

abp-alert is a main element to create an alert.

Basic usage:

<abp-alert alert-type="Primary">
    A simple primary alert—check it out!


See the alerts demo page to see it in action.



A value indicates the type of the alert. Should be one of the following values:

  • Default (default value)
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Success
  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Light
  • Dark


<abp-alert alert-type="Warning">
    A simple warning  alert—check it out!


A value provides matching colored links within any alert.


<abp-alert alert-type="Danger">
    A simple danger alert with <a abp-alert-link href="#">an example link</a>. Give it a click if you like.


A value to make the alert dismissible.


<abp-alert alert-type="Warning" dismissible="true">
    Holy guacamole! You should check in on some of those fields below.

Additional content

abp-alert can also contain additional HTML elements like headings, paragraphs and dividers.


<abp-alert alert-type="Success">
    <h4>Well done!</h4>
    <p>Aww yeah, you successfully read this important alert message. This example text is going to run a bit longer so that you can see how spacing within an alert works with this kind of content.</p>
    <p class="mb-0">Whenever you need to, be sure to use margin utilities to keep things nice and tidy.</p>


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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