can you please share your email id, I can share one-to-one with you.
If I don't add the code below, it shows 'Connection Not Secure'., var originalOnRedirectToIdentityProvider = options.Events.OnRedirectToIdentityProvider; options.Events.OnRedirectToIdentityProvider = async context => { var redirectUri = context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri; Log.Information($"redirectUri 1: {context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri}"); context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri = redirectUri.Replace("http://", "https://"); Log.Information($"redirectUri 2: {context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ProtocolMessage.Nonce)) { context.ProtocolMessage.Nonce = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } if (originalOnRedirectToIdentityProvider != null) { await originalOnRedirectToIdentityProvider(context); } };
options.CorrelationCookie.SameSite = SameSiteMode.None; // Required for cross-site
options.CorrelationCookie.IsEssential = true; // Always send the cookie
options.CorrelationCookie.SecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.SameAsRequest;// Use HTTPS And HTTP
options.CorrelationCookie.HttpOnly = true; // Security measure
If I remove the above code, how should I handle the scenario? Could you please assist me?
Scenario Description :- In our environment, we have a set of microservices running within Docker containers (or Kubernetes), and these microservices communicate with each other over HTTP internally for performance and simplicity reasons. However, for external communication, specifically for handling OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication callbacks, we need to ensure that HTTPS is used for secure communication, as these external calls require the use of HTTPS (e.g., OIDC authentication or third-party service integrations).
I have included a reference link for your consideration, as I was facing the same issue described there.
facing "Correlation failed" issue after redirect URL from SSO OpenID connect.
Any update ?
ok let me try
My project is very large, and due to policy restrictions, it's not feasible to share the code. Can you suggest an alternative solution?
you can try to create a new uow to create a user.
for example:
Guid userId; using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin(requiresNew: true, isTransactional: true)) { var newUserName = await GetUniqueUserNameAsync(input.Name.Trim(), input.Surname.Trim()); var user = new IdentityUser(_guidGenerator.Create(), newUserName.Trim(), input.Email, tenantId); var creationResult = await _identityUserManager.CreateAsync(user, input.Password.Trim()); creationResult.CheckErrors(); await _identityUserManager.SetEmailAsync(user, input.Email.Trim()); await _identityUserManager.SetPhoneNumberAsync(user, input.PhoneNumber.Trim()); user.Name = input.Name.Trim(); user.Surname = input.Surname.Trim(); ...... userId = user.Id; await uow.CompleteAsync(); } var userDetails = await _identityUserManager.GetByIdAsync(userId);
I used above code, But still facing same issue. I've created a class file inside the shared folder and am calling this method from the app service. Since we have a requirement to make this method common, it should be accessible to everyone.
public class OidcAppService : ApplicationService, IOidcAppService
lowercase issue let me change and try