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Blazor UI 3.3 to 4.0 Migration Guide

Startup Template Changes

These changes are required to manually applied in your own solution. It would be easier if you create a new solution based on 4.0 with the same name of your current solution then compare the files.

Csproj File / Dependencies

  • Add <BlazorWebAssemblyLoadAllGlobalizationData>true</BlazorWebAssemblyLoadAllGlobalizationData> to the PropertyGroup section of your project (.csproj) file.
  • Update the Blazorise.* packages to the latest version (to the latest RC for the ABP 4.0 preview).


There are some changes made in the index.html file;

  • Removed JQuery & Bootstrap JavaScript dependencies
  • Replaced Bootstrap and FontAwesome imports with local files instead of CDN usages.
  • Re-arranged some ABP CSS file locations.
  • Introduced the abp bundle CLI command to manage global Style/Script file imports.

Follow the steps below to apply the changes;

  1. Add the bundle contributor class into your project (it will be slightly different based on your solution namespaces):
using Volo.Abp.Bundling;

namespace MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.Blazor
    public class MyProjectNameBundleContributor : IBundleContributor
        public void AddScripts(BundleContext context)

        public void AddStyles(BundleContext context)

If you are using another global style/script files, add them here.

  1. Remove all the <link...> elements and replace with the following comment tags:
  1. Remove all the <script...> elements and replace with the following comment tags:
  1. Execute the following command in a terminal in the root folder of the Blazor project (.csproj) file (ensure that you're using the ABP CLI version 4.0):
abp bundle

This will fill in the Styles and Scripts tags based on the dependencies.

  1. You can clean the blazor-error-ui related sections from your main.css file since they are not needed anymore.

The Root Element

This change is optional but recommended.

  • Change <app>...</app> to <div id="ApplicationContainer">...</div> in the wwwroot/index.html.
  • Change builder.RootComponents.Add<App>("app"); to builder.RootComponents.Add<App>("#ApplicationContainer"); in the YourProjectBlazorModule.cs.

AbpCrudPageBase Changes

If you've derived your pages from the AbpCrudPageBase class, then you may need to apply the following changes;

  • OpenEditModalAsync method gets EntityDto instead of id (Guid) parameter. Pass context instead of context.Id.
  • DeleteEntityAsync method doesn't display confirmation dialog anymore. You can use the new EntityActions component in Data Grids to show confirmation messages. You can also inject IUiMessageService to your page or component and call the ConfirmAsync explicitly.
  • Added GetListInput as a base property that is used to filter while getting the entities from the server.


  • Refactored namespaces for some Blazor components (#6015).
  • Removed Async Suffix from IUiMessageService methods (#6123).


Last updated: October 20, 2022 Edit this page on GitHub

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