ABP Suite Webinar 2024 Demo: Demonstrating Master/Detail Relationship & Preserving Custom Code

This webinar discusses ABP Suite's latest features, like master & detail tables and custom code preserve options. We also talked about how ABP Suite helps your daily development with CRUD page generation. The webinar was held on January 18, 2024 and we answered questions from the chat. 📺 Watch the full episode at https://youtube.com/live/0CJxCfhAyiA

houxiao 33 weeks ago


Jacobjsdhfg 30 weeks ago

Thank you for sharing this information about ABP Essentials - Interception and their approach to interception using aspect-oriented programming! It sounds like an interesting topic worth exploring further.

houxiao 33 weeks ago


graduallysteam 21 weeks ago

I appreciate you giving this ABP Essentials knowledge.