Blazor UI: Toolbars

The Toolbar system is used to define toolbars on the user interface. Modules (or your application) can add items to a toolbar, then the theme renders the toolbar on the layout.

There is only one standard toolbar named "Main" (defined as a constant: StandardToolbars.Main). The Basic Theme renders the main toolbar as shown below:


In the screenshot above, there are two items added to the main toolbar: Language switch component & user menu. You can add your own items here.

Example: Add a Notification Icon

In this example, we will add a notification (bell) icon to the left of the language switch item. A item in the toolbar should be a Razor Component. So, first, create a new razor component in your project (the location of the component doesn't matter):


The content of the Notification.razor is shown below:

@inherits Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.AbpComponentBase
<div style="color: white; margin: 8px;">
    <i class="far fa-bell" @onclick="ShowNotifications"></i>
@code {
    private async Task ShowNotifications()
        await Message.Info("TODO: Show notifications");

This sample simply shows a message. In real life, you probably want to call an HTTP API to get notifications and show on the UI.

Now, we can create a class implementing the IToolbarContributor interface:

public class MyToolbarContributor : IToolbarContributor
    public Task ConfigureToolbarAsync(IToolbarConfigurationContext context)
        if (context.Toolbar.Name == StandardToolbars.Main)
            context.Toolbar.Items.Insert(0, new ToolbarItem(typeof(Notification)));

        return Task.CompletedTask;

This class adds the NotificationViewComponent as the first item in the Main toolbar.

Finally, you need to add this contributor to the AbpToolbarOptions, in the ConfigureServices of your module:

Configure<AbpToolbarOptions>(options =>
    options.Contributors.Add(new MyToolbarContributor());

That's all, you will see the notification icon on the toolbar when you run the application:



IToolbarManager is used to render the toolbar. It returns the toolbar items by a toolbar name. This is generally used by the themes to render the toolbar on the layout.


Last updated: January 01, 0001 Edit this page on GitHub

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