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LeptonX Lite Blazor UI

LeptonX Lite has implementation for the ABP Framework Blazor WebAssembly & Blazor Server. It's a simplified variation of the LeptonX Theme.

If you are looking for a professional, enterprise ready theme, you can check the LeptonX Theme, which is a part of ABP Commercial.

See the Theming document to learn about themes.


  • Complete the MVC Razor Pages Installation first. If the solution is tiered/micro-service, complete the MVC steps for all MVC applications such as HttpApi.Host and IdentityServer.

  • Add Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Server.LeptonXLiteTheme package to your Blazor server application with the following command:

    dotnet add package Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Server.LeptonXLiteTheme --prerelease
  • Remove Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Server.BasicTheme reference from the project since it's not necessary after switching to LeptonX Lite.

  • Remove old theme from the DependsOn attribute in your module class and add the AbpAspNetCoreComponentsServerLeptonXLiteThemeModule type to the DependsOn attribute.

        // Remove BasicTheme module from DependsOn attribute
    -    typeof(AbpAspNetCoreComponentsServerBasicThemeModule),
        // Add LeptonX Lite module to DependsOn attribute
    +    typeof(AbpAspNetCoreComponentsServerLeptonXLiteThemeModule)
  • Replace BlazorBasicThemeBundles with BlazorLeptonXLiteThemeBundles in AbpBundlingOptions:

      // Remove following line
    - BlazorBasicThemeBundles.Styles.Global,
      // Add following line instead
    + BlazorLeptonXLiteThemeBundles.Styles.Global,
      bundle =>
          //You can remove the following line if you don't use Blazor CSS isolation for components
  • Update _Host.cshtml file. (located under Pages folder by default.)

    • Add following usings to Locate App and BlazorLeptonXLiteThemeBundles classes.

      @using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXLiteTheme.Themes.LeptonXLite
      @using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Server.LeptonXLiteTheme.Bundling
    • Then replace script & style bundles as following:

      // Remove following line
      - <abp-style-bundle name="@BlazorBasicThemeBundles.Styles.Global" />
      // Add following line instead
      + <abp-style-bundle name="@BlazorLeptonXLiteThemeBundles.Styles.Global" />
      // Remove following line
      - <abp-script-bundle name="@BlazorBasicThemeBundles.Scripts.Global" />
      // Add following line instead
      + <abp-script-bundle name="@BlazorLeptonXLiteThemeBundles.Scripts.Global" />



LeptonX Lite includes separeted toolbars for desktop & mobile. You can manage toolbars independently. Toolbar names can be accessible in the LeptonXLiteToolbars class.

  • LeptonXLiteToolbars.Main
  • LeptonXLiteToolbars.MainMobile
public async Task ConfigureToolbarAsync(IToolbarConfigurationContext context)
    if (context.Toolbar.Name == LeptonXLiteToolbars.Main)
        context.Toolbar.Items.Add(new ToolbarItem(typeof(MyDesktopComponent)));

    if (context.Toolbar.Name == LeptonXLiteToolbars.MainMobile)
        context.Toolbar.Items.Add(new ToolbarItem(typeof(MyMobileComponent)));

    return Task.CompletedTask;

You can visit the Toolbars Documentation for better understanding.


Last updated: July 27, 2022 Edit this page on GitHub

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