Blazor WebAssembly Asp.NET Core Hosted
Microsoft provides a template named Blazor WebAssembly Asp.NET Core Hosted. This template is an Asp.NET Core Razor Pages application that hosts a Blazor WebAssembly application. Basically, HttpApi.Host
and Blazor
applications are hosted together. In this case, only one application will be deployed and blazor application will be served by the HttpApi.Host.
Create a new ABP Application with Blazor UI
abp new BookStore -u blazor -t app -v 6.0.0-rc.2 --no-random-port
Add Blazor project reference and
package reference to the HttpApi.Host project.<ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include="..\BookStore.Blazor\BookStore.Blazor.csproj" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Server" Version="6.0.8" /> </ItemGroup>
Add Blazor framework files middleware into OnApplicationInitializaiton method in
file.public override void OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContext context) { // ... app.UseBlazorFrameworkFiles(); // 👈 Make sure it's before UseStaticFiles() app.UseStaticFiles(); // ... }
Add a mapping for fallback to index.html file at the end of the OnApplicationInitializaiton method in
file.if (app is WebApplication webApp) { webApp.MapFallbackToFile("index.html"); }
Configure your blazor SelfUrl as HttpApi.Host URL in
{ "App": { "SelfUrl": "https://localhost:44305" }, "AuthServer": { "Authority": "https://localhost:44305", "ClientId": "BookStore_Blazor", "ResponseType": "code" }, "RemoteServices": { "Default": { "BaseUrl": "https://localhost:44305" } }, "AbpCli": { "Bundle": { "Mode": "BundleAndMinify", /* Options: None, Bundle, BundleAndMinify */ "Name": "global", "Parameters": { } } } }
Configure DbMigrator too. Navigate to
and change Blazor URL to HttpApi.Host URL.{ "ConnectionStrings": { "Default": "XXX" }, "OpenIddict": { "Applications": { "BookStore_Blazor": { "ClientId": "BookStore_Blazor", "RootUrl": "https://localhost:44305" }, "BookStore_Swagger": { "ClientId": "BookStore_Swagger", "RootUrl": "https://localhost:44305" } } } }
once.Remove HomeController.cs from HttpApi.Host project to prevent
redirection.Run only
project and see the result.As you can see, URL is
for blazor application and login razor page. MVC application and Blazor WebAssembly works together. As you can see swagger UI is available atlocalhost:44305/swagger
Comments 120 weeks ago
Thanks for this post! I was wondering how to do this.
ben.white 118 weeks ago
Also see this github issue to further replicate an core hosted scenario
Engincan Veske 113 weeks ago
Great article! Thanks for sharing. 95 weeks ago
The post can no longer be read. The link for "See the article that explain this project:" points to itself.
Enis Necipoğlu 94 weeks ago
You can see the original file in PR:
dlo1957ca 93 weeks ago
I originally followed these instructions in an ABP v6.0 application and it worked great.
Since then I've created a v7.0.2 application. After trying to host it as described in the article, I am getting an error building the application (error shown below).
I decided to try creating another v7.0.2 application based on the Acme.BookStore "Web Application Development Tutorial" Parts 1 and 2 to ensure it wasn't something specific to my app. It works as expected with the 2 startup projects (HttpApi.Host and Blazor). Once again when I change it to be hosted, I get the same error as with my app.
Any ideas on how to resolve the error?
Here's the error:
T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.HttpApi.Host Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Razor.StaticWebAssets.targets(391, 5): Conflicting assets with the same target path 'images/logo/leptonx/logo-dark-thumbnail.png'. For assets 'Identity: C:\Dev-Samples\v70-blazor\src\T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.Blazor\wwwroot\images\logo\leptonx\logo-dark-thumbnail.png, SourceType: Project, SourceId: T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.Blazor, ContentRoot: C:\Dev-Samples\v70-blazor\src\T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.Blazor\wwwroot, BasePath: /, RelativePath: images/logo/leptonx/logo-dark-thumbnail.png, AssetKind: All, AssetMode: All, AssetRole: Primary, RelatedAsset: , AssetTraitName: , AssetTraitValue: , CopyToOutputDirectory: Never, CopyToPublishDirectory: PreserveNewest, OriginalItemSpec: wwwroot\images\logo\leptonx\logo-dark-thumbnail.png' and 'Identity: C:\Dev-Samples\v70-blazor\src\T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.HttpApi.Host\wwwroot\images\logo\leptonx\logo-dark-thumbnail.png, SourceType: Discovered, SourceId: T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.HttpApi.Host, ContentRoot: C:\Dev-Samples\v70-blazor\src\T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.HttpApi.Host\wwwroot, BasePath: _content/T2p.Abp.v70.BookStore.HttpApi.Host, RelativePath: images/logo/leptonx/logo-dark-thumbnail.png, AssetKind: All, AssetMode: All, AssetRole: Primary, RelatedAsset: , AssetTraitName: , AssetTraitValue: , CopyToOutputDirectory: Never, CopyToPublishDirectory: PreserveNewest, OriginalItemSpec: wwwroot\images\logo\leptonx\logo-dark-thumbnail.png' from different projects. 34 weeks ago
just delete all image in logo in BookStore.HttpApi.Host\wwwroot\images\logo because it confilcts with the image in Blazor app i tested in abp 8.1 89 weeks ago
Hello , I found when I publish from VS, the logout-callback process hanging... The ABP version:7.1. I followed the steps and all fine in debug mode. But not when publishing. There seems no error log in host console or Chrome Client.
The result may cause hard to continue for logout issue. Kindly help! thanks.
Br, Albert