Switching Between Organization Units
In most companies, a user belongs to more than one organization. Also, in some applications, we need to filter the data shown depending on the logged-in user's organization. For such scenarios, allowing users to select one of the organizations they belong to is a good practice.
Creating a Data Filter with Organization Units
First, we need to create a data filter that filters data based on the organization unit.
The IHasOrganization
interface is used to define the organization unit property in the entity classes, and used to filter the data based on the organization unit.
public interface IHasOrganization
public Guid? OrganizationId { get; set; }
public class Book : AggregateRoot<Guid>, IHasOrganization
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Isbn { get; set; }
public Guid? OrganizationId { get; set; }
Entity Framework Core DbContext Implementation
We will override the ShouldFilterEntity
and CreateFilterExpression
methods in the BookStoreDbContext
class to configure the data filter for the entity that implements the IHasOrganization
public class BookStoreDbContext : AbpDbContext<BookStoreDbContext>
// Your others DbSet properties...
public DbSet<Book> Books { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
// Your configure code...
builder.Entity<Book>(b =>
b.ToTable(BookStoreConsts.DbTablePrefix + "Book", BookStoreConsts.DbSchema);
public CurrentOrganizationIdProvider CurrentOrganizationIdProvider => LazyServiceProvider.LazyGetRequiredService<CurrentOrganizationIdProvider>();
protected override bool ShouldFilterEntity<TEntity>(IMutableEntityType entityType)
if (typeof(IHasOrganization).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)))
return true;
return base.ShouldFilterEntity<TEntity>(entityType);
protected override Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
var expression = base.CreateFilterExpression<TEntity>(modelBuilder);
if (typeof(IHasOrganization).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TEntity)))
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> hasOrganizationIdFilter = e => EF.Property<Guid>(e, "OrganizationId") == CurrentOrganizationIdProvider.CurrentOrganizationId;
expression = expression == null ? hasOrganizationIdFilter : QueryFilterExpressionHelper.CombineExpressions(expression, hasOrganizationIdFilter);
return expression;
The CurrentOrganizationIdProvider
This class is used to get the current organization id
, We will use the AsyncLocal
class to store the current organization id
, The Change
method is used to change the current organization id
. This service is registered as a singleton service.
public class CurrentOrganizationIdProvider : ISingletonDependency
private readonly AsyncLocal<Guid?> _currentOrganizationId = new AsyncLocal<Guid?>();
public Guid? CurrentOrganizationId => _currentOrganizationId.Value;
public virtual IDisposable Change(Guid? organizationId)
var parent = CurrentOrganizationId;
_currentOrganizationId.Value = organizationId;
return new DisposeAction(() =>
_currentOrganizationId.Value = parent;
Domain Service Implementation
We will store the current organization id
in the cache for the logged-in user. at the same time, we want to store it per browser. So we also add the different browser info for every logged-in user.
In the BrowserInfoClaimsPrincipalContributor
class, We add a random BrowserInfo
claim to the logged-in user. And we will use user id
and browser info
as a cache key.
public static class CurrentUserExtensions
public static Guid? GetBrowserInfo(this ICurrentUser currentUser)
var claimValue = currentUser.FindClaimValue("BrowserInfo");
if (claimValue != null && Guid.TryParse(claimValue, out var result))
return result;
return null;
public class BrowserInfoClaimsPrincipalContributor : IAbpClaimsPrincipalContributor, ITransientDependency
public Task ContributeAsync(AbpClaimsPrincipalContributorContext context)
var identity = context.ClaimsPrincipal.Identities.FirstOrDefault();
identity?.AddClaim(new Claim("BrowserInfo", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()));
return Task.CompletedTask;
Application Service Implementation
The CurrentOrganizationAppService
to get/change the current organization for the logged-in user. BookAppService
to get the books based on the current organization id
public class CurrentOrganizationAppService : BookStoreAppService, ICurrentOrganizationAppService
private readonly IdentityUserManager _identityUserManager;
private readonly IDistributedCache<CurrentOrganizationIdCacheItem> _cache;
public CurrentOrganizationAppService(IdentityUserManager identityUserManager, IDistributedCache<CurrentOrganizationIdCacheItem> cache)
_identityUserManager = identityUserManager;
_cache = cache;
public virtual async Task<List<OrganizationDto>> GetOrganizationListAsync()
var user = await _identityUserManager.FindByIdAsync(CurrentUser.GetId().ToString());
var organizationUnits = await _identityUserManager.GetOrganizationUnitsAsync(user);
return organizationUnits.Select(ou => new OrganizationDto
Id = ou.Id,
DisplayName = ou.DisplayName
public virtual async Task<Guid?> GetCurrentOrganizationIdAsync()
var cacheKey = CurrentUser.Id.ToString() + ":" + CurrentUser.GetBrowserInfo();
return (await _cache.GetAsync(cacheKey))?.OrganizationId;
public virtual async Task ChangeAsync(Guid? organizationId)
var cacheKey = CurrentUser.Id.ToString() + ":" + CurrentUser.GetBrowserInfo();
await _cache.SetAsync(cacheKey, new CurrentOrganizationIdCacheItem
OrganizationId = organizationId
public class BookAppService : BookStoreAppService, IBookAppService
private readonly IBasicRepository<Book, Guid> _bookRepository;
public BookAppService(IBasicRepository<Book, Guid> bookRepository)
_bookRepository = bookRepository;
public virtual async Task<List<BookDto>> GetListAsync()
var books = await _bookRepository.GetListAsync();
return books.Select(book => new BookDto
Id = book.Id,
Name = book.Name,
Isbn = book.Isbn,
OrganizationId = book.OrganizationId
Seed Sample Data
Let's seed some sample data for the Book
and Organization
We added two organization units, USA Branch
and Turkey Branch
, and some books to each organization unit. Also, we added the admin
user to both organization units.
public class BooksDataSeedContributor : IDataSeedContributor, ITransientDependency
public Guid UsaBranchId = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001");
public Guid TurkeyBranchId = Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002");
private readonly IBasicRepository<Book, Guid> _bookRepository;
private readonly OrganizationUnitManager _organizationUnitManager;
private readonly IOrganizationUnitRepository _organizationUnitRepository;
private readonly IdentityUserManager _identityUserManager;
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager;
public BooksDataSeedContributor(
IBasicRepository<Book, Guid> bookRepository,
OrganizationUnitManager organizationUnitManager,
IOrganizationUnitRepository organizationUnitRepository,
IdentityUserManager identityUserManager,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager)
_bookRepository = bookRepository;
_organizationUnitManager = organizationUnitManager;
_organizationUnitRepository = organizationUnitRepository;
_identityUserManager = identityUserManager;
_unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;
public virtual async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context)
using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
var usa = await _organizationUnitRepository.FindAsync(UsaBranchId);
if (usa == null)
await _organizationUnitManager.CreateAsync(new OrganizationUnit(UsaBranchId, "USA Branch"));
var turkey = await _organizationUnitRepository.FindAsync(TurkeyBranchId);
if (turkey == null)
await _organizationUnitManager.CreateAsync(new OrganizationUnit(TurkeyBranchId, "Turkey Branch"));
await uow.SaveChangesAsync();
var admin = await _identityUserManager.FindByNameAsync("admin");
Check.NotNull(admin, "admin");
await _identityUserManager.AddToOrganizationUnitAsync(admin.Id, UsaBranchId);
await _identityUserManager.AddToOrganizationUnitAsync(admin.Id, TurkeyBranchId);
if (await _bookRepository.GetCountAsync() <= 0)
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(new Book
Name = "1984",
Isbn = "978-0451524935",
OrganizationId = UsaBranchId
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(new Book
Name = "Animal Farm",
Isbn = "978-0451526342",
OrganizationId = UsaBranchId
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(new Book
Name = "Brave New World",
Isbn = "978-0060850524",
OrganizationId = UsaBranchId
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(new Book
Name = "Fahrenheit 451",
Isbn = "978-1451673319",
OrganizationId = TurkeyBranchId
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(new Book
Name = "The Catcher in the Rye",
Isbn = "978-0316769488",
OrganizationId = TurkeyBranchId
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(new Book
Name = "To Kill a Mockingbird",
Isbn = "978-0061120084",
OrganizationId = TurkeyBranchId
await uow.CompleteAsync();
Web Page Implementation
We will add a dropdown list to the top right corner of the page to allow users to select the organization they belong to. When the dropdown list changes, we will call the application service api to change the current organization id
public class OrganizationUnitComponent : AbpViewComponent
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
var currentOrganizationAppService = LazyServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICurrentOrganizationAppService>();
var organizationDtos = await currentOrganizationAppService.GetOrganizationListAsync();
var currentOrganizationId = await currentOrganizationAppService.GetCurrentOrganizationIdAsync();
return View("/Components/OrganizationUnits/Default.cshtml", new OrganizationUnitComponentModel
CurrentOrganizationId = currentOrganizationId,
OrganizationDtos = organizationDtos
public class OrganizationUnitComponentModel
public Guid? CurrentOrganizationId { get; set; }
public List<OrganizationDto> OrganizationDtos { get; set; }
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bundling.TagHelpers
@model BookStore.Web.Components.OrganizationUnits.OrganizationUnitComponentModel
<div class="dropstart">
<a href="#" class="btn mt-2" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" type="button">
<i class="fa fa-city m-auto"></i>
<ul class="dropdown-menu p-0" style="width: 200px">
<div class="list-group">
@foreach (var ou in Model.OrganizationDtos)
<button type="button" onclick="setOrganizationUnitId('@ou.Id')" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action @(ou.Id == Model.CurrentOrganizationId ? "active" : "")">@ou.DisplayName</button>
function setOrganizationUnitId(id) {
bookStore.currentOrganization.currentOrganization.change(id).then(function () {
Add the OrganizationUnitComponent
to the toolbar.
public class BookStoreToolbarContributor : IToolbarContributor
public virtual Task ConfigureToolbarAsync(IToolbarConfigurationContext context)
// ...
if (context.Toolbar.Name == StandardToolbars.Main)
context.Toolbar.Items.Add(new ToolbarItem(typeof(OrganizationUnitComponent)).RequireAuthenticated());
return Task.CompletedTask;
In addition, we also need to add a middleware after UseAuthorization
to change the current organization id
app.Use(async (httpContext, next) =>
var currentUser = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ICurrentUser>();
var cacheKey = currentUser.Id.ToString() + ":" + currentUser.GetBrowserInfo();
var cache = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IDistributedCache<CurrentOrganizationIdCacheItem>>();
var cacheItem = await cache.GetAsync(cacheKey);
if (cacheItem != null)
var currentOrganizationIdProvider = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<CurrentOrganizationIdProvider>();
await next(httpContext);
// ...
The Index
page will show the books based on the current organization id
public class IndexModel : BookStorePageModel
public List<BookDto> Books { get; set; } = new List<BookDto>();
public string? OrganizationName { get; set; }
protected readonly IBookAppService BookAppService;
protected readonly ICurrentOrganizationAppService CurrentOrganizationAppService;
protected readonly IOrganizationUnitRepository OrganizationUnitRepository;
public IndexModel(
IBookAppService bookAppService,
ICurrentOrganizationAppService currentOrganizationAppService,
IOrganizationUnitRepository organizationUnitRepository)
BookAppService = bookAppService;
CurrentOrganizationAppService = currentOrganizationAppService;
OrganizationUnitRepository = organizationUnitRepository;
public async Task OnGetAsync()
if (CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated)
var currentOrganizationId = await CurrentOrganizationAppService.GetCurrentOrganizationIdAsync();
if (currentOrganizationId.HasValue)
OrganizationName = (await OrganizationUnitRepository.GetAsync(currentOrganizationId.Value)).DisplayName;
Books = await BookAppService.GetListAsync();
@model BookStore.Web.Pages.IndexModel
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
@using BookStore.Localization
@inject IHtmlLocalizer<BookStoreResource> L
@if (!Model.OrganizationName.IsNullOrEmpty())
<h5>The books belonging to @Model.OrganizationName organization</h5>
<ul class="list-group">
@foreach(var book in Model.Books)
<li class="list-group-item">Book Name: @book.Name, ISBN: @book.Isbn</li>
Final UI
The final UI will look like this:
The index page will show empty if the current organization id is not set.
After selecting the organization unit, the index page will show the books based on the selected organization unit.
In this blog post. We showd simple implementation of switching between organization units. You can extend this implementation to meet your requirements.
After ABP 8.3 we introduced User-defined function mapping feature for global filters which will gain performance improvements.
Kirti Kulkarni 23 weeks ago
This is good @maliming
Liming Ma 23 weeks ago
Thanks : )
Thanh Vo Le 22 weeks ago
Can you write more 1 post about switching tenant ?
Engincan Veske 22 weeks ago
Great post, thanks @maliming
Hayyan Daoud 13 weeks ago
Great article, very helpful. Thanks @maliming!
Furkan Kara 7 weeks ago
Hi, I tried to implement such a case like this article. I have created all structure like your example. But I failed to inject provider class. I got LazyServiceProvider property as null in DbContext class. How can I inject this custom provider? Do I need to configure some code in module class? My Dbcontext configurations are like this:
Liming Ma 7 weeks ago
hi Furkan Kara
Can you share your current test project to GitHub? I will check it.