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Content Projection

You can use the ContentProjectionService in @abp/ng.core package in order to project content in an easy and explicit way.

Getting Started

You do not have to provide the ContentProjectionService at module or component level, because it is already provided in root. You can inject and start using it immediately in your components, directives, or services.

import { ContentProjectionService } from '@abp/ng.core';

  /* class metadata here */
class DemoComponent {
  constructor(private contentProjectionService: ContentProjectionService) {}


You can use the projectContent method of ContentProjectionService to render components and templates dynamically in your project.

How to Project Components to Root Level

If you pass a RootComponentProjectionStrategy as the first parameter of projectContent method, the ContentProjectionService will resolve the projected component and place it at the root level. If provided, it will also pass the component a context.

const strategy = PROJECTION_STRATEGY.AppendComponentToBody(
  { someOverlayProp: "SOME_VALUE" }

const componentRef = this.contentProjectionService.projectContent(strategy);

In the example above, SomeOverlayComponent component will placed at the end of <body> and a ComponentRef will be returned. Additionally, the given context will be applied, so someOverlayProp of the component will be set to SOME_VALUE.

You should keep the returned ComponentRef instance, as it is a reference to the projected component and you will need that reference to destroy the projected view and the component instance.

How to Project Components and Templates into a Container

If you pass a ComponentProjectionStrategy or TemplateProjectionStrategy as the first parameter of projectContent method, and a ViewContainerRef as the second parameter of that strategy, the ContentProjectionService will project the component or template to the given container. If provided, it will also pass the component or the template a context.

const strategy = PROJECTION_STRATEGY.ProjectComponentToContainer(
  { someProp: "SOME_VALUE" }

const componentRef = this.contentProjectionService.projectContent(strategy);

In this example, the viewContainerRefOfTarget, which is a ViewContainerRef instance, will be cleared and SomeComponent component will be placed inside it. In addition, the given context will be applied and someProp of the component will be set to SOME_VALUE.

You should keep the returned ComponentRef or EmbeddedViewRef, as they are a reference to the projected content and you will need them to destroy it when necessary.

Please refer to ProjectionStrategy to see all available projection strategies and how you can build your own projection strategy.



projectContent<T extends Type<any> | TemplateRef<any>>(
    projectionStrategy: ProjectionStrategy<T>,
    injector = this.injector,
): ComponentRef<C> | EmbeddedViewRef<C>
  • projectionStrategy parameter is the primary focus here and is explained above.
  • injector parameter is the Injector instance you can pass to the projected content. It is not used in TemplateProjectionStrategy.

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Last updated: April 10, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub

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