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Introducing the Angular Service Proxy Generation

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4 years ago, 11851 views, 3 comments
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Introducing the Angular Service Proxy Generation

ABP Angular Service Proxy System generates TypeScript services and models to consume your backend HTTP APIs developed using the ABP Framework. So, you don't manually create models for your server side DTOs and perform raw HTTP calls to the server.

ABP Framework has introduced the new Angular Service Proxy Generation system with the version 3.1. While this feature was available since the v2.3, it was not well covering some scenarios, like inheritance and generic types and had some known problems. With the v3.1, we've re-written it using the Angular Schematics system. Now, it is much more stable and feature rich.

This post introduces the service proxy generation system and highlights some important features.



You need to have the ABP CLI to use the system. So, install it if you haven't installed before:

dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli

If you already have installed it before, you can update to the latest version:

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli

Project Configuration

If you've created your project with version 3.1 or later, you can skip this part since it will be already installed in your solution.

For a solution that was created before v3.1, follow the steps below to configure the angular application:

  • Add @abp/ng.schematics package to the devDependencies of the Angular project. Run the following command in the root folder of the angular application:
npm install @abp/ng.schematics --save-dev
  • Add rootNamespace entry into the apis/default section in the /src/environments/environment.ts, as shown below:
apis: {
  default: {
    rootNamespace: 'Acme.BookStore'

Acme.BookStore should be replaced by the root namespace of your .NET project. This ensures to not create unnecessary nested folders while creating the service proxy code. This value is AngularProxyDemo for the example solution explained below.

  • Finally, add the following paths to the tsconfig.base.json to have a shortcut while importing proxies:
"paths": {
    "@proxy": ["src/app/proxy/index.ts"],
    "@proxy/*": ["src/app/proxy/*"]

Basic Usage

Project Creation

If you already have a solution, you can skip this section.

You need to create your solution with the Angular UI. You can use the ABP CLI to create a new solution:

abp new AngularProxyDemo -u angular

Run the Application

The backend application must be up and running to be able to use the service proxy code generation system.

See the getting started guide if you don't know details of creating and running the solution.


Assume that we have an IBookAppService interface:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;

namespace AngularProxyDemo.Books
    public interface IBookAppService : IApplicationService
        public Task<List<BookDto>> GetListAsync();

That uses a BookDto defined as shown:

using System;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;

namespace AngularProxyDemo.Books
    public class BookDto : EntityDto<Guid>
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public DateTime PublishDate { get; set; }

And implemented as the following:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;

namespace AngularProxyDemo.Books
    public class BookAppService : ApplicationService, IBookAppService
        public async Task<List<BookDto>> GetListAsync()
            //TODO: get books from a database...

It simply returns a list of books. You probably want to get the books from a database, but it doesn't matter for this article.


Thanks to the auto API controllers system of the ABP Framework, we don't have to develop API controllers manually. Just run the backend (HttpApi.Host) application that shows the Swagger UI by default. You will see the GET API for the books:


Service Proxy Generation

Open a command line in the root folder of the Angular application and execute the following command:

abp generate-proxy

It should produce an output like the following:

CREATE src/app/proxy/books/book.service.ts (446 bytes)
CREATE src/app/proxy/books/models.ts (148 bytes)
CREATE src/app/proxy/books/index.ts (57 bytes)
CREATE src/app/proxy/index.ts (33 bytes)

generate-proxy command can take some some optional parameters for advanced scenarios (like modular development). You can take a look at the documentation.

The Generated Code

src/app/proxy/books/book.service.ts: This is the service that can be injected and used to get the list of books;

import type { BookDto } from './models';
import { RestService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class BookService {
  apiName = 'Default';

  getList = () =>
    this.restService.request<any, BookDto[]>({
      method: 'GET',
      url: `/api/app/book`,
    { apiName: this.apiName });

  constructor(private restService: RestService) {}

src/app/proxy/books/models.ts: This file contains the modal classes corresponding to the DTOs defined in the server side;

import type { EntityDto } from '@abp/ng.core';

export interface BookDto extends EntityDto<string> {
  name: string;
  publishDate: string;

There are a few more files have been generated to help you import the types easier.

How to Import

You can now import the BookService into any Angular component and use the getList() method to get the list of books.

import { BookService, BookDto } from '../proxy/books';

You can also use the @proxy as a shortcut of the proxy folder:

import { BookService, BookDto } from '@proxy/books';

About the Generated Code

The generated code is;

  • Simple: It is almost identical to the code if you've written it yourself.
  • Splitted: Instead of a single, large file;
    • It creates a separate .ts file for every backend service. Model (DTO) classes are also grouped per service.
    • It understands the modularity, so creates the services for your own module (or the module you've specified).
  • Object oriented;
    • Supports inheritance of server side DTOs and generates the code respecting to the inheritance structure.
    • Supports generic types.
    • Supports re-using type definitions across services and doesn't generate the same DTO multiple times.
  • Well-aligned to the backend;
    • Service method signatures match exactly with the services on the backend services. This is achieved by a special endpoint exposed by the ABP Framework that well defines the backend contracts.
    • Namespaces are exactly matches to the backend services and DTOs.
  • Well-aligned with the ABP Framework;
    • Recognizes the standard ABP Framework DTO types (like EntityDto, ListResultDto... etc) and doesn't repeat these classes in the application code, but uses from the @abp/ng.core package.
    • Uses the RestService defined by the @abp/ng.core package which simplifies the generated code, keeps it short and re-uses all the logics implemented by the RestService (including error handling, authorization token injection, using multiple server endpoints... etc).

These are the main motivations behind the decision of creating a service proxy generation system, instead of using a pre-built tool like NSWAG.

Other Examples

Let me show you a few more examples.

Updating an Entity

Assume that you added a new method to the server side application service, to update a book:

public Task<BookDto> UpdateAsync(Guid id, BookUpdateDto input);

BookUpdateDto is a simple class defined shown below:

using System;

namespace AngularProxyDemo.Books
    public class BookUpdateDto
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public DateTime PublishDate { get; set; }

Let's re-run the generate-proxy command:

abp generate-proxy

This command will re-generate the proxies by updating some files. Let's see some of the changes;


import type { BookDto, BookUpdateDto } from './models';
import { RestService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class BookService {
  apiName = 'Default';

  getList = () =>
    this.restService.request<any, BookDto[]>({
      method: 'GET',
      url: `/api/app/book`,
    { apiName: this.apiName });

  update = (id: string, input: BookUpdateDto) =>
    this.restService.request<any, BookDto>({
      method: 'PUT',
      url: `/api/app/book/${id}`,
      body: input,
    { apiName: this.apiName });

  constructor(private restService: RestService) {}

update function has been added to the BookService that gets an id and a BookUpdateDto as the parameters.


import type { EntityDto } from '@abp/ng.core';

export interface BookDto extends EntityDto<string> {
  name: string;
  publishDate: string;

export interface BookUpdateDto {
  name: string;
  publishDate: string;

Added a new DTO class: BookUpdateDto.

Advanced Example

In this example, I want to show a DTO structure using inheritance, generics, arrays and dictionaries.

I've created an IOrderAppService as shown below:

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Services;

namespace AngularProxyDemo.Orders
    public interface IOrderAppService : IApplicationService
        public Task CreateAsync(OrderCreateDto input);

OrderCreateDto and the related DTOs are as the followings;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Volo.Abp.Data;

namespace AngularProxyDemo.Orders
    public class OrderCreateDto : IHasExtraProperties
        public Guid CustomerId { get; set; }

        public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; }

        //ARRAY of DTOs
        public OrderDetailDto[] Details { get; set; }

        public Dictionary<string, object> ExtraProperties { get; set; }
    public class OrderDetailDto : GenericDetailDto<int> //INHERIT from GENERIC
        public string Note { get; set; }
    //GENERIC class
    public abstract class GenericDetailDto<TCount>
        public Guid ProductId { get; set; }

        public TCount Count { get; set; }

When I run the abp generate-proxy command again, I see there are some created and updated files. Let's see some important ones;


import type { OrderCreateDto } from './models';
import { RestService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

  providedIn: 'root',
export class OrderService {
  apiName = 'Default';

  create = (input: OrderCreateDto) =>
    this.restService.request<any, void>({
      method: 'POST',
      url: `/api/app/order`,
      body: input,
    { apiName: this.apiName });

  constructor(private restService: RestService) {}


export interface GenericDetailDto<TCount> {
  productId: string;
  count: TCount;

export interface OrderCreateDto {
  customerId: string;
  creationTime: string;
  details: OrderDetailDto[];
  extraProperties: Record<string, object>;

export interface OrderDetailDto extends GenericDetailDto<number> {
  note: string;


abp generate-proxy is a very handy command that creates all the necessary code to consume your ABP based backend HTTP APIs. It generates a clean code that is well aligned to the backend services and benefits from the power of TypeScript (by using generics, inheritance...).

The Documentation

See the documentation for details of the Angular Service Proxy Generation.


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kishore.sahasranaman@gmail.com 4 years ago

Would it be possible to access the "Required Properties" (required: list) from Proxies generated? https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/data-types/#required

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joe@tronactive.com 4 years ago

Would this be used for commercial version as well?

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hikalkan 4 years ago

Everyting in the ABP Framework is usable in the ABP Commercial. So, the answer is YES! BTW, ABP Commercial has ABP Suite which can create a full stack page for an entity. It uses the same proxy generation system when you create a new entity with the Angular UI.

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