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Application Configuration Endpoint

ABP Framework provides a pre-built and standard endpoint that contains some useful information about the application/service. Here, the list of some fundamental information at this endpoint:

  • Localization values, supported and the current language of the application.
  • Available and granted policies (permissions) for the current user.
  • Setting values for the current user.
  • Info about the current user (like id and user name).
  • Info about the current tenant (like id and name).
  • Time zone information for the current user and the clock type of the application.


If you navigate to the /api/abp/application-configuration URL of an ABP Framework based web application or HTTP Service, you can access the configuration as a JSON object. This endpoint is useful to create the client of your application.


For ASP.NET Core MVC (Razor Pages) applications, the same configuration values are also available on the JavaScript side. /Abp/ApplicationConfigurationScript is the URL of the script that is auto-generated based on the HTTP API above.

See the JavaScript API document for the ASP.NET Core UI.

Other UI types provide services native to the related platform. For example, see the Angular UI localization documentation to learn how to use the localization values exposes by this endpoint.

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