Well, I'll try to explain again. I have a table that contains products (master) and a child table that contains information about which products will make up this product, that is, a product can be formed by a set of other products in the master table. So the ProductsBundle child table is related to the master table through the Id. So far, nothing new, but I also need to allow a relationship between the child table through the ProdutoIdBundle field with the Id of the Products table. Normally in SQL server we create a relationship with this table by assigning an alias to it, thus allowing the child table to maintain two distinct relationships with the parent table.
Select P.Descricao as Root, P1.Descricao as Child from appProdutoBundles B inner join appProdutos P on B.produtoId=P.Id left outer join appProdutos P1 on B.ProdutoIdBundle=P1.Id