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CMS Kit Module

This module provides CMS (Content Management System) capabilities for your application. It provides core building blocks and fully working sub-systems to create your own website with CMS features enabled, or use the building blocks in your web sites with any purpose.

This module currently available only for the MVC / Razor Pages UI. While there is no official Blazor package, it can also work in a Blazor Server UI since a Blazor Server UI is actually a hybrid application that runs in an ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages application.

The following features are currently available:

  • Provides a page management system to manage dynamic pages with dynamic URLs.
  • Provides a blogging system to create publish blog posts with multiple blog support.
  • Provides a tagging system to tag any kind of resource, like a blog post.
  • Provides a comment system to add comments feature to any kind of resource, like blog post or a product review page.
  • Provides a reaction system to add reactions (smileys) feature to any kind of resource, like a blog post or a comment.
  • Provides a rating system to add rating feature to any kind of resource.
  • Provides a menu system to manage public menus dynamically.

Click to a feature to understand and learn how to use it.

All features are individually usable. If you disable a feature, it completely disappears from your application, even from the database tables, by the help of the Global Features system.

How to Install

This module is depends on BlobStoring module, please install BlobStoring module first and add a provider. For more information, check the documentation.

ABP CLI allows installing a module to a solution using the add-module command. You can install the CMS Kit module in a command-line terminal with the following command:

abp add-module Volo.CmsKit

By default, Cms-Kit is disabled by GlobalFeature. Because of that the initial migration will be empty. So you can skip the migration by adding --skip-db-migrations to command when installing if you are using Entity Framework Core. After enabling Cms-Kit global feture, please add new migration.

After the installation process, open the GlobalFeatureConfigurator class in the Domain.Shared project of your solution and place the following code into the Configure method to enable all the features in the CMS Kit module.

GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(cmsKit =>

Instead of enabling all, you may prefer to enable the features one by one. The following example enables only the tags and comments features:

GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(cmsKit =>

If you are using Entity Framework Core, do not forget to add a new migration and update your database.

The Packages

This module follows the module development best practices guide and consists of several NuGet and NPM packages. See the guide if you want to understand the packages and relations between them.

CMS kit packages are designed for various usage scenarios. If you check the CMS kit packages, you will see that some packages have Admin and Public suffixes. The reason is that the module has two application layers, considering they might be used in different type of applications. These application layers uses a single domain layer.

  • Volo.CmsKit.Admin.* packages contain the functionalities required by admin (back office) applications.
  • Volo.CmsKit.Public.* packages contain the functionalities used in public websites where users read blog posts or leave comments.
  • Volo.CmsKit.* (without Admin/Public suffix) packages are called as unified packages. Unified packages are shortcuts for adding Admin & Public packages (of the related layer) separately. If you have a single application for administration and public web site, you can use these packages.


Table / collection prefix & schema

All tables/collections use the Cms prefix by default. Set static properties on the CmsKitDbProperties class if you need to change the table prefix or set a schema name (if supported by your database provider).

Connection string

This module uses CmsKit for the connection string name. If you don't define a connection string with this name, it fallbacks to the Default connection string.

See the connection strings documentation for details.


Last updated: September 30, 2021 Edit this page on GitHub

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