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ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages: Auto-Complete Select

A simple select component sometimes isn't useful with a huge amount of data. ABP Provides a select implementation that works with pagination and server-side search via using Select2. It works with single or multiple choices well.

A screenshot can be shown below.

Single Multiple
autocomplete-select-example autocomplete-select-example

Getting Started

This is a core feature and it's used by the ABP Framework. There is no custom installation or additional packages required.


A simple usage is presented below.

<select asp-for="Book.AuthorId" 

    <!-- You can define selected option(s) here  -->
    <option selected value="@SelectedAuthor.Id">@SelectedAuthor.Name</option>

The select must have the auto-complete-select class and the following attributes:

  • data-autocomplete-api-url: * API Endpoint url to get select items. GET request will be sent to this url.
  • data-autocomplete-display-property: * Property name to display. (For example: name or title. Property name of entity/dto.).
  • data-autocomplete-value-property: * Identifier property name. (For example: id).
  • data-autocomplete-items-property: * Property name of collection in response object. (For example: items)
  • data-autocomplete-filter-param-name: * Filter text property name. (For example: filter).
  • data-autocomplete-selected-item-name: Text to display as selected item.
  • data-autocomplete-parent-selector: jQuery selector expression for parent DOM. (If it's in a modal, it's suggested to send the modal selector as this parameter).
  • data-autocomplete-allow-clear: If true, it'll allow to clear the selected value. Default value: false.
  • data-autocomplete-placeholder: Placeholder text to display when no value is selected.

Also, selected value(s) should be defined with the <option> tags inside select, since pagination is applied and the selected options might haven't loaded yet.

Multiple Choices

AutoComplete Select supports multiple choices. If the select tag has a multiple attribute, it'll allow to choose multiple options.

<select asp-for="Book.TagIds" 
    @foreach(var tag in SelectedTags)
        <option selected value="@tag.Id">@tag.Name</option>

It'll be automatically bound to a collection of defined value type.

    public List<Guid> TagIds { get; set; }


If the authenticated user doesn't have permission on the given URL, the user will get an authorization error. Be careful while designing this kind of UIs. You can create a specific, unauthorized endpoint/method to get the list of items, so the page can retrieve lookup data of dependent entity without giving the entire read permission to users.


Last updated: December 13, 2022 Edit this page on GitHub

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