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Config State

ConfigStateService is a singleton service, i.e. provided in root level of your application, and is actually a façade for interacting with application configuration state in the Store.

Before Use

In order to use the ConfigStateService you must inject it in your class as a dependency.

import { ConfigStateService } from '@abp/ng.core';

  /* class metadata here */
class DemoComponent {
  constructor(private config: ConfigStateService) {}

You do not have to provide the ConfigStateService at module or component/directive level, because it is already provided in root.

Selector Methods

ConfigStateService has numerous selector methods which allow you to get a specific configuration or all configurations from the Store.

How to Get All Configurations From the Store

You can use the getAll method of ConfigStateService to get all of the configuration object from the store. It is used as follows:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const config = this.config.getAll();

How to Get a Specific Configuration From the Store

You can use the getOne method of ConfigStateService to get a specific configuration property from the store. For that, the property name should be passed to the method as parameter.

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const currentUser = this.config.getOne("currentUser");

On occasion, you will probably want to be more specific than getting just the current user. For example, here is how you can get the tenantId:

const tenantId = this.config.getDeep("currentUser.tenantId");

or by giving an array of keys as parameter:

const tenantId = this.config.getDeep(["currentUser", "tenantId"]);

FYI, getDeep is able to do everything getOne does. Just keep in mind that getOne is slightly faster.

Config State Properties

Please refer to Config.State type for all the properties you can get with getOne and getDeep. It can be found in the config.ts file.

How to Get the Application Information From the Store

The getApplicationInfo method is used to get the application information from the environment variables stored as the config state. This is how you can use it:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const appInfo = this.config.getApplicationInfo();

This method never returns undefined or null and returns an empty object literal ({}) instead. In other words, you will never get an error when referring to the properties of appInfo above.

Application Information Properties

Please refer to Config.Application type for all the properties you can get with getApplicationInfo. It can be found in the config.ts file.

How to Get API URL From the Store

The getApplicationInfo method is used to get a specific API URL from the environment variables stored as the config state. This is how you can use it:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const apiUrl = this.config.getApiUrl();
// environment.apis.default.url

const searchUrl = this.config.getApiUrl("search");
// environment.apis.search.url

This method returns the url of a specific API based on the key given as its only parameter. If there is no key, 'default' is used.

How to Get All Settings From the Store

You can use the getSettings method of ConfigStateService to get all of the settings object from the configuration state. Here is how you get all settings:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const settings = this.config.getSettings();

In addition, the method lets you search settings by passing a keyword to it.

const localizationSettings = this.config.getSettings("Localization");
	'Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguage': 'en'

Beware though, settings search is case sensitive.

How to Get a Specific Setting From the Store

You can use the getSetting method of ConfigStateService to get a specific setting from the configuration state. Here is an example:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const defaultLang = this.config.getSetting("Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguage");
// 'en'

How to Get a Specific Permission From the Store

You can use the getGrantedPolicy method of ConfigStateService to get a specific permission from the configuration state. For that, you should pass a policy key as parameter to the method.

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const hasIdentityPermission = this.config.getGrantedPolicy("Abp.Identity");
// true

You may also combine policy keys to fine tune your selection:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const hasIdentityAndAccountPermission = this.config.getGrantedPolicy(
  "Abp.Identity && Abp.Account"
// false

const hasIdentityOrAccountPermission = this.config.getGrantedPolicy(
  "Abp.Identity || Abp.Account"
// true

Please consider the following rules when creating your permission selectors:

  • Maximum 2 keys can be combined.
  • && operator looks for both keys.
  • || operator looks for either key.
  • Empty string '' as key will return true
  • Using an operator without a second key will return false

How to Get Translations From the Store

The getLocalization method of ConfigStateService is used for translations. Here are some examples:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const identity = this.config.getLocalization("AbpIdentity::Identity");
// 'identity'

const notFound = this.config.getLocalization("AbpIdentity::IDENTITY");
// 'AbpIdentity::IDENTITY'

const defaultValue = this.config.getLocalization({
  key: "AbpIdentity::IDENTITY",
  defaultValue: "IDENTITY"

Please check out the localization documentation for details.

Dispatch Methods

ConfigStateService has several dispatch methods which allow you to conveniently dispatch predefined actions to the Store.

How to Get Application Configuration From Server

The dispatchGetAppConfiguration triggers a request to an endpoint that responds with the application state and then places this response to the Store as configuration state.

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

// returns a state stream which emits after dispatch action is complete

Note that you do not have to call this method at application initiation, because the application configuration is already being received from the server at start.

How to Patch Route Configuration

The dispatchPatchRouteByName finds a route by its name and replaces its configuration in the Store with the new configuration passed as the second parameter.

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const newRouteConfig: Partial<ABP.Route> = {
  name: "Home",
  path: "home",
  children: [
      name: "Dashboard",
      path: "dashboard"

this.config.dispatchPatchRouteByName("::Menu:Home", newRouteConfig);
// returns a state stream which emits after dispatch action is complete

How to Add a New Route Configuration

The dispatchAddRoute adds a new route to the configuration state in the Store. For this, the route config should be passed as the parameter of the method.

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const newRoute: ABP.Route = {
  name: "My New Page",
  iconClass: "fa fa-dashboard",
  path: "page",
  invisible: false,
  order: 2,
  requiredPolicy: "MyProjectName::MyNewPage"

// returns a state stream which emits after dispatch action is complete

The newRoute will be placed as at root level, i.e. without any parent routes and its url will be stored as '/path'.

If you want to add a child route, you can do this:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const newRoute: ABP.Route = {
  parentName: "AbpAccount::Login",
  name: "My New Page",
  iconClass: "fa fa-dashboard",
  path: "page",
  invisible: false,
  order: 2,
  requiredPolicy: "MyProjectName::MyNewPage"

// returns a state stream which emits after dispatch action is complete

The newRoute will then be placed as a child of the parent route named 'AbpAccount::Login' and its url will be set as '/account/login/page'.

Route Configuration Properties

Please refer to ABP.Route type for all the properties you can pass to dispatchSetEnvironment in its parameter. It can be found in the common.ts file.

How to Set the Environment

The dispatchSetEnvironment places environment variables passed to it in the Store under the configuration state. Here is how it is used:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

  /* environment properties here */
// returns a state stream which emits after dispatch action is complete

Note that you do not have to call this method at application initiation, because the environment variables are already being stored at start.

Environment Properties

Please refer to Config.Environment type for all the properties you can pass to dispatchSetEnvironment as parameter. It can be found in the config.ts file.

What's Next?


Last updated: March 23, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub

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