How to contribute to as a frontend developer

How to setup development environment


Note: This article prepare Windows OS. You may change the path type of your OS. an Example

Windows: templates\app\aspnet-core\src\MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.DbMigrator\appsettings.json

Unix: templates/app/aspnet-core/src/MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.DbMigrator/appsettings.json

Sample docker commands

You need to install SQL Server and Redis. You can install these programs without docker, but my example uses docker containers. Your computer should have Docker Engine. Then open the terminal en execute the commands one by one. For the Sql Server

docker run -v sqlvolume:/var/opt/mssql -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e "SA_PASSWORD=yourpassword" -p 1433:1433 -d

For the Redis

docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis

Then we are ready to download and execute the code.

Folder Structure

The app has a backend written in .net core (c#) and an angular app. It would help if you ran both of them.

Running Backend App

The path of the Backend app is “templates\app\aspnet-core.” If you want to work with dockerized SQL Server, you should change connection strings for running with docker. The path of the connection string is templates\app\aspnet-core\src\MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.DbMigrator\appsettings.json.

Before running the backend, you should run the Db migrator project. The DbMigrator created initial tables and values. The path of DbMigrator is templates\app\aspnet-core\src\MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.DbMigrator. Open a terminal in the path and execute the command dotnet run in terminal

One last step before the running the backend is installing client-side libraries. Go to templates\app\aspnet-core. Open a terminal in the path and execute the command abp install-libs in terminal

Next step you should go to path of backend host project. The path is templates\app\aspnet-core\src\MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.HttpApi.HostWithIds. Open a terminal in the path and execute the command dotnet run in terminal

Your backend should be running successfully

Running Frontend App

There is a demo app. The path of the demo app is npm\ng-packs\apps\dev-app. The demo app is connected to the packages with local references. Open the terminal in npm\ng-packs\apps\dev-app and execute yarn or npm i in terminal. After the package installed run npm start or yarn start.

The repo uses Nx and packages connected with local references. The packages path is ”npm\ng-packs\packages


Last updated: October 20, 2022 Edit this page on GitHub

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