

abp-nav is the basic tag helper component derived from bootstrap nav element.

Basic usage:

<abp-nav nav-style="Pill" align="Center">
<a abp-nav-link active="true" href="#">Active</a>
<a abp-nav-link href="#">Longer nav link</a>
<a abp-nav-link href="#">link</a>
<a abp-nav-link disabled="true" href="#">disabled</a>


See the navs demo page to see it in action.

abp-nav Attributes

  • nav-style: The value indicates the positioning and style of the containing items. Should be one of the following values:
    • Default (default value)
    • Vertical
    • Pill
    • PillVertical
  • align: The value indicates the alignment of the containing items:
    • Default (default value)
    • Start
    • Center
    • End

abp-nav-bar Attributes

  • nav-style: The value indicates the color layout of the base navigation bar. Should be one of the following values:
    • Default (default value)
    • Dark
    • Light
    • Dark_Primary
    • Dark_Secondary
    • Dark_Success
    • Dark_Danger
    • Dark_Warning
    • Dark_Info
    • Dark_Dark
    • Dark_Link
    • Light_Primary
    • Light_Secondary
    • Light_Success
    • Light_Danger
    • Light_Warning
    • Light_Info
    • Light_Dark
    • Light_Link
  • size: The value indicates size of the base navigation bar. Should be one of the following values:
    • Default (default value)
    • Sm
    • Md
    • Lg
    • Xl

abp-nav-item Attributes

dropdown: A value that sets the navigation item to be a dropdown menu if provided. Can be one of the following values:

  • false (default value)
  • true


<abp-nav-bar size="Lg" navbar-style="Dark_Warning">
    <a abp-navbar-brand href="#">Navbar</a>
            <abp-nav-item active="true">
                <a abp-nav-link href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>
                <a abp-nav-link href="#">Link</a>
            <abp-nav-item dropdown="true">
                    <abp-dropdown-button nav-link="true" text="Dropdown" />
                        <abp-dropdown-header>Dropdown header</abp-dropdown-header>
                        <abp-dropdown-item href="#" active="true">Action</abp-dropdown-item>
                        <abp-dropdown-item href="#" disabled="true">Another disabled action</abp-dropdown-item>
                        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Something else here</abp-dropdown-item>
                        <abp-dropdown-divider />
                        <abp-dropdown-item href="#">Separated link</abp-dropdown-item>
                <a abp-nav-link disabled="true" href="#">Disabled</a>
        <span abp-navbar-text>
          Sample Text


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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