How to uninstall ABP Suite?

You can simply uninstall ABP Suite with the terminal command:

abp suite remove

How to do a clean uninstallation of ABP Suite?

To cleanly uninstall ABP Suite, follow these steps:

  1. Terminate your ABP Suite application.

  2. Uninstall ABP Suite via terminal command:

    dotnet tool uninstall -g volo.abp.suite
  3. If exists, delete the application installation folder:




  4. If exists, delete the ABP Suite executable file:




  5. If exists, delete license file:




  6. Delete the access-token file:





You have successfully uninstalled ABP Suite!

Reinstall ABP Suite

If you want to reinstall ABP Suite:

  • Make sure you have already installed the ABP CLI (by running the abp command on a terminal).

  • Login your account via ABP CLI:

    abp login <username>
  • Then, install the ABP Suite with the following command:

    abp suite install

    If you want to install the preview version add the parameter --preview.


Last updated: July 31, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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