.Net Core microservice application with ABP - Distributed Event Bus - Part 9
In this post, we will see how to set up service-to-service communication. We will use rabbitmq as an event bus. Each service will have a RabbitMQ configuration and ABP comes with the inbuilt support to use the RabbitMQ for events. The packages is already available in the shared project we created in part 2 and we just have to add the configuration in the app settings and implement the events.
Benth Janes 95 weeks ago
Thanks a lot for the helpful information you bring. Hope you will always give everyone as many great posts as possible in the future. euchre online
otis5842@gmail.com 94 weeks ago
A distributed event bus is a pattern used to allow communication between different microservices in a decoupled manner.
JudkinsEugene 90 weeks ago
thank You!!!
zeldar53179507@gmail.com 84 weeks ago
combining elegance and beauty in a remarkable way