I'm implementing the use of Spatial Data on my solution for Geometry/Polygon properties, using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.NetTopologySuite 9.0.0 package. When I add the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.NetTopologySuite package on needed projects, the identity login doesn't work anymore (using the correct user and password). Actualy, if I add the package even only on Web project the problem come. Remove the package and the identity Works fine again.
I try to separate the Identity DbContext from the App DbContext and use the **UseNetTopologySuite() **method only on App DbContext, (EntityFrameworkCore project) however, login still doesn't work.
Is there any wayl to deal with this problem?
7 Answer(s)
Can you please share error logs so that I can better assist you.
Hi Anjali. There is no errors. No Exceptions. It happens like if we are using a wrong password. I though it was about the UseNetTopologySuite() method and try to separate the db contexts, as mentioned, but it stilll does not work. Even without using the UseNetTopologySuite() method. I update a project without changes to test and just add the package and the problem happens. Remove the package it works fine
hi junio
Enable debug logs and reproduce the problem, then share the
file with liming.ma@volosoft.comhttps://abp.io/support/questions/8622/How-to-enable-Debug-logs-for-troubleshoot-problems
I've check the steps and enable the logs and still doesn'd log any errors.
However I've notice that the problem was happening only on 8.3.2 version of ABP framework. I updated my solution to 9.0.3 version and the issue is gone.
It is probably an issue on 8.3.2 version.
ok, You can use 9.x to solve the problem.
But you can share the normal
logs.I will check if it contains any abnormal info.
I can share the 8.3.2 solution with you by email, if you want. As I said there is no information on the log file.
ok since the problem has been solved I no need the logs anymore.