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Toast Overlay

You can use the ToasterService in @abp/ng.theme.shared package to display messages in an overlay by placing at the root level in your project.

Getting Started

You do not have to provide the ToasterService at module or component level, because it is already provided in root. You can inject and start using it immediately in your components, directives, or services.

import { ToasterService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';

  /* class metadata here */
class DemoComponent {
  constructor(private toaster: ToasterService) {}


You can use the success, warn, error, and info methods of ToasterService to display an overlay.

How to Display a Toast Overlay

this.toaster.success("Message", "Title");
  • The ToasterService methods accept three parameters that are message, title, and options.
  • success, warn, error, and info methods return the id of opened toast overlay. The toast can be removed with this id.

How to Display a Toast Overlay With Given Options

Options can be passed as the third parameter to success, warn, error, and info methods:

import { Toaster, ToasterService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';

constructor(private toaster: ToasterService) {}

const options: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions> = {
    life: 10000,
    sticky: false,
    closable: true,
    tapToDismiss: true,
    messageLocalizationParams: ['Demo', '1'],
    titleLocalizationParams: []

  this.toaster.error('AbpUi::EntityNotFoundErrorMessage', 'AbpUi::Error', options);
  • life option is the closing time in milliseconds. Default value is 5000.
  • sticky option keeps toast overlay on the screen by ignoring the life option when true. Default value is false.
  • closable option displays the close icon on the toast overlay when it is true. Default value is true.
  • tapToDismiss option, when true, allows closing the toast overlay by clicking over it. Default value is false.
  • yesText is the text of the confirmation button. A localization key or localization object can be passed. Default value is AbpUi::Yes.
  • messageLocalizationParams is the interpolation parameters for the localization of the message.
  • titleLocalizationParams is the interpolation parameters for the localization of the title.

With the options above, the toast overlay looks like this:


How to Remove a Toast Overlay

The open toast overlay can be removed manually via the remove method by passing the id of toast:

const toastId = this.toaster.success("Message", "Title");


How to Remove All Toasts

The all open toasts can be removed manually via the clear method:


Replacing ToasterService with 3rd party toaster libraries

If you want the ABP Framework to utilize 3rd party libraries for the toasters instead of the built-in one, you can provide a service that implements Toaster.Service interface, and provide it as follows (ngx-toastr library used in example):

You can use LocalizationService for toaster messages translations.

// your-custom-toaster.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Config, LocalizationService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Toaster } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';

export class CustomToasterService implements Toaster.Service {
  constructor(private toastr: ToastrService, private localizationService: LocalizationService) {}

    message: Config.LocalizationParam,
    title?: Config.LocalizationParam,
    options?: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions>,
  ) {
    return this.show(message, title, 'error', options);

  clear(): void {

    message: Config.LocalizationParam,
    title: Config.LocalizationParam | undefined,
    options: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions> | undefined,
  ): Toaster.ToasterId {
    return this.show(message, title, 'info', options);

  remove(id: number): void {

    message: Config.LocalizationParam,
    title: Config.LocalizationParam,
    severity: Toaster.Severity,
    options: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions>,
  ): Toaster.ToasterId {
    const translatedMessage = this.localizationService.instant(message);
    const translatedTitle = this.localizationService.instant(title);
    const toasterOptions = {
      positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right',
      tapToDismiss: options.tapToDismiss,
      ...(options.sticky && {
        extendedTimeOut: 0,
        timeOut: 0,
    const activeToast = this.toastr.show(
    return activeToast.toastId;

    message: Config.LocalizationParam,
    title: Config.LocalizationParam | undefined,
    options: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions> | undefined,
  ): Toaster.ToasterId {
    return this.show(message, title, 'success', options);

    message: Config.LocalizationParam,
    title: Config.LocalizationParam | undefined,
    options: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions> | undefined,
  ): Toaster.ToasterId {
    return this.show(message, title, 'warning', options);
// app.module.ts

import { ToasterService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';

  providers: [
      // ...
        provide: ToasterService,
        useClass: CustomToasterService,



  message: Config.LocalizationParam,
  title: Config.LocalizationParam,
  options?: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions>,
): number
  • Config namespace can be imported from @abp/ng.core.
  • Toaster namespace can be imported from @abp/ng.theme.shared.

See the LocalizationParam type and Toaster namespace


  message: Config.LocalizationParam,
  title: Config.LocalizationParam,
  options?: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions>,
): number


  message: Config.LocalizationParam,
  title: Config.LocalizationParam,
  options?: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions>,
): number


  message: Config.LocalizationParam,
  title: Config.LocalizationParam,
  options?: Partial<Toaster.ToastOptions>,
): number


remove(id: number): void

Removes an open toast by the given id.


clear(): void

Removes all open toasts.

See Also

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