ASP.NET Core Angular Tutorial - Part 3
About this tutorial
This is the third part of the ASP.NET Core Angular tutorial series. See all parts:
- Part I: Creating the project and book list page
- Part II: Creating, updating and deleting books
- Part III: Integration tests (this tutorial)
The completed sample is available: bookstore-angular-mongodb.
Before downloading the sample, login to with your ABP Commercial license credentials.
You can also check out the video course prepared by the community, based on this tutorial.
Test projects in the solution
This part covers the server side tests. There are several test projects in the solution:
Each project is used to test the related project. Test projects use the following libraries for testing:
- Xunit as the main test framework.
- Shoudly as the assertion library.
- NSubstitute as the mocking library.
Adding test data
Startup template contains the BookStoreTestDataBuilder
class in the Acme.BookStore.TestBase
project which creates initial data to run tests. Change the content of BookStoreTestDataSeedContributor
class as show below:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Data;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.Domain.Repositories;
using Volo.Abp.Guids;
namespace Acme.BookStore
public class BookStoreTestDataSeedContributor
: IDataSeedContributor, ITransientDependency
private readonly IRepository<Book, Guid> _bookRepository;
private readonly IGuidGenerator _guidGenerator;
public BookStoreTestDataSeedContributor(
IRepository<Book, Guid> bookRepository,
IGuidGenerator guidGenerator)
_bookRepository = bookRepository;
_guidGenerator = guidGenerator;
public async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context)
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(
new Book(id: _guidGenerator.Create(),
name: "Test book 1",
type: BookType.Fantastic,
publishDate: new DateTime(2015, 05, 24),
price: 21
await _bookRepository.InsertAsync(
new Book(id: _guidGenerator.Create(),
name: "Test book 2",
type: BookType.Science,
publishDate: new DateTime(2014, 02, 11),
price: 15
IRepository<Book, Guid>
is injected and used it in theSeedAsync
to create two book entities as the test data.
Testing the application service BookAppService
is injected to create GUIDs. WhileGuid.NewGuid()
would perfectly work for testing,IGuidGenerator
has additional features especially important while using real databases. Further information, see the Guid generation document.
Create a test class named BookAppService_Tests
in the Acme.BookStore.Application.Tests
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xunit;
using Shouldly;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
using Volo.Abp.Validation;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal;
namespace Acme.BookStore
public class BookAppService_Tests : BookStoreApplicationTestBase
private readonly IBookAppService _bookAppService;
public BookAppService_Tests()
_bookAppService = GetRequiredService<IBookAppService>();
public async Task Should_Get_List_Of_Books()
var result = await _bookAppService.GetListAsync(
new PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto()
result.Items.ShouldContain(b => b.Name == "Test book 1");
test simply usesBookAppService.GetListAsync
method to get and check the list of users.
Add a new test that creates a valid new book:
public async Task Should_Create_A_Valid_Book()
var result = await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(
new CreateUpdateBookDto
Name = "New test book 42",
Price = 10,
PublishDate = System.DateTime.Now,
Type = BookType.ScienceFiction
result.Name.ShouldBe("New test book 42");
Add a new test that tries to create an invalid book and fails:
public async Task Should_Not_Create_A_Book_Without_Name()
var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync<Volo.Abp.Validation.AbpValidationException>(async () =>
await _bookAppService.CreateAsync(
new CreateUpdateBookDto
Name = "",
Price = 10,
PublishDate = DateTime.Now,
Type = BookType.ScienceFiction
.ShouldContain(err => err.MemberNames.Any(mem => mem == "Name"));
- Since the
is empty, ABP will throw anAbpValidationException
Open the Test Explorer Window (use Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer menu if it is not visible) and Run All tests:
Congratulations, the green icons show, the tests have been successfully passed!
You can access to the completed source-code of this application from the following link: