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ABP Year Review 2022 Wrap Up

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1 year ago, 3384 views, 1 comments
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ABP Framework is an open source infrastructure that enables developers to create modern web applications by following the best practices and conventions of software development. In 2022, ABP Framework continued to thrive, achieving significant milestones and making waves in the software development community. With more than 9K GitHub stars and over 10 millions of downloads on NuGet, ABP Framework has become a go-to framework for developers seeking a reliable and efficient way to build web applications.

As ABP Team, we owe our success to our vibrant community, and we are immensely grateful for the support and contributions of each and every member. With your help, we achieved a lot in 2022. We remained committed to our values of transparency, openness, and collaboration, engaging with our community members as much as possible to ensure that we are creating a framework that meets their needs.

One of the major highlights of 2022 was the release of .NET Core 7, which provided a powerful platform for ABP Framework to build upon. Additionally, ABP Commercial and our training programs continued to help developers and businesses to leverage the power of the ABP Framework, enabling them to build modern web applications more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the key highlights of 2022 for ABP Framework, from major updates to achivements and the community insights. We are excited to share our progress with you and provide insights into how ABP Framework is continuing to shape the future of software development. So, let's dive in!

NuGet Downloads

NuGet is a package manager designed specifically for the .NET ecosystem. It simplifies the process of creating and consuming packages, thanks to the NuGet client tools. By using these tools, developers can easily manage their project dependencies and improve their workflow.

In 2022, ABP Core NuGet package reached more than 10 million of downloads!

On the other hand, overall Volosoft NuGet Packages reached more than half a billion downloads!

Thank you all for your interest and support towards Volosoft and ABP packages.


Our published e-book amount is reached 3! This year, with our founder Halil İbrahim Kalkan's contributions we now have 3 published e-books.

Tutorial Videos

In 2022, we tried to be as much active as we could. To give you more insight and let you understand ABP Framework with short videos according to your interests, we published 48 tutorial videos. Though the videos were created by overall team members of ABP Framework, someone deserves a special mention here. Shout out to our ABP Core Team member Hamza Albreem for his hard work.

GitHub Stars

ABP Framework GitHub repository reached more than 9K stars. We appreciate your interest and support for ABP Framework GitHub repository. We are working hard to be worthy of your interest and reach out to more people to simplify and streamline their development processes.

Community Talks

ABP Community Talks is our monthly event that brings together members of the ABP Framework community to discuss and exchange ideas. Prior to each event, we collect suggestions from our contributors, monitor trending topics in the industry, and review updates and news related to the ABP Platform to curate the topics for discussion. Once the topics are finalized, we announce them through our social media and community channels to ensure everyone is aware and can join in on the conversation.

We did 10 ABP Community Talks Episodes of and 1 ABP Suite webinar. You can take a look at them and check out our videos we have on Volosoft YouTube Channel.

ABP Community Contributions

The ABP Community is a hub that offers resources such as articles, video tutorials, and updates on ABP's development progress and events for ABP Framework, .NET, and software development. Developers can also connect with others, help each other, and share their expertise in ABP Community.

    You can check out each source from the list below.
  • ABP Community Events: You can reach them from here.
  • ABP Community Posts: You can reach them from here
  • ABP Community Videos: You can reach them from here.
  • ABP Community Stackoverflow: You can reach them from here.

In 2022, the community's contribution reached a point where more than 100 resources. Thank you for all your effort! Please keep it going! It is becoming a more and more rich resource thanks to your variety of contributions and help.

ABP Community Discord Server

To take community interaction to the next level, we created the official ABP Discord server, providing a platform for the ABP Community to connect and communicate instantly through chatting.

We were so excited announcing the official ABP Discord Server. In the first week of announcing it, the server quickly attracted over 500 members. We're grateful for your interest and support, which confirms the need for a dedicated platform for community interaction.

> Join ABP Discord Server Now

ABP Framework GitHub Contributions

In 2022, ABP Core Team worked hard to achieve milestones and give the best value with ABP Framework so users can benefit from its features. Additional to our team's work, ABP Framework is perfected in 2022 with ABP Community members' contributions, 3157 commits pushed from 48 different contributors.

We appreciate your hard work and effort you put into making ABP Framework better and improved.


We try to contribute to the developers community as much as we can since day 1. This year was no different. We tried to give value through sponsorships for developer communities. Especially with us leaving the pandemic behind every day, we try to keep up with the in-person events as well as online events. We plan to do more in next year. So, stay tuned!

This year, we sponsored to 4 events. They were, DevNot Designing Monolith First for Microservice Architecture event, DNF Summit 2022, Developer Summit 2022, and .NET Conference 2022.

ABP Releases

ABP Framework released 4 versions from 5.1 to 7.1 in 2022. You can check the release logs from ABP Framework Release Logs.

The most important milestone in these releases is that we upgraded ABP Framework to .NET 7.0 in ABP v7.0.

Additionally, we switched to OpenIddict for the startup templates in ABP v6.0.

ABP Commercial

It has been a successful year for ABP Commercial as well as ABP Framework. We have already reached to more than 100 countries over the years of ABP Commercial's release. This year, we continued to be streamline businesses' development processes with ABP Commercial.

  • We have served to different sizes of businesses from more than 50 countries and more than 40 industries .
  • We performed 286 hours of training to simplify users' learning curve of ABP Framework.
  • 1771 support tickets resolved in the premium support forum in which ABP Commercial users can ask their questions directly to ABP Core Team members via ABP Commercial Support Center in addition to community support we provide for ABP Framework users/developers.
  • We received 39 new testimonials, all from satisfied customers which led us to the other headline, Gartner Badges.

LeptonX Theme

The Lepton Theme is a module that offers a theme for abp.io-based applications, featuring an Admin Dashboard designed by the ABP Platform. We released a version we called LeptonX Theme which is an upgraded version of Lepton Theme. You can view a live preview of the LeptonX Theme. While the LeptonX theme is currently exclusive to ABP Commercial users, ABP Framework users can still access the Lite version. You can see the documentation for ABP LeptonX Theme light from here.

Gartner Badges

Gartner badges are given as an award to the listed softwares within their software review/suggestion platforms. To be able to get these awards, certain criterias have to be met such as ease of use, likelihood of recommend, functionality, etc. and they are calculated completely according to the users' real reviews.

In 2022, ABP Commercial reached to such success thanks to its users' support on Gartner, it has been recognized with 2 badges in Application Development category.

Thank you all for all these recognition you deemed us worthy of.


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hothsv 1 year ago

Keep up the amazing work

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