pls downlaod
I have created a new project and seeded a new database, which resolved the authentication issue. However, I am facing a build error on the API side. I've repeated the steps below two to three times, but the issue has not been resolved.
I have cleared the cache more than five times and restarted the system twice, but I am still facing the same issue.
Can you pls share your database table data.
Ok let me try
why this project it's not working in my local ? Can you pls guide me what are configuration have you done in your local to run this application, pls provide me Tables data as well .
You can login using angular application then you will get this error, However, i shared below two tables data via email.
"OpenIddictApplications" "OpenIddictScopes"
This is a sample project. I'm currently conducting a proof of concept (POC) for a File Management module. However, I want to run and test the File Management module locally. To do this, I simply ran ABP Suite locally and added the File Management module. Then, I tried to run the project as per the guidelines provided by ABP.IO .
I haven't configured any steps from my side this project.
It has been sent. Thank you