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Helm Deployment on Local Kubernetes Cluster

This documentation introduces guidance for running your microservice template on local kubernetes cluster using helm charts. The ABP microservice template already provides scripts to deploy your solution into your local kubernetes cluster. It is required to have basic knowledge about kubernetes and helm charts.


  • Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes enabled or Minikube.

  • Helm for running helm charts.

  • NGINX ingress for Kubernetes


    NGINX ingress using helm

    helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
    helm repo update
    helm upgrade --install --version=4.0.19 ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

Building Images

The ABP microservice template provides docker image build scripts based on your solution. There are two scripts located under the build folder:

  • build-images-locally.ps1 script is used to build docker images using the Dockerfile.local file located under all the applications, microservices and gateways. This is a very basic image build that copies the files under the bin/Release folder to the image. build-images-locally.ps1 script basically navigates all the related applications/microservices and runs dotnet publish on release before creating the docker image. You need .NET SDK to build these images.
  • build-images.ps1 script is used to build docker images using the Dockerfile file located under all the applications, microservices and gateways. This dockerfile uses multi-stage image building that restores, publishes and copies the applications in the containers. Since all the microservice solution is cached, first image creation can be slow but the others would be created faster. This approach is more suitable for CI&CD environments when you don't want to add extra step to install .NET SDK.

Removing Unused Helm Charts

Necessary helm charts are created under etc/k8s/mystore folder. Based on your back-office application UI, remove the other UI charts. Ex, if you are using *angular* UI, remove *web*, *blazor* and *blazor-server* charts.

How to Run

The default application is configured to be running on HTTPS using domain names. This guide will be using MyStore as project name. The generated deployment scripts and namespaces will be based on your project name.

Configuring HTTPS

There are various ways to create a self-signed certificate. dotnet tooling with the command dotnet dev-certs https for generating self-signed certificate will not work since it only generates certificate for the localhost domain. The k8s environment will be requiring real domain names.

Using mkcert

This guide will be using mkcert for creating self-signed certificates. Follow the installation guide to install mkcert. Use the command to create root (local) certificate authority for your certificates:

mkcert -install

This command will make all the certificates created by mkcert trusted by the local machine.

You can also use OpenSSL to generate self-signed certificate for multiple domains.

Generating TLS Secret

Use the create-tls-secrets.ps1 script under the etc/k8s folder to generate self-signed certificate and create the tls secrets that will be used by ingress. The generated script will be based on your project name.

mkcert `
"mystore-st-authserver" `
"mystore-st-angular" `
"mystore-st-public-web" `
"mystore-st-gateway-web" "mystore-st-gateway-web-public" `
"mystore-st-identity" "mystore-st-administration" "mystore-st-saas" "mystore-st-product" 

This command generates mystore-st-authserver+8.pem and mystore-st-authserver+8-key.pem files under the etc/k8s folder.

kubectl create namespace mystore
kubectl create secret tls -n mystore mystore-tls --cert=./mystore-st-authserver+8.pem  --key=./mystore-st-authserver+8-key.pem

These commands will create a namespace of your project name and the tls secret using the generated files.

Note: If you add a new microservice or an other application, don't forget to generate SSL certificate for it and update the TLS secret.

Mapping Host Name

Now we need to map the domain names we have generated the SSL certificate for. Add entries to the hosts file (in Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, in linux and macos: /etc/hosts ): mystore-st-angular mystore-st-public-web mystore-st-authserver mystore-st-identity mystore-st-administration mystore-st-product mystore-st-saas mystore-st-gateway-web mystore-st-gateway-web-public

This configuration will allow k8s ingress to take over when you navigate to any of these domain in the browser.

Running the Solution

Use deploy-staging.ps1 script to deploy your microservice solution as a single helm chart deployment. The script contains:

helm upgrade --install mystore-st mystore --namespace mystore --create-namespace

the command to install (or upgrade) the helm deployment using mystore-st release name to the mystore namespace (and creates the namespace if it doesn't exist). The generated script will be based on your project name.

Helm Charts Explained

Under etc/k8s folder you can see the MyStore (your application name) folder that contains the main helm chart and sub-charts.

Main Chart

The deploy-staging.ps1 script uses the MyStore Chart.yaml and the values.yaml files for single helm deployment for the whole microservice solution as a single chart. MyStore folder contains the values.yaml file that is used to override all the sub-charts.


Under the charts folder, you can see all the 3rd party applications (like redis, sql-server etc) and the solution project charts (applications, microservices, gateways). They are all helm charts and contain their own Chart.yaml and values.yaml files. Under the templates folder, you can find ingress, service, deployment and configmap (gateways and angular app have it) files.

  • Ingress file is used for exposing services/applications to browser with a DNS. It is using nginx as ingress.class and contains host and tls configurations.
  • Service file the service definition for the helm chart.
  • Deployment file is contains all the deployment configuration and the most importantly environment variable overriding. You can examine and/or add your own appsettings overriding to the this file. You can see all the overriding values are pointing to the values.yaml file.
  • Configmap file contains json files to replace the existing files. Gateways replace ocelot.json files, angular application contains dynamic-env.json file to replace the remote environment file. You can find volume mounts under the deployment.yaml files. This is used to prevent the recreation of the image for environment changes.

Each template deployment override information are located under their own chart folder. The values.yaml files contains the keys but the values are commented out. This is because the main chart values.yaml file overrides all these values in a single file. If you want to deploy any application, microservice or a gateway individually, you need to fill the commented values of the related values.yaml files.


  • Can't reach this page! I get DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error when I try to navigate any of the applications (like https://mystore-st-public-web).
    • It means your local kubernetes ingress can not resolve the DNS.
      1. Check your docker for desktop (or your preferred k8s cluster) is up and running and make sure the NGINX ingress for Kubernetes is up and running properly.
      2. Check your host name mapping under the etc\hosts folder. Make sure you have proper mapping for the domain names and your local kubernetes cluster has also correct mapping (like kubernetes.docker.internal), added by docker for desktop (or your preferred k8s cluster).
  • Your connection isn't private! I get NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error when I try to navigate any of the applications (like https://mystore-st-public-web).
    • It means there is a problem with the SSL certificate. Make sure you have generated the certificates properly and created the TLS secret correctly.



Last updated: May 18, 2023 Edit this page on GitHub

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