How Replaceable Components Work with Extensions

Additional UI extensibility points (Entity action extensions, data table column extensions, page toolbar extensions and others) are used in ABP pages to allow to control entity actions, table columns and page toolbar of a page. If you replace a page, you need to apply some configurations to be able to work extension components in your component. Let's see how to do this by replacing the roles page.

Create a new module called MyRolesModule:

yarn ng generate module my-roles --module app

Create a new component called MyRolesComponent:

yarn ng generate component my-roles/my-roles --flat --export

Open the generated src/app/my-roles/my-roles.component.ts file and replace its content with the following:

import { ListService, PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto, PagedResultDto } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { eIdentityComponents, IdentityRoleDto, IdentityRoleService, RolesComponent } from '@abp/ng.identity';
import { ePermissionManagementComponents } from '@abp/ng.permission-management';
import { Confirmation, ConfirmationService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
import {
} from '@abp/ng.components/extensible';
import { Component, Injector, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';

  selector: 'app-my-roles',
  templateUrl: './my-roles.component.html',
  providers: [
      useValue: eIdentityComponents.Roles,
      provide: RolesComponent, 
      useExisting: MyRolesComponent 
export class MyRolesComponent implements OnInit {
  data: PagedResultDto<IdentityRoleDto> = { items: [], totalCount: 0 };

  form: FormGroup;

  selected: IdentityRoleDto;

  isModalVisible: boolean;

  visiblePermissions = false;

  providerKey: string;

  modalBusy = false;

  permissionManagementKey = ePermissionManagementComponents.PermissionManagement;

  onVisiblePermissionChange = event => {
    this.visiblePermissions = event;

    public readonly list: ListService<PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto>,
    protected confirmationService: ConfirmationService,
    protected injector: Injector,
    protected service: IdentityRoleService,
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {

  buildForm() {
    const data = new FormPropData(this.injector, this.selected);
    this.form = generateFormFromProps(data);

  openModal() {
    this.isModalVisible = true;

  add() {
    this.selected = {} as IdentityRoleDto;

  edit(id: string) {
    this.service.get(id).subscribe(res => {
      this.selected = res;

  save() {
    if (!this.form.valid) return;
    this.modalBusy = true;

    const { id } = this.selected;
      ? this.service.update(id, { ...this.selected, ...this.form.value })
      : this.service.create(this.form.value)
      .pipe(finalize(() => (this.modalBusy = false)))
      .subscribe(() => {
        this.isModalVisible = false;

  delete(id: string, name: string) {
      .warn('AbpIdentity::RoleDeletionConfirmationMessage', 'AbpIdentity::AreYouSure', {
        messageLocalizationParams: [name],
      .subscribe((status: Confirmation.Status) => {
        if (status === Confirmation.Status.confirm) {
          this.service.delete(id).subscribe(() => this.list.get());

  private hookToQuery() {
    this.list.hookToQuery(query => this.service.getList(query)).subscribe(res => ( = res));

  openPermissionsModal(providerKey: string) {
    this.providerKey = providerKey;
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.visiblePermissions = true;
    }, 0);

  sort(data) {
    const { prop, dir } = data.sorts[0];
    this.list.sortKey = prop;
    this.list.sortOrder = dir;
      useValue: eIdentityComponents.Roles,
      provide: RolesComponent, 
      useExisting: MyRolesComponent 

The two providers we have defined in MyRolesComponent are required for the extension components to work correctly.

  • With the first provider, we defined the extension identifier for using RolesComponent's extension actions in the MyRolesComponent.
  • With the second provider, we have replaced the RolesComponent injection with the MyRolesComponent. Default extension actions of the RolesComponent try to get RolesComponent instance. However, the actions can get the MyRolesComponent instance after defining the second provider.

Open the generated src/app/my-role/my-role.component.html file and replace its content with the following:

<div id="identity-roles-wrapper" class="card">
  <div class="card-header">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col col-md-6">
        <h5 class="card-title">My Roles</h5>
      <div class="text-end col col-md-6">
        <abp-page-toolbar [record]="data.items"></abp-page-toolbar>

  <div class="card-body">

<abp-modal size="md" [(visible)]="isModalVisible" [busy]="modalBusy">
  <ng-template #abpHeader>
    <h3>{{ (selected?.id ? 'AbpIdentity::Edit' : 'AbpIdentity::NewRole') | abpLocalization }}</h3>

  <ng-template #abpBody>
    <form [formGroup]="form" (ngSubmit)="save()" validateOnSubmit>
      <abp-extensible-form [selectedRecord]="selected"></abp-extensible-form>

  <ng-template #abpFooter>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" abpClose>
      {{ 'AbpIdentity::Cancel' | abpLocalization }}
    <abp-button iconClass="fa fa-check" [disabled]="form?.invalid" (click)="save()">{{
      'AbpIdentity::Save' | abpLocalization

      inputs: {
        providerName: { value: 'R' },
        providerKey: { value: providerKey },
        visible: { value: visiblePermissions, twoWay: true },
        hideBadges: { value: true }
      outputs: { visibleChange: onVisiblePermissionChange },
      componentKey: permissionManagementKey
    let init = initTemplate

We have added the abp-page-toolbar, abp-extensible-table, and abp-extensible-form extension components to template of the MyRolesComponent.

You should import the required modules for the MyRolesComponent to MyRolesModule. Open the src/my-roles/my-roles.module.ts file and replace the content with the following:

import { UiExtensionsModule } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared/extensions';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { SharedModule } from '../shared/shared.module';
import { MyRolesComponent } from './my-roles.component';
import { PermissionManagementModule } from '@abp/ng.permission-management';

  declarations: [MyRolesComponent],
  imports: [SharedModule, UiExtensionsModule, PermissionManagementModule],
  exports: [MyRolesComponent],
export class MyRolesModule {}
  • UiExtensionsModule imported to be able to use the extension components in your component.
  • PermissionManagementModule imported to be able to use the abp-permission-*management in your component.

As the last step, it is needs to be replaced the RolesComponent with the MyRolesComponent. Open the app.component.ts and modify its content as shown below:

import { ReplaceableComponentsService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { eIdentityComponents } from '@abp/ng.identity';
import { MyRolesComponent } from './my-roles/my-roles.component';

@Component(/* component metadata */)
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private replaceableComponents: ReplaceableComponentsService) {
    this.replaceableComponents.add({ component: MyRolesComponent, key: eIdentityComponents.Roles });

After the steps above, the RolesComponent has been successfully replaced with the MyRolesComponent. When you navigate to the /identity/roles URL, you will see the MyRolesComponent's template and see the extension components working correctly.



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