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ABP Framework Road Map

This document provides a road map, release schedule and planned features for the ABP Framework.

Next Versions


The next version will be 8.1 and planned to release the stable 8.1 version in February, 2024. We will be mostly working on the following topics:

  • Blazor Full-Stack UI (#16156)
  • Upgrade to OpenIddict 5.x (#17605)
  • Angular Universal (#15782)
  • Blazor - Forms & Validation Documentation (#16400)
  • Deployment Documents Improvements (#15034)
  • Improvements on the existing features and provide more guides.

See the 8.1 milestone for all the issues we've planned to work on.

Backlog Items

The Next Versions section above shows the main focus of the planned versions. However, in each release we add new features to the core framework and the application modules.

Here is a list of major items in the backlog we are considering working on in the next versions.

  • #6655 / Use Typescript for the MVC UI
  • #236 / Resource based authorization system
  • #2882 / Providing a gRPC integration infrastructure (while it is already possible to create or consume gRPC endpoints for your application, we plan to create endpoints for the standard application modules)
  • #57 / Built-in CQRS infrastructure
  • #2532 / CosmosDB integration with EF Core and MongoDB API
  • #4223 / WebHook system
  • #162 / Azure ElasticDB Integration for multitenancy
  • #2296 / Feature toggling infrastructure
  • #16342 / CmsKit: Meta information for SEO
  • #16260 / GCP Blob Storage Provider
  • #15932 / Introduce ABP Diagnostics Module
  • #16756 / Blob Storing - Provider configuration UI
  • #16744 / State Management API

You can always check the milestone planning and the prioritized backlog issues on the GitHub repository for a detailed road map. The backlog items are subject to change. We are adding new items and changing priorities based on the community feedbacks and goals of the project.

Feature Requests

Vote for your favorite feature on the related GitHub issues (and write your thoughts). You can create an issue on the GitHub repository for your feature requests, but first search in the existing issues.

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09 Jan, 17:00
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