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Text Template Management Module (Pro)

You must have an ABP Team or a higher license to use this module.

This module is used to store and edit template contents for the text templating system of the ABP. So, you may need to understand it to better understand the purpose of this module.

There are different use cases of the text templating system. For example, the Account Module is using it to define templates for sending emails when it needs to send emails to users (like sending "password reset link" email). This module provides UI to easily edit these email templates.

See the module description page for an overview of the module features.

How to Install

Text Template Management module is pre-installed in the startup templates. So, no need to manually install it.

Existing Solutions

If you want to add the Text Template Management module to your existing solution, you can use the ABP CLI add-module command:

abp add-module Volo.TextTemplateManagement


This module follows the module development best practices guide and consists of several NuGet and NPM packages. See the guide if you want to understand the packages and relations between them.

You can visit Text Template Management module package list page to see list of packages related with this module.

User Interface

Menu Items

Text Template Management module adds the following items to the "Main" menu, under the "Administration" menu item:

  • Text Templates: List, view and filter text templates.

TextTemplateManagementMainMenuNames class has the constants for the menu item names.


Text Templates

Text Templates page is used to view the list of templates defined in the application.


Click to the Actions -> Edit Contents to edit content for a template. There are two types of UI to edit a template content:

Editing Content for Inline Localized Templates

This kind of templates uses the L function to perform inline localization. In this way, it is easier to manage the template for different cultures.


Editing Contents for Culture-Specific Templates

This kind of templates provides different content for each culture. In this way, you can define a completely different content for a specific culture.


Configure TextTemplateManagementOptions

TextTemplateManagementOptions can be used to configure the module. You can use the below code to configure it in the ConfigureServices method of your module (eg: BookStoreApplicationModule).

Configure<TextTemplateManagementOptions>(options =>
	options.MinimumCacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);


DatabaseTemplateContentContributor caches template contents to increase performance.

You can get cache store by injecting IDistributedCache<string, TemplateContentCacheKey>.

For more information, please check the Caching guide.


TemplateContentCacheKey is a special cache key for template contents.

It has TemplateDefinitionName and Culture properties.

Data Seed

This module doesn't seed any data.


Domain Layer


This module follows the Entity Best Practices & Conventions guide.

  • TextTemplateContent (aggregate root): Represents a content of text template.


This module follows the Repository Best Practices & Conventions guide.

Following custom repositories are defined for this module:

  • ITextTemplateContentRepository

Domain Services

This module follows the Domain Services Best Practices & Conventions guide.


DatabaseTemplateContentContributor is used by ITemplateContentProvider to get template contents that stored in DB and Cache.


This module doesn't define any setting.

Application Layer

Application Services

  • TemplateDefinitionAppService (implements ITemplateDefinitionAppService): Implements the use cases of the text template management UI.
  • TemplateContentAppService (implements ITemplateContentAppService): Implements the use cases of the text template management UI.

Database Providers


Table/Collection Prefix & Schema

All tables/collections use the Abp prefix by default. Set static properties on the TextTemplateManagementDbProperties class if you need to change the table prefix or set a schema name (if supported by your database provider).

Connection String

This module uses TextTemplateManagement for the connection string name. If you don't define a connection string with this name, it fallbacks to the Default connection string.

See the connection strings documentation for details.

Entity Framework Core

  • AbpTextTemplateContents


  • AbpTextTemplateContents


See the TextTemplateManagementPermissions class members for all permissions defined for this module.

Angular UI


In order to configure the application to use the TextTemplateManagementModule, you first need to import TextTemplateManagementConfigModule from @volo/ to root module. TextTemplateManagementConfigModule has a static forRoot method which you should call for a proper configuration.

// app.module.ts
import { TextTemplateManagementConfigModule } from '@volo/';

  imports: [
    // other imports
    // other imports
  // ...
export class AppModule {}

The TextTemplateManagementModule should be imported and lazy-loaded in your routing module. It has a static forLazy method for configuration. Available options are listed below. It is available for import from @volo/

// app-routing.module.ts
const routes: Routes = [
  // other route definitions
    path: 'text-template-management',
    loadChildren: () =>
      import('@volo/').then(m => m.TextTemplateManagementModule.forLazy(/* options here */)),

@NgModule(/* AppRoutingModule metadata */)
export class AppRoutingModule {}

If you have generated your project via the startup template, you do not have to do anything, because it already has both TextTemplateManagementConfigModule and TextTemplateManagementModule.


You can modify the look and behavior of the module pages by passing the following options to TextTemplateManagementModule.forLazy static method:

Services / Models

Text Template Management module services and models are generated via generate-proxy command of the ABP CLI. If you need the module's proxies, you can run the following command in the Angular project directory:

abp generate-proxy --module textTemplateManagement

Replaceable Components

eTextTemplateManagementComponents enum provides all replaceable component keys. It is available for import from @volo/

Please check Component Replacement document for details.

Remote Endpoint URL

The Text Template Management module remote endpoint URL can be configured in the environment files.

export const environment = {
  // other configurations
  apis: {
    default: {
      url: 'default url here',
    TextTemplateManagement: {
      url: 'Text Template Management remote url here'
    // other api configurations

The Text Template Management module remote URL configuration shown above is optional. If you don't set a URL, the default.url will be used as fallback.

Distributed Events

This module doesn't define any additional distributed event. See the standard distributed events.


Last updated: August 26, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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