on the application layer).

Event Name

EventName attribute is optional, but suggested. If you don't declare it for an event type (ETO class), the event name will be the full name of the event class, AbpDemo.StockCountChangedEto in this case.

About Serialization for the Event Objects

Event transfer objects (ETOs) must be serializable since they will be serialized/deserialized to JSON or other format when it is transferred to out of the process.

Avoid circular references, polymorphism, private setters and provide default (empty) constructors if you have any other constructor as a good practice (while some serializers may tolerate it), just like the DTOs.

Publishing Events Inside Entity / Aggregate Root Classes

Entities can not inject services via dependency injection, but it is very common to publish distributed events inside entity / aggregate root classes.

Example: Publish a distributed event inside an aggregate root method

using System;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities;

namespace AbpDemo
    public class Product : AggregateRoot<Guid>
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int StockCount { get; private set; }

        private Product() { }

        public Product(Guid id, string name)
            : base(id)
            Name = name;

        public void ChangeStockCount(int newCount)
            StockCount = newCount;
            //ADD an EVENT TO BE PUBLISHED
                new StockCountChangedEto
                    ProductId = Id,
                    NewCount = newCount

AggregateRoot class defines the AddDistributedEvent to add a new distributed event, that is published when the aggregate root object is saved (created, updated or deleted) into the database.

If an entity publishes such an event, it is a good practice to change the related properties in a controlled manner, just like the example above - StockCount can only be changed by the ChangeStockCount method which guarantees publishing the event.

IGeneratesDomainEvents Interface

Actually, adding distributed events are not unique to the AggregateRoot class. You can implement IGeneratesDomainEvents for any entity class. But, AggregateRoot implements it by default and makes it easy for you.

It is not suggested to implement this interface for entities those are not aggregate roots, since it may not work for some database providers for such entities. It works for EF Core, but not works for MongoDB for example.

How It Was Implemented?

Calling the AddDistributedEvent doesn't immediately publish the event. The event is published when you save changes to the database;

  • For EF Core, it is published on DbContext.SaveChanges.
  • For MongoDB, it is published when you call repository's InsertAsync, UpdateAsync or DeleteAsync methods (since MongoDB has not a change tracking system).

Subscribing to Events

A service can implement the IDistributedEventHandler<TEvent> to handle the event.

Example: Handle the StockCountChangedEto defined above

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.EventBus.Distributed;

namespace AbpDemo
    public class MyHandler
        : IDistributedEventHandler<StockCountChangedEto>,
        public async Task HandleEventAsync(StockCountChangedEto eventData)
            var productId = eventData.ProductId;

That's all.

  • MyHandler is automatically discovered by the ABP and HandleEventAsync is called whenever a StockCountChangedEto event occurs.
  • If you are using a distributed message broker, like RabbitMQ, ABP automatically subscribes to the event on the message broker, gets the message, executes the handler.
  • It sends confirmation (ACK) to the message broker if the event handler was successfully executed (did not throw any exception).

You can inject any service and perform any required logic here. A single event handler class can subscribe to multiple events but implementing the IDistributedEventHandler<TEvent> interface for each event type.

If you perform database operations and use the repositories inside the event handler, you may need to create a unit of work, because some repository methods need to work inside an active unit of work. Make the handle method virtual and add a [UnitOfWork] attribute for the method, or manually use the IUnitOfWorkManager to create a unit of work scope.

The handler class must be registered to the dependency injection (DI). The sample above uses the ITransientDependency to accomplish it. See the DI document for more options.

Monitoring Distributed Events

The ABP allows you to stay informed when your application receives or sends a distributed event. This capability enables you to track the event flow within your application and take appropriate actions based on the received or sent distributed events.

Received Events

The DistributedEventReceived local event is published when your application receives an event from the distributed event bus. DistributedEventReceived class has the following fields:

  • Source: It represents the source of the distributed event. Source can be Direct, Inbox, Outbox.
  • EventName: It represents the name of the event received.
  • EventData: It represents the actual data associated with the event received. Since it is of type object, it can hold any type of data.

Example: Get informed when your application receives an event from the distributed event bus

public class DistributedEventReceivedHandler : ILocalEventHandler<DistributedEventReceived>, ITransientDependency
    public async Task HandleEventAsync(DistributedEventReceived eventData)

Sent Events

The DistributedEventSent local event is published when your application sends an event to the distributed event bus. DistributedEventSent class has the following fields:

  • Source: It represents the source of the distributed event. Source can be Direct, Inbox, Outbox.
  • EventName: It represents the name of the event sent.
  • EventData: It represents the actual data associated with the event sent. Since it is of type object, it can hold any type of data.

Example: Get informed when your application sends an event to the distributed event bus

public class DistributedEventSentHandler : ILocalEventHandler<DistributedEventSent>, ITransientDependency
    public async Task HandleEventAsync(DistributedEventSent eventData)

You can seamlessly integrate event-tracking capabilities into your application by subscribing to the DistributedEventReceived and DistributedEventSent local events as above examples. This empowers you to effectively monitor the messaging flow, diagnose any potential issues, and gain valuable insights into the behavior of your distributed messaging system.

Pre-Defined Events

ABP automatically publishes distributed events for create, update and delete operations for an entity once you configure it.

Event Types

There are three pre-defined event types:

  • EntityCreatedEto<T> is published when an entity of type T was created.
  • EntityUpdatedEto<T> is published when an entity of type T was updated.
  • EntityDeletedEto<T> is published when an entity of type T was deleted.

These types are generics. T is actually the type of the Event Transfer Object (ETO) rather than the type of the entity. Because, an entity object can not be transferred as a part of the event data. So, it is typical to define a ETO class for an entity class, like ProductEto for Product entity.

Subscribing to the Events

Subscribing to the auto events is same as subscribing a regular distributed event.

Example: Get notified once a product updated

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Entities.Events.Distributed;
using Volo.Abp.EventBus.Distributed;

namespace AbpDemo
    public class MyHandler : 
        public async Task HandleEventAsync(EntityUpdatedEto<ProductEto> eventData)
            var productId = eventData.Entity.Id;
  • MyHandler implements the IDistributedEventHandler<EntityUpdatedEto<ProductEto>>.
  • It is required to register your handler class to the dependency injection system. Implementing ITransientDependency like in this example is an easy way.


You can configure the AbpDistributedEntityEventOptions in the ConfigureServices of your module to add a selector.

Example: Configuration samples

Configure<AbpDistributedEntityEventOptions>(options =>
    //Enable for all entities

    //Enable for a single entity

    //Enable for all entities in a namespace (and child namespaces)

    //Custom predicate expression that should return true to select a type
        type => type.Namespace.StartsWith("MyProject.")
  • The last one provides flexibility to decide if the events should be published for the given entity type. Returns true to accept a Type.

You can add more than one selector. If one of the selectors match for an entity type, then it is selected.

Event Transfer Object

Once you enable auto events for an entity, ABP starts to publish events on the changes on this entity. If you don't specify a corresponding Event Transfer Object (ETO) for the entity, ABP uses a standard type, named EntityEto, which has only two properties:

  • EntityType (string): Full name (including namespace) of the entity class.
  • KeysAsString (string): Primary key(s) of the changed entity. If it has a single key, this property will be the primary key value. For a composite key, it will contain all keys separated by , (comma).

So, you can implement the IDistributedEventHandler<EntityUpdatedEto<EntityEto>> to subscribe the update events. However, it is not a good approach to subscribe to such a generic event, because you handle the update events for all entities in a single handler (since they all use the same ETO object). You can define the corresponding ETO type for the entity type.

Example: Declare to use ProductEto for the Product entity

public class ProductEto
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public float Price { get; set; }

Then you can use the AbpDistributedEntityEventOptions.EtoMappings option to map your Product entity to the ProductEto:

Configure<AbpDistributedEntityEventOptions>(options =>
    options.EtoMappings.Add<Product, ProductEto>();

This example;

  • Adds a selector to allow to publish the create, update and delete events for the Product entity.
  • Configure to use the ProductEto as the event transfer object to publish for the Product related events.

Distributed event system use the object to object mapping system to map Product objects to ProductEto objects. So, you need to configure the object mapping (Product -> ProductEto) too. You can check the object to object mapping document to learn how to do it.

Entity Synchronizer

In a distributed (or microservice) system, it is typical to subscribe to change events for an entity type of another service, so you can get notifications when the subscribed entity changes. In that case, you can use ABP's Pre-Defined Events as explained in the previous section.

If your purpose is to store your local copies of a remote entity, you typically subscribe to create, update and delete events of the remote entity and update your local database in your event handler. ABP provides a pre-built EntitySynchronizer base class to make that operation easier for you.

Assume that there is a Product entity (probably an aggregate root entity) in a Catalog microservice, and you want to keep copies of the products in your Ordering microservice, with a local OrderProduct entity. In practice, properties of the OrderProduct class will be a subset of the Product properties, because not all the product data is needed in the Ordering microservice (however, you can make a full copy if you need). Also, the OrderProduct entity may have additional properties that are populated and used in the Ordering microservice.

The first step to establish the synchronization is to define an ETO (Event Transfer Object) class in the Catalog microservice that is used to transfer the event data. Assuming the Product entity has a Guid key, your ETO can be as shown below:

public class ProductEto : EntityEto<Guid>
    // Your Product properties here...

ProductEto can be put in a shared project (DLL) that is referenced by the Catalog and the Ordering microservices. Alternatively, you can put a copy of the ProductEto class in the Ordering microservice if you don't want to introduce a common project dependency between the services. In this case, the EventName attribute becomes critical to map the ProductEto classes across two services (you should use the same event name).

Once you define an ETO class, you should configure the ABP to publish auto (create, update and delete) events for the Product entity, as explained in the previous section:

Configure<AbpDistributedEntityEventOptions>(options =>
    options.EtoMappings.Add<Product, ProductEto>();

Finally, you should create a class in the Ordering microservice, that is derived from the EntitySynchronizer class:

public class ProductSynchronizer : EntitySynchronizer<OrderProduct, Guid, ProductEto>
    public ProductSynchronizer(
        IObjectMapper objectMapper,
        IRepository<OrderProduct, Guid> repository
        ) : base(objectMapper, repository)

The main point of this class is it subscribes to the create, update and delete events of the source entity and updates the local entity in the database. It uses the Object Mapper system to create or update the OrderProduct objects from the ProductEto objects. So, you should also configure the object mapper to make it properly work. Otherwise, you should manually perform the object mapping by overriding the MapToEntityAsync(TSourceEntityEto) and MapToEntityAsync(TSourceEntityEto,TEntity) methods in your ProductSynchronizer class.

If your entity has a composite primary key (see the Entities document), then you should inherit from the EntitySynchronizer<TEntity, TSourceEntityEto> class (just don't use the Guid generic argument in the previous example) and implement FindLocalEntityAsync to find the entity in your local database using the Repository.

EntitySynchronizer is compatible with the Entity Versioning system (see the Entities document). So, it works as expected even if the events are received as disordered. If the entity's version in your local database is newer than the entity in the received event, then the event is ignored. You should implement the IHasEntityVersion interface for the entity and ETO classes (for this example, you should implement for the Product, ProductEto and OrderProduct classes).

If you want to ignore some type of change events, you can set IgnoreEntityCreatedEvent, IgnoreEntityUpdatedEvent and IgnoreEntityDeletedEvent in the constructor of your class. Example:

public class ProductSynchronizer 
    : EntitySynchronizer<OrderProduct, Guid, ProductEto>
    public ProductSynchronizer(
        IObjectMapper objectMapper,
        IRepository<OrderProduct, Guid> repository
        ) : base(objectMapper, repository)
        IgnoreEntityDeletedEvent = true;

Notice that the EntitySynchronizer can only create/update the entities after you use it. If you have an existing system with existing data, you should manually copy the data for one time, because the EntitySynchronizer starts to work.

Transaction and Exception Handling

Distributed event bus works in-process (since default implementation is LocalDistributedEventBus) unless you configure an actual provider (e.g. Kafka or RabbitMQ). In-process event bus always executes event handlers in the same unit of work scope that you publishes the events in. That means, if an event handler throws an exception, then the related unit of work (the database transaction) is rolled back. In this way, your application logic and event handling logic becomes transactional (atomic) and consistent. If you want to ignore errors in an event handler, you must use a try-catch block in your handler and shouldn't re-throw the exception.

When you switch to an actual distributed event bus provider (e.g. Kafka or RabbitMQ), then the event handlers will be executed in different processes/applications as their purpose is to create distributed systems. In this case, the only way to implement transactional event publishing is to use the outbox/inbox patterns as explained in the Outbox / Inbox for Transactional Events section.

If you don't configure outbox/inbox pattern or use the LocalDistributedEventBus, then events are published at the end of the unit of work by default, just before the unit of work is completed (that means throwing exception in an event handler still rollbacks the unit of work), even if you publish them in the middle of unit of work. If you want to immediately publish the event, you can set onUnitOfWorkComplete to false while using IDistributedEventBus.PublishAsync method.

Keeping the default behavior is recommended unless you don't have a unique requirement. onUnitOfWorkComplete option is not available when you publish events inside entity / aggregate root classes (see the Publishing Events Inside Entity / Aggregate Root Classes section).

Outbox / Inbox for Transactional Events

The transactional outbox pattern is used to publishing distributed events within the same transaction that manipulates the application's database. When you enable outbox, distributed events are saved into the database inside the same transaction with your data changes, then sent to the actual message broker by a separate background worker with a re-try system. In this way, it ensures the consistency between your database state and the published events.

The transactional inbox pattern, on the other hand, saves incoming events into database first. Then (in a background worker) executes the event handler in a transactional manner and removes the event from the inbox queue in the same transaction. It ensures that the event is only executed one time by keeping the processed messages for a while and discarding the duplicate events received from the message broker.

Enabling the event outbox and inbox systems require a few manual steps for your application. Please apply the instructions in the following sections to make them running.

Outbox and Inbox can be separately enabled and configured, so you may only use one of them if you want.


  • The outbox/inbox system uses the distributed lock system to handle concurrency when you run multiple instances of your application/service. So, you should configure the distributed lock system with one of the providers as explained in this document.
  • The outbox/inbox system supports Entity Framework Core (EF Core) and MongoDB database providers out of the box. So, your applications should use one of these database providers. For other database providers, see the Implementing a Custom Database Provider section.

If you are using MongoDB, be sure that you enabled multi-document database transactions that was introduced in MongoDB version 4.0. See the Transactions section of the MongoDB document.

Enabling event outbox

Enabling event outbox depends on your database provider.

Enabling event outbox for Entity Framework Core

Open your DbContext class, implement the IHasEventOutbox interface. You should end up by adding a DbSet property into your DbContext class:

public DbSet<OutgoingEventRecord> OutgoingEvents { get; set; }

Add the following lines inside the OnModelCreating method of your DbContext class:


Use the standard Add-Migration and Update-Database commands to apply changes into your database. If you want to use the command-line terminal, run the following commands in the root directory of the database integration project:

dotnet ef migrations add "Added_Event_Outbox"
dotnet ef database update

Finally, write the following configuration code inside the ConfigureServices method of your module class (replace YourDbContext with your own DbContext class):

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Outboxes.Configure(config =>

Enabling event outbox for MongoDB

Open your DbContext class, implement the IHasEventOutbox interface. You should end up by adding a IMongoCollection property into your DbContext class:

public IMongoCollection<OutgoingEventRecord> OutgoingEvents => Collection<OutgoingEventRecord>();

Add the following lines inside the CreateModel method of your DbContext class:


Finally, write the following configuration code inside the ConfigureServices method of your module class (replace YourDbContext with your own DbContext class):

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Outboxes.Configure(config =>

Distributed Locking for Outbox

IMPORTANT: Outbox sending service uses distributed locks to ensure only a single instance of your application consumes the outbox queue concurrently. Distributed locking key should be unique per database. The config object (in the options.Outboxes.Configure(...) method) has a DatabaseName property, which is used in the distributed lock key to ensure the uniqueness. DatabaseName is automatically set by the UseDbContext method, getting the database name from the ConnectionStringName attribute of the YourDbContext class. So, if you have multiple databases in your system, ensure that you use the same connection string name for the same database, but different connection string names for different databases. If you can't ensure that, you can manually set config.DatabaseName (after the UseDbContext line) to ensure that uniqueness.

Enabling event inbox

Enabling event inbox depends on your database provider.

Enabling event inbox for Entity Framework Core

Open your DbContext class, implement the IHasEventInbox interface. You should end up by adding a DbSet property into your DbContext class:

public DbSet<IncomingEventRecord> IncomingEvents { get; set; }

Add the following lines inside the OnModelCreating method of your DbContext class:


Use the standard Add-Migration and Update-Database commands to apply changes into your database. If you want to use the command-line terminal, run the following commands in the root directory of the database integration project:

dotnet ef migrations add "Added_Event_Inbox"
dotnet ef database update

Finally, write the following configuration code inside the ConfigureServices method of your module class (replace YourDbContext with your own DbContext class):

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Inboxes.Configure(config =>

Enabling event inbox for MongoDB

Open your DbContext class, implement the IHasEventInbox interface. You should end up by adding a IMongoCollection property into your DbContext class:

public IMongoCollection<IncomingEventRecord> IncomingEvents => Collection<IncomingEventRecord>();

Add the following lines inside the CreateModel method of your DbContext class:


Finally, write the following configuration code inside the ConfigureServices method of your module class (replace YourDbContext with your own DbContext class):

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Inboxes.Configure(config =>

Distributed Locking for Inbox

IMPORTANT: Inbox processing service uses distributed locks to ensure only a single instance of your application consumes the inbox queue concurrently. Distributed locking key should be unique per database. The config object (in the options.Inboxes.Configure(...) method) has a DatabaseName property, which is used in the distributed lock key to ensure the uniqueness. DatabaseName is automatically set by the UseDbContext method, getting the database name from the ConnectionStringName attribute of the YourDbContext class. So, if you have multiple databases in your system, ensure that you use the same connection string name for the same database, but different connection string names for different databases. If you can't ensure that, you can manually set config.DatabaseName (after the UseDbContext line) to ensure that uniqueness.

Additional Configuration

The default configuration will be enough for most cases. However, there are some options you may want to set for outbox and inbox.

Outbox configuration

Remember how outboxes are configured:

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Outboxes.Configure(config =>
        // TODO: Set options

Here, the following properties are available on the config object:

  • IsSendingEnabled (default: true): You can set to false to disable sending outbox events to the actual event bus. If you disable this, events can still be added to outbox, but not sent. This can be helpful if you have multiple applications (or application instances) writing to outbox, but use one of them to send the events.
  • Selector: A predicate to filter the event (ETO) types to be used for this configuration. Should return true to select the event. It selects all the events by default. This is especially useful if you want to ignore some ETO types from the outbox, or want to define named outbox configurations and group events within these configurations. See the Named Configurations section.
  • ImplementationType: Type of the class that implements the database operations for the outbox. This is normally set when you call UseDbContext as shown before. See Implementing a Custom Outbox/Inbox Database Provider section for advanced usages.
  • DatabaseName: Unique database name for the database that is used for this outbox configuration. See the IMPORTANT paragraph at the end of the Enabling event outbox/inbox sections.

Inbox configuration

Remember how inboxes are configured:

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Inboxes.Configure(config =>
        // TODO: Set options

Here, the following properties are available on the config object:

  • IsProcessingEnabled (default: true): You can set to false to disable processing (handling) events in the inbox. If you disable this, events can still be received, but not executed. This can be helpful if you have multiple applications (or application instances), but use one of them to execute the event handlers.
  • EventSelector: A predicate to filter the event (ETO) types to be used for this configuration. This is especially useful if you want to ignore some ETO types from the inbox, or want to define named inbox configurations and group events within these configurations. See the Named Configurations section.
  • HandlerSelector: A predicate to filter the event handled types (classes implementing the IDistributedEventHandler<TEvent> interface) to be used for this configuration. This is especially useful if you want to ignore some event handler types from inbox processing, or want to define named inbox configurations and group event handlers within these configurations. See the Named Configurations section.
  • ImplementationType: Type of the class that implements the database operations for the inbox. This is normally set when you call UseDbContext as shown before. See Implementing a Custom Outbox/Inbox Database Provider section for advanced usages.
  • DatabaseName: Unique database name for the database that is used for this outbox configuration. See the IMPORTANT paragraph at the end of the Enabling event inbox section.


AbpEventBusBoxesOptions can be used to fine-tune how inbox and outbox systems work. For most of the systems, using the defaults would be more than enough, but you can configure it to optimize your system when it is needed.

Just like all the options classes, AbpEventBusBoxesOptions can be configured in the ConfigureServices method of your module class as shown in the following code block:

Configure<AbpEventBusBoxesOptions>(options =>
    // TODO: configure the options

AbpEventBusBoxesOptions has the following properties to be configured:

  • BatchPublishOutboxEvents: Can be used to enable or disable batch publishing events to the message broker. Batch publishing works if it is supported by the distributed event bus provider. If not supported, events are sent one by one as the fallback logic. Keep it as enabled since it has a great performance gain wherever possible. Default value is true (enabled).
  • PeriodTimeSpan: The period of the inbox and outbox message processors to check if there is a new event in the database. Default value is 2 seconds (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)).
  • CleanOldEventTimeIntervalSpan: The event inbox system periodically checks and deletes the old processed events from the inbox in the database. You can set this value to determine the check period. Default value is 6 hours (TimeSpan.FromHours(6)).
  • WaitTimeToDeleteProcessedInboxEvents: Inbox events are not deleted from the database for a while even if they are successfully processed. This is for a system to prevent multiple process of the same event (if the event broker sends it twice). This configuration value determines the time to keep the processed events. Default value is 2 hours (TimeSpan.FromHours(2)).
  • InboxWaitingEventMaxCount: The maximum number of events to query at once from the inbox in the database. Default value is 1000.
  • OutboxWaitingEventMaxCount: The maximum number of events to query at once from the outbox in the database. Default value is 1000.
  • DistributedLockWaitDuration: ABP uses distributed locking to prevent concurrent access to the inbox and outbox messages in the database, when running multiple instance of the same application. If an instance of the application can not obtain the lock, it tries after a duration. This is the configuration of that duration. Default value is 15 seconds (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15)).

Skipping Outbox

IDistributedEventBus.PublishAsync method provides an optional parameter, useOutbox, which is set to true by default. If you bypass outbox and immediately publish an event, you can set it to false for a specific event publishing operation.

Advanced Topics

Named Configurations

All the concepts explained in this section is also valid for inbox configurations. We will show examples only for outbox to keep the document shorter.

See the following outbox configuration code:

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Outboxes.Configure(config =>

This is equivalent of the following code:

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Outboxes.Configure("Default", config =>

Default is this code indicates the configuration name. If you don't specify it (like in the previous code block), Default is used as the configuration name.

That means you can define more than one configuration for outbox (also for inbox) with different names. ABP runs all the configured outboxes.

Multiple outboxes can be needed if your application have more than one database and you want to run different outbox queues for different databases. In this case, you can use the Selector option to decide the events should be handled by an outbox. See the Additional Configurations section above.

Implementing a Custom Outbox/Inbox Database Provider

If your application or service is using a database provider other than EF Core and MongoDB, you should manually integrate outbox/inbox system with your database provider.

Outbox and Inbox table/data must be stored in the same database with your application's data (since we want to create a single database transaction that includes application's database operations and outbox/inbox table operations). Otherwise, you should care about distributed (multi-database) transaction support which is not provided by most of the vendors and may require additional configuration.

ABP provides IEventOutbox and IEventInbox abstractions as extension point for the outbox/inbox system. You can create classes by implementing these interfaces and register them to dependency injection.

Once you implement your custom event boxes, you can configure AbpDistributedEventBusOptions to use your event box classes:

Configure<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.Outboxes.Configure(config =>
        config.ImplementationType = typeof(MyOutbox); //Your Outbox class
    options.Inboxes.Configure(config =>
        config.ImplementationType = typeof(MyInbox); //Your Inbox class

See Also


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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