Activities of "nhontran"

Hi @liangshiwei, Thanks for your prompt reply.

I saw this statement in the migration guide:

"The Identity Server team has decided to move to Duende IDS and ABP will not be migrated to the commercial Duende IDS. "

If ABP does not migrate to the commercial Duende IDS, how can you support it if we encounter any issues? Additionally, will the next release of ABP be compatible with the commercial Duende IDS?

Hi @maliming, yes, I know that IDS support has been ended in 2022, just want to know if ABP continues to ship IDS-related packages in ABP 8?

Hi @maliming,

Noted. Thanks for the support.

Hi @maliming,

I have sent you the api-definition file via email as requested.


Hi @maliming,

I have upgraded to the latest version and got this error:

Hi @maliming, following your steps, I managed to add the custom claim into id token.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi @maliming,

I have shared you the source code via email.


Api Resources:

Api scopes:

Identity Resources:

Please let me know if you require any further info.


Hi maliming,

ok, noted on this. Thanks for your support.

Hi maliming,

Thanks for the fix, it is working now.

But may I know why do we need the AddHangfireServer? it is not included in the documentation:

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.0.0-preview Updated on September 19, 2024, 10:13