Migrating from Open Source Templates
This guide provides you a step-by-step guidance to migrating your existing application (that uses the ABP Framework) to ABP Commercial. Since ABP Commercial uses the main structure of the ABP Framework and is built on top of that, this process is pretty straightforward, you can apply the steps mentioned in each step and easily migrate your project to ABP Commercial.
After following this documentation, you should be able to migrate your project to ABP Commercial. However, if you have any problems or cannot migrate your project, we are providing paid consultancy, which you can find details at https://commercial.abp.io/additional-services. On this page, you can find related pieces of information about our trainings, custom project development, and porting existing projects services, and you can fill-out the contact form, so we can reach out to you.
ABP Commercial Migration Steps
In this guide, we assume that you have a middle-complex ABP based solution and want to migrate to ABP Commercial. Throughout this documentation, Acme.BookStore
application will be used as a reference solution (example application that is described in ABP's tutorial documents), which you can find at https://github.com/abpframework/abp-samples/tree/master/BookStore-Mvc-EfCore but all of these steps are applicable for your own applications, only some of them can be changed according to your project choose and structure. However, the migration flow is the same.
There are 4 main steps to migrating from ABP Framework to ABP Commercial, and each one of them is explained in the following sections, step-by-step and project-based:
1. License Transition
The first step is to obtain the necessary license for ABP Commercial to be able to get the benefit of the pro modules and unlock the additional features. To do that, you should first get your ApiKey
from the organization's detail page.
You can update the NuGet.Config file in the root directory of your solution and add the packageSource as follows (don't forget to replace <api-key>
After that, you can obtain an AbpLicenseCode
by creating a startup template and copying the code from the appsettings.secrets.json
file. Then, you can open the appsettings.secrets.json
files under the *.DbMigrator
and *.Domain
projects and add your AbpLicenseCode
is needed to be able to use ABP Commercial's NuGet packages andAbpLicenseCode
is needed for license checks per module.
2. Installing the ABP Commercial Modules
After, you have added the ApiKey
and AbpLicenseCode
to the relevant places, now you can add ABP Commercial's modules to your solution. ABP Commercial provides plenty of modules that extend the ABP Framework modules, such as the Account Pro
module over the Account
module or the Identity Pro
module over the Identity
To replace these modules and also add the additional modules provided by ABP Commercial, you can use the abp add-module
command (and then remove the free modules as described in the next section). This command finds all packages of the specified module, finds the related projects in the solution, and adds each package to the corresponding project in the solution. Therefore, by using this command, you don't need to manually add the package references to the *.csproj
files and add related [DependsOn(typeof(<>))]
statements to the module classes, instead, this command does this on behalf of you.
You can run the following commands one after another in your solution directory and add all the related modules into your solution as you would have started with one of the startup templates of ABP Commercial:
abp add-module Volo.Identity.Pro --skip-db-migrations
→ Identity Moduleabp add-module Volo.OpenIddict.Pro --skip-db-migrations
→ OpenIddict Moduleabp add-module Volo.Saas --skip-db-migrations
→ SaaS Moduleabp add-module Volo.AuditLogging.Ui --skip-db-migrations
→ Audit Logging UI Moduleabp add-module Volo.Account.Pro --skip-db-migrations
→ Account Moduleabp add-module Volo.TextTemplateManagement --skip-db-migrations
→ Text Template Management Moduleabp add-module Volo.LanguageManagement --skip-db-migrations
→ Language Management Moduleabp add-module Volo.Gdpr --skip-db-migrations
→ GDPR Moduleabp add-module Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Database --skip-db-migrations
→ Blob Storing - Database Provider
These 9 modules are pre-installed on the startup templates of ABP Commercial. Therefore, you can install all of them if you want to align your project with the startup templates, but it's totally optional, so you can skip running the command above for a module that you don't want to add to your solution.
After running the commands above, all of the related commercial packages and their dependencies will be added to your solution. In addition to these module packages, you can add Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates
package into your domain application to be able to use ABP Suite later on. By doing that you will be able to add your solution from ABP Suite UI and generate CRUD pages for your applications whenever you want.
So, open your *Domain.csproj
file and add the line below (don't forget to replace the <Version>
Then, for the final step, you need to add the related DependsOn
statement to the *DomainModule.cs
file as follows:
3. Removing the ABP Framework Module References & Updating Configurations
After the license transition and installing the ABP Commercial Modules, now you can remove the unnecessary free modules. For example, now you don't need the Identity
module in your solution, because you have added the Identity PRO
module in the previous section and it already has dependency on the free module and extends it.
You should remove various dependencies and references in different projects in your solution. All of the required changes are listed below in different sections, please apply the following steps to remove the unnecessary ABP Framework Modules:
3.1 - Domain.Shared Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *Domain.Shared.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces, and DependsOn statements from *DomainSharedModule.cs
3.2 - Domain Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *Domain.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces, and DependsOn statements from *DomainModule.cs
After removing the unnecessary references, we should update the namespaces in the BookStoreDbMigrationService
class under the Data folder:
3.3 - EntityFrameworkCore Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *EntityFrameworkCore.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces from *EntityFrameworkCoreModule.cs
Then, update the*DbContext.cs
and make the related configurations:
3.4 - Application.Contracts Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *Application.Contracts.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces, and DependsOn statements from *ApplicationContractsModule.cs
3.5 - Application Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *Application.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces, and DependsOn statements from *ApplicationModule.cs
3.6 - HttpApi Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *HttpApi.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces, and DependsOn statements from *HttpApiModule.cs
3.7 - HttpApi.Client Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *HttpApi.Client.csproj
Remove the unnecessary namespaces, and DependsOn statements from *HttpApiClientModule.cs
3.8 - Web Project
Remove the unnecessary references from the *Web.csproj
Notice, that you have also changed the LeptonXLite theme reference with the LeptonX Theme, which is a commercial theme provided by ABP Commercial and has superior features to the LeptonX Lite theme.
Update namespaces for the *WebModule.cs
Then, we can update the configurations and add missing middlewares to the request pipeline in the same file, as follows:
Note: In the startup templates of ABP Commercial, besides these configurations, there are some additional configurations, such as configuring impersonation, configuring external providers, and configuring health checks. These configurations are optional, and for the sake of simplicity, in this documentation, we did not mention them. You can apply the related configurations by checking the related documentation and from the default startup templates.
Update the namespaces in the BookStoreMenuContributor
file as follows:
Then, we can update the ConfigureMainMenuAsync
method in this file to specify the order of the menu items:
Replace LeptonX Lite npm package with LeptonX package in package.json
4. Creating Migrations & Running Application
That's it, you have applied the all related steps to migrate your application from ABP Framework to ABP Commercial. Now, you can create a new migration, apply it to your database, and run your application!
To create a new migration, open a terminal in your *.EntityFrameworkCore
project directory, and run the following command:
Then, to apply the database into your database and seed the initial data, you can run the *.DbMigrator
project. After it's completed, you can run the *.Web
project to see your application as working.
Note: If you have an existing database, then creating a new migration and applying it to the database may not happen correctly. At that point, if it's possible you can drop the existing database and create a new one, or you can have a backup of your existing db, and after applying the new migration, you can synchronize the database with the backup.
If you find the migration process challenging or prefer professional assistance, we offer a paid consultancy service. Our experienced consultants can help ensure a smooth transition to ABP Commercial, addressing any specific needs or challenges your project may encounter. For detailed guidance and support, feel free to reach out.