Angular UI 3.3 to 4.0 Migration Guide

Angular v11

The new ABP Angular UI is based on Angular v11 and TypeScript v4. The difference between v10 and v11 is non-breaking so you do not have to update right away but it is recommended. Nevertheless, ABP modules will keep working with Angular v10. Therefore, if your project is Angular v10, you do not need to update to Angular 11. The update is usually very easy though.

You can read more about Angular v11 here

Breaking Changes


Prior to ABP 4.x, we'd handled what locale files of Angular should be created to load them lazily. However, this made it impossible to add new locale files (to be lazily loaded) for our users. With ABP 4.x, we enabled an option to pass a function to CoreModule.

The quickest solution is as follows:

// app.module.ts

import { registerLocale } from '@abp/ng.core/locale';
// or 
// import { registerLocale } from '@volo/';
// if you have commercial license

imports: [
  // ...
    // ...other options,
    registerLocaleFn: registerLocale()
export class AppModule {}

You can find the related issue here Also, please refer to the docs for more information.

Removed the Angular Account Module Public UI

With ABP 4.x, we have retired @abp/ng.account, it is no longer a part of our framework. There won't be any newer versions of this package as well. Therefore, you can delete anything related to this package. There should be a config in app-routing.module for path account and AccountConfigModule import in app.module

However, if you are using the commercial version of this package, a.k.a @volo/, this package will continue to exist because it contains AccountAdminModule which is still being maintained and developed. You only need to delete the route config from app-routing.module

You can find the related issue here

Angular UI is using the Authorization Code Flow to authenticate since version 3.1.0 by default. Starting from version 4.0, this is becoming the only option, because it is the recommended way of authenticating SPAs.

If you haven't done it yet, see this post to change the authentication of your application.

State Management

In the ABP Angular UI, we've been using NGXS for state management. However, we've decided that the Angular UI should be agnostic with regard to state management. Our users should be able to handle the state in any way they prefer. They should be able to use any library other than NGXS or no library at all. That's why we have created our internal store in version 3.2. It is a simple utility class that employs BehaviorSubject internally.

You can examine it here

With version 4.0, we will keep utilizing our InternalStore instead of @ngxs/store in our services and move away from @ngxs/store. We plan to remove any dependency of NGXS by version 5.0.

With this in mind, we've already deprecated some services and implemented some breaking changes.

Removed the SessionState

Use SessionStateService instead of the SessionState. See this issue for details.

Deprecated the ConfigState

ConfigState is now deprecated and should not be used.

ConfigState reference removed from CoreModule. If you want to use the ConfigState (not recommended), you should pass the state to NgxsModule as shown below:


import { ConfigState } from '@abp/ng.core';

// ...

imports: [ 
// ...

Moving away from the global store, we create small services with a single responsibility. There are two new services available in version 4.0 which are EnvironmentService and PermissionService.

See the related issue

Please refer to the following docs for detail information and examples

Deprecated Interfaces

Some interfaces have long been marked as deprecated and now they are removed.

  • Removed replaceable components state.
  • Removed legacy identity types and service.
  • Removed legacy tenant management types and service.
  • Removed legacy feature management types and services.
  • Removed legacy permission management types and service.

Deprecated commercial interfaces

  • Removed legacy audit logging types and services.
  • Removed legacy identity types and services.
  • Removed legacy language management types and services.
  • Removed legacy saas types and services.

Identity Server [COMMERCIAL]

With the new version of Identity Server, there happened some breaking changes in the backend (also in the database). We've implemented those in the Angular UI. If you are just using the package @volo/ as is, you will not need to do anything. However, there are a couple of breaking changes we need to mention.

  • As we have stated above, we want to remove the dependency of NGXS. Thus, we have deleted all of the actions defined in identity-server.actions. Those actions are not needed anymore and the state is managed locally. With the actions gone, IdentityServerStateService became unused and got deleted as well.

  • ApiScope is also available as a new entity (It was part of ApiResource before). It provides tokens for entity prop, entity actions, toolbar, edit and create form contributors like the existing ones which are Client, IdentityResource and ApiResource

  • There were some deprecated interfaces within the IdentityServer namespace. Those are no longer being used, instead, their replacements were generated by ABP Cli using the generate-proxy command.


Last updated: November 13, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub

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