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ABP Version 6.0 Migration Guide

This document is a guide for upgrading ABP v5.3 solutions to ABP v6.0. There is a change in this version that may affect your applications, please read it carefully and apply the necessary changes to your application.

The IsActive property is Added

IsActive property is added to IUserData. This property is set to true by default. Cmskit and Blog modules are affected by this change. You need to add a new migration to your existing application if you are using any of these modules. Please see #11417 for more info.

Default behavior change in MultiTenancyMiddlewareErrorPageBuilder

If you have customized the MultiTenancyMiddlewareErrorPageBuilder of the AbpMultiTenancyOptions, the pipeline now returns true to stop the pipeline as the default behavior. See AbpMultiTenancyOptions: Handle inactive and non-existent tenants for more info.

Migrating to LeptonX Lite

LeptonX Lite is now being introduced and you can follow the guides below to migrate your existing applications:

Migrating to OpenIddict

After the announcement of plan to replace the IdentityServer, we have successfully implemented Openiddict as a replacement for IdentityServer4 as an OpenID-Provider.

You can follow the IdentityServer to OpenIddict Step by Step Guide for migrating your existing application in detail with a sample project.

See Also


Last updated: April 27, 2023 Edit this page on GitHub

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