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ContentStrategy is an abstract class exposed by @abp/ng.core package. It helps you create inline scripts or styles.



  public content: string,
  protected domStrategy?: DomStrategy,
  protected contentSecurityStrategy?: ContentSecurityStrategy
  • content is set to <script> and <style> elements as textContent property.
  • domStrategy is the DomStrategy that will be used when inserting the created element. (default: AppendToHead)
  • contentSecurityStrategy is the ContentSecurityStrategy that will be used on the created element before inserting it. (default: None)

Please refer to DomStrategy and ContentSecurityStrategy documentation for their usage.


createElement(): HTMLScriptElement | HTMLStyleElement

This method creates and returns a <script> or <style> element with content set as textContent.


insertElement(): void

This method creates and inserts a <script> or <style> element.


ScriptContentStrategy is a class that extends ContentStrategy. It lets you insert a <script> element to the DOM.


StyleContentStrategy is a class that extends ContentStrategy. It lets you insert a <style> element to the DOM.

Predefined Content Strategies

Predefined content strategies are accessible via CONTENT_STRATEGY constant.


CONTENT_STRATEGY.AppendScriptToBody(content: string)

Creates a <script> element with the given content and places it at the end of <body> tag in the document.


CONTENT_STRATEGY.AppendScriptToHead(content: string)

Creates a <script> element with the given content and places it at the end of <head> tag in the document.


CONTENT_STRATEGY.AppendStyleToHead(content: string)

Creates a <style> element with the given content and places it at the end of <head> tag in the document.


CONTENT_STRATEGY.PrependStyleToHead(content: string)

Creates a <style> element with the given content and places it at the beginning of <head> tag in the document.

See Also


Last updated: April 07, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub

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