MongoDB Integration

  • Do define a separated MongoDbContext interface and class for each module.

MongoDbContext Interface

  • Do define an interface for the MongoDbContext that inherits from IAbpMongoDbContext.
  • Do add a ConnectionStringName attribute to the MongoDbContext interface.
  • Do add IMongoCollection<TEntity> properties to the MongoDbContext interface only for the aggregate roots. Example:
public interface IAbpIdentityMongoDbContext : IAbpMongoDbContext
    IMongoCollection<IdentityUser> Users { get; }
    IMongoCollection<IdentityRole> Roles { get; }

MongoDbContext class

  • Do inherit the MongoDbContext from the AbpMongoDbContext class.
  • Do add a ConnectionStringName attribute to the MongoDbContext class.
  • Do implement the corresponding interface for the MongoDbContext class. Example:
public class AbpIdentityMongoDbContext : AbpMongoDbContext, IAbpIdentityMongoDbContext
    public IMongoCollection<IdentityUser> Users => Collection<IdentityUser>();
    public IMongoCollection<IdentityRole> Roles => Collection<IdentityRole>();

    //code omitted for brevity

Collection Prefix

  • Do add static CollectionPrefix property to the DbContext class. Set default value from a constant. Example:
public static string CollectionPrefix { get; set; } = AbpIdentityConsts.DefaultDbTablePrefix;

Used the same constant defined for the EF Core integration table prefix in this example.

  • Do always use a short CollectionPrefix value for a module to create unique collection names in a shared database. Abp collection prefix is reserved for ABP core modules.

Collection Mapping

  • Do explicitly configure all aggregate roots by overriding the CreateModel method of the MongoDbContext. Example:
protected override void CreateModel(IMongoModelBuilder modelBuilder)

    modelBuilder.ConfigureIdentity(options =>
        options.CollectionPrefix = CollectionPrefix;
  • Do not configure model directly in the CreateModel method. Instead, create an extension method for the IMongoModelBuilder. Use ConfigureModuleName as the method name. Example:
public static class AbpIdentityMongoDbContextExtensions
    public static void ConfigureIdentity(
        this IMongoModelBuilder builder,
        Action<IdentityMongoModelBuilderConfigurationOptions> optionsAction = null)
        Check.NotNull(builder, nameof(builder));

        var options = new IdentityMongoModelBuilderConfigurationOptions();


        builder.Entity<IdentityUser>(b =>
            b.CollectionName = options.CollectionPrefix + "Users";

        builder.Entity<IdentityRole>(b =>
            b.CollectionName = options.CollectionPrefix + "Roles";
  • Do create a configuration options class by inheriting from the AbpMongoModelBuilderConfigurationOptions. Example:
public class IdentityMongoModelBuilderConfigurationOptions
    : AbpMongoModelBuilderConfigurationOptions
    public IdentityMongoModelBuilderConfigurationOptions()
        : base(AbpIdentityConsts.DefaultDbTablePrefix)

Repository Implementation

  • Do inherit the repository from the MongoDbRepository<TMongoDbContext, TEntity, TKey> class and implement the corresponding repository interface. Example:
public class MongoIdentityUserRepository
    : MongoDbRepository<IAbpIdentityMongoDbContext, IdentityUser, Guid>,
    public MongoIdentityUserRepository(
        IMongoDbContextProvider<IAbpIdentityMongoDbContext> dbContextProvider) 
        : base(dbContextProvider)
  • Do pass the cancellationToken to the MongoDB Driver using the GetCancellationToken helper method. Example:
public async Task<IdentityUser> FindByNormalizedUserNameAsync(
    string normalizedUserName, 
    bool includeDetails = true,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
    return await (await GetMongoQueryableAsync())
            u => u.NormalizedUserName == normalizedUserName,

GetCancellationToken fallbacks to the ICancellationTokenProvider.Token to obtain the cancellation token if it is not provided by the caller code.

  • Do ignore the includeDetails parameters for the repository implementation since MongoDB loads the aggregate root as a whole (including sub collections) by default.
  • Do use the GetMongoQueryableAsync() method to obtain an IQueryable<TEntity> to perform queries wherever possible. Because;
    • GetMongoQueryableAsync() method automatically uses the ApplyDataFilters method to filter the data based on the current data filters (like soft delete and multi-tenancy).
    • Using IQueryable<TEntity> makes the code as much as similar to the EF Core repository implementation and easy to write and read.
  • Do implement data filtering if it is not possible to use the GetMongoQueryable() method.

Module Class

  • Do define a module class for the MongoDB integration package.
  • Do add MongoDbContext to the IServiceCollection using the AddMongoDbContext<TMongoDbContext> method.
  • Do add implemented repositories to the options for the AddMongoDbContext<TMongoDbContext> method. Example:
public class AbpIdentityMongoDbModule : AbpModule
    public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
        context.Services.AddMongoDbContext<AbpIdentityMongoDbContext>(options =>
            options.AddRepository<IdentityUser, MongoIdentityUserRepository>();
            options.AddRepository<IdentityRole, MongoIdentityRoleRepository>();

Notice that this module class also calls the static BsonClassMap configuration method defined above.


Last updated: January 21, 2021 Edit this page on GitHub

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