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Entity Action Extensions for Angular UI


Entity action extension system allows you to add a new action to the action menu for an entity. A "Click Me" action was added to the user management page below:


You can take any action (open a modal, make an HTTP API call, redirect to another page... etc) by writing your custom code. You can access to the current entity in your code.

How to Set Up

In this example, we will add a "Click Me!" action and execute a JavaScript code for the user management page of the Identity Module.

Step 1. Create Entity Action Contributors

The following code prepares a constant named identityActionContributors, ready to be imported and used in your root module:

// entity-action-contributors.ts

import { ActionList, EntityAction } from '@volo/abp.commercial.ng.ui';
import { Identity } from '@volo/abp.ng.identity';
import { IdentityActionContributors } from '@volo/abp.ng.identity.config';

const alertUserName = new EntityAction<Identity.User>({
  text: 'Click Me!',
  action: data => {
    // Replace alert with your custom code

export function alertUserNameContributor(actionList: ActionList<Identity.User>) {

export const identityActionContributors: IdentityActionContributors = {
  // 'Identity.UsersComponent' indicates where this action will be placed
  'Identity.UsersComponent': [
    // You can add more contributors here

The list of actions, conveniently named as actionList, is a doubly linked list. That is why we have used the addTail method, which adds the given value to the end of the list. You may find all available methods here.

Important Note: AoT compilation does not support function calls in decorator metadata. This is why we have defined alertUserNameContributor as an exported function declaration here. Please do not forget exporting your contributor callbacks and forget about lambda functions (a.k.a. arrow functions). Please refer to AoT metadata errors for details.

Step 2. Import and Use Entity Action Contributors

Import identityActionContributors in your root module and pass it to the static forRoot method of IdentityConfigModule as seen below:

import { IdentityConfigModule } from '@volo/abp.ng.identity.config';
import { getIdentityActionContributors } from './entity-action-contributors';

  imports: [
    // Other imports
      entityActionContributors: identityActionContributors,
    // Other imports
  providers: [],
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}

That is it, alertUserName entity action will be added as the last action on the grid dropdown in the users page (UsersComponent) of the IdentityModule.


EntityData<R = any>

EntityData is the shape of the parameter passed to all callbacks or predicates in an EntityAction.

It has the following properties:

  • record is the row data, i.e. current value rendered in the table.

  • index is the table index where the record is at.

  • getInjected is the equivalent of Injector.get. You can use it to reach injected dependencies of GridActionsComponent, including, but not limited to, its parent component.

      text: 'Click Me!',
      action: data => {
        const restService = data.getInjected(RestService);
        // Use restService public props and methods here
      visible: data => {
        const usersComponent = data.getInjected(UsersComponent);
        // Use usersComponent public props and methods here

EntityActionOptions<R = any>

EntityActionOptions is the type that defines required and optional properties you have to pass in order to create an entity action.

Its type definition is as follows:

type EntityActionOptions<R = any> = {
  action: EntityActionCallback<R>;
  text: string;
  icon?: string;
  permission?: string;
  visible?: EntityActionPredicate<R>;

As you see, passing action and text is enough to create an entity action. Here is what each property is good for:

  • action is a callback that is called when the grid action is clicked. (required)
  • text is the button text which will be localized. (required)
  • icon is the classes that define an icon to be placed before the text. (default: '')
  • permission is the permission context which will be used to decide if this type of grid action should be displayed to the user or not. (default: undefined)
  • visible is a predicate that will be used to decide if the current record should have this grid action or not. (default: () => true)

You may find a full example below.

EntityAction<R = any>

EntityAction is the class that defines your entity actions. It takes an EntityActionOptions and sets the default values to the properties, creating an entity action that can be passed to an entity contributor.

const options: EntityActionOptions<Identity.User> = {
  action: data => {
    const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent);
  text: 'AbpIdentity::Unlock',
  icon: 'fa fa-unlock',
  permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update',
  visible: data => !data.record.isLockedOut,

const action = new EntityAction<Identity.User>(options);

It also has two static methods to create its instances:

  • EntityAction.create<R = any>(options: EntityActionOptions<R>) is used to create an instance of EntityAction.
  • EntityAction.createMany<R = any>(options: EntityActionOptions<R>[]) is used to create multiple instances of EntityAction with given array of EntityActionOptions.

ActionList<R = any>

ActionList is the list of actions passed to every action contributor callback as the first parameter named actionList. It is a doubly linked list. You may find all available methods here.

The items in the list will be displayed according to the liked list order, i.e. from head to tail. If you want to re-order them, all you have to do is something like this:

export function reorderUserContributors(actionList: ActionList<Identity.User>) {
  const unlockActionNode = actionList.dropByValue(
    (action, text) => action.text === text,

EntityActionContributorCallback<R = any>

EntityActionContributorCallback is the type that you can pass as entity action contributor callbacks to static forRoot methods of the modules.

// app.module.ts

export function lockUserContributor(actionList: ActionList<Identity.User>) {
  // lockUser should have EntityActionContributorCallback<Identity.User> type

  imports: [
    // Other imports
      entityActionContributors: {
        'Identity.UsersComponent': [ lockUserContributor ],
    // Other imports
  providers: [],
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}


Last updated: March 31, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub

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