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Caps Lock Directive

In password inputs, You may want to show if Caps Lock is on. To make this even easier, you can use the TrackCapsLockDirective which has been exposed by the @abp/ng.core package.

Getting Started

TrackCapsLockDirective is standalone. In order to use the TrackCapsLockDirective in an HTML template, import it to related module or your standalone component:

Importing to NgModule

import { TrackCapsLockDirective } from '@abp/ng.core';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
export class MyFeatureModule {}


The TrackCapsLockDirective is very easy to use. The directive's selector is abpCapsLock. By adding the abpCapsLock event to an element, you can track the status of Caps Lock. You can use this to warn user.

See an example usage:

NgModule Component usage

  selector: 'test-component',
  template: `
    <div class="d-flex flex-column">
      <input (abpCapsLock)="capsLock = $event"/>
      <i *ngIf="capsLock">icon</i>
export class TestComponent{
  capsLock = false;

Standalone Component usage

import { TrackCapsLockDirective } from '@abp/ng.core'

  selector: 'standalone-component',
  standalone: true,
  template: `
    <div class="d-flex flex-column">
      <input (abpCapsLock)="capsLock = $event"/>
      <i *ngIf="capsLock">icon</i>
  imports: [TrackCapsLockDirective]
export class StandaloneComponent{
  capsLock = false;

The abpCapsLock event has been added to the <input> element. Press Caps Lock to activate the TrackCapsLockDirective.

See the result:

Show Password directive

To see Caps Lock icon press Caps Lock.

Show Password directive


Last updated: November 10, 2023 Edit this page on GitHub

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