ABP Studio CLI

ABP Studio CLI is a command line tool that extends ABP CLI by adding more commands to perform operations of ABP Studio features.


ABP Studio CLI is installed automatically when you install ABP Studio.


As ABP Studio CLI extends ABP CLI, all commands provided by ABP CLI is also valid for ABP Studio CLI. Here, is the list of additional commands before explaining their details:

  • new-solution: Generates a new solution based on the ABP Studio startup templates.
  • new-module: Generates a new module based on the given template.
  • new-package: Generates a new package based on the given template.
  • add-package-ref: Adds package to given project.
  • add-source: Downloads the source code and replaces package references with project references.
  • init-solution: Creates ABP Studio configuration files for a given solution.
  • install-local-module: Installs a local module to given module.
  • install-module: Installs a module to given module via NuGet packages.
  • kube-connect: Connects to kubernetes environment.
  • kube-intercept: Intercepts a service running in Kubernetes environment.


Generates a new solution based on the ABP Studio startup templates.

abpc new-solution <solution-name> [options]


abpc new-solution Acme.BookStore
  • Acme.BookStore is the solution name here.
  • Common convention is to name a solution is like YourCompany.YourProject. However, you can use different naming like YourProject (single level namespacing) or YourCompany.YourProduct.YourModule (three levels namespacing).


  • --template or -t: Specifies the template name. Default template name is empty, which generates a empty solution. Available templates:
    • empty: Empty solution template.

      • app-pro: Application template. Additional options:
        • --ui or -u: Specifies the UI framework. Default framework is mvc. Available frameworks:
          • mvc: ASP.NET Core MVC. There are some additional options for this template:
            • --tiered: Creates a tiered solution where Web and Http API layers are physically separated. If not specified, it creates a layered solution which is less complex and suitable for most scenarios.
          • angular: Angular UI. There are some additional options for this template:
            • --separate-auth-server: The Auth Server project comes as a separate project and runs at a different endpoint. It separates the Auth Server from the API Host application. If not specified, you will have a single endpoint in the server side.
            • --pwa: Specifies the project as Progressive Web Application.
          • blazor: Blazor UI. There are some additional options for this template:
            • --separate-auth-serverThe Auth Server project comes as a separate project and runs at a different endpoint. It separates the Auth Server from the API Host application. If not specified, you will have a single endpoint in the server side.
            • --pwa: Specifies the project as Progressive Web Application.
          • blazor-server: Blazor Server UI. There are some additional options for this template:
            • --tiered: The Auth Server and the API Host project comes as separate projects and run at different endpoints. It has 3 startup projects: HttpApi.Host, AuthServer and Blazor and and each runs on different endpoints. If not specified, you will have a single endpoint for your web project.
          • maui-blazor: Blazor Maui UI. There are some additional options for this template:
            • --tiered: The Auth Server and the API Host project comes as separate projects and run at different endpoints. It has 3 startup projects: HttpApi.Host, AuthServer and Blazor and and each runs on different endpoints. If not specified, you will have a single endpoint for your web project.
          • no-ui: Without UI. No front-end layer will be created. There are some additional options for this template:
            • --separate-auth-server: The Auth Server project comes as a separate project and runs at a different endpoint. It separates the Auth Server from the API Host application. If not specified, you will have a single endpoint in the server side.
        • --mobile or -m: Specifies the mobile application framework. Default value is react-native. Available frameworks:
          • none: Without any mobile application.
          • react-native: React Native.
          • maui: MAUI.
        • --database-provider or -d: Specifies the database provider. Default provider is ef. Available providers:
          • ef: Entity Framework Core.
          • mongodb: MongoDB.
        • --connection-string or -cs: Overwrites the default connection strings in all appsettings.json files. The default connection string is Server=localhost;Database=MyProjectName;Trusted_Connection=True for EF Core and it is configured to use the SQL Server. If you want to use the EF Core, but need to change the DBMS, you can change it as described here (after creating the solution).
        • --theme: Specifes the theme. Default theme is leptonx. Available themes:
          • leptonx: LeptonX Theme.
          • basic: Basic Theme.
    • app-nolayers-pro: Single-layer application template. Additional options:

      • --ui or -u: Specifies the UI framework. Default framework is mvc. Available frameworks:
        • mvc: ASP.NET Core MVC. There are some additional options for this template:
        • angular: Angular UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • blazor: Blazor UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • blazor-server: Blazor Server UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • no-ui: Without UI. No front-end layer will be created. There are some additional options for this template:
      • --database-provider or -d: Specifies the database provider. Default provider is ef. Available providers:
        • ef: Entity Framework Core.
        • mongodb: MongoDB.
      • --connection-string or -cs: Overwrites the default connection strings in all appsettings.json files. The default connection string is Server=localhost;Database=MyProjectName;Trusted_Connection=True for EF Core and it is configured to use the SQL Server. If you want to use the EF Core, but need to change the DBMS, you can change it as described here (after creating the solution).
      • --theme: Specifes the theme. Default theme is leptonx. Available themes:
        • leptonx: LeptonX Theme.
        • basic: Basic Theme.
    • microservice-pro: Microservice solution template. Additional options:

      • --ui or -u: Specifies the UI framework. Default framework is mvc. Available frameworks:
        • mvc: ASP.NET Core MVC. There are some additional options for this template:
        • angular: Angular UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • blazor: Blazor UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • blazor-server: Blazor Server UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • maui-blazor: Blazor Maui UI. There are some additional options for this template:
        • no-ui: Without UI. No front-end layer will be created. There are some additional options for this template:
      • --mobile or -m: Specifies the mobile application framework. Default value is react-native. Available frameworks:
        • none: Without any mobile application.
        • react-native: React Native.
        • maui: MAUI.
      • --database-provider or -d: Specifies the database provider. Default provider is ef. Available providers:
        • ef: Entity Framework Core.
        • mongodb: MongoDB.
      • --theme: Specifes the theme. Default theme is leptonx. Available themes:
        • leptonx: LeptonX Theme.
        • basic: Basic Theme.
  • --output-folder or -o: Specifies the output folder. Default value is the current directory.
  • --database-management-system or -dbms: Sets the database management system. Default is SQL Server. Supported DBMS's:
    • SqlServer
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLite (app-pro & app-nolayers-pro)
    • Oracle (app-pro & app-nolayers-pro)
    • Oracle-Devart (app-pro & app-nolayers-pro)
  • --dont-run-install-libs: Skip installing client side packages.
  • --dont-run-bundling: Skip bundling for Blazor packages.
  • --no-kubernetes-configuration or -nkc: Skips the Kubernetes configuration files.
  • Module Options: You can skip some modules if you don't want to add them to your solution. Available commands:
    • -no-saas: Skips the Saas module.
    • -no-gdpr: Skips the GDPR module.
    • -no-openiddict-admin-ui: Skips the OpenIddict Admin UI module.
    • -no-audit-logging: Skips the Audit Logging module.
    • -no-file-management: Skips the File Management module.
    • -no-language-management: Skips the Language Management module.
    • -no-text-template-management: Skips the Text Template Management module.
    • -no-chat: Skips the Chat module.


Generates a new module.

abpc new-module <module-name> [options]


abpc new-module Acme.BookStore -t module:ddd


  • --template or -t: Specifies the template name. Default template name is empty, which generates a empty module. Module templates are provided by the main template, see their own startup template documentation for available modules. empty and module:ddd template is available for all solution structure.
  • --output-folder or -o: Specifies the output folder. Default value is the current directory.
  • --target-solution or -ts: If set, the new module will be added to the given solution. Otherwise the new module will added to the closest solution in the file system. If no solution found, it will throw an error.
  • --solution-folder or -sf: Specifies the target folder in the Solution Explorer virtual folder system.
  • --database-provider or -d: Specifies the database provider. Default provider is ef. This option is only available if the module template supports it. You can add multiple values separated by commas, such as ef, mongodb if the module template supports it. Available providers:
    • ef: Entity Framework Core.
    • mongodb: MongoDB.
  • --ui-framework or -u: Specifies the UI framework. Default framework is mvc. This option is only available if the module template supports it. You can add multiple values separated by commas, such as mvc,angular if the module template supports it. Available frameworks:
    • mvc: ASP.NET Core MVC.
    • angular: Angular UI.
    • blazor: Blazor UI.
    • blazor-server: Blazor Server UI.


Generates a new package.

abpc new-package [options]


abpc new-package --name Acme.BookStore.Domain --template lib.domain


  • --template or -t: Specifies the template name. This parameter doesn't have a default value and must be set. Available templates and their sub-options:
    • lib.class-library
    • lib.domain-shared
    • lib.domain
    • lib.application-contracts
    • lib.application
      • --with-automapper: Adds automapper configuration.
    • lib.ef
      • --include-migrations: Allows migration operations on this package.
      • --connection-string-name: Default value is the last part of the package's namespace (or package name simply).
      • --connection-string: Connection string value. Defaut value is null. You can set it alter.
    • lib.mongodb
    • lib.http-api
    • lib.http-api-client
    • lib.mvc
    • lib.blazor
    • lib.blazor-wasm
    • lib.blazor-server
    • host.http-api
      • --with-serilog: Includes Serilog configuration.
      • --with-swagger: Includes Swagger configuration.
    • host.mvc
      • --with-serilog: Includes Serilog configuration.
      • --with-swagger: Includes Swagger configuration.
    • host.blazor-wasm
      • --backend: Name of the backend project in the module (not path).
    • host.blazor-server
    • csharp.console
    • csharp.library
  • --module-file or -m: If set, the new package will be added to the given module. Otherwise the new package will added to the closest module in the file system. If no module found, it will throw an error.
  • --name or -n: Specifies the name of the package. If not set, a name based on the template type and module name will be generated.
  • --folder or -f: Specifies the target folder in the target module's virtual folder system.


Adds one or more package reference to target project, also adds ABP module dependency. Both reference and target projects must belong to same module.

abpc add-package-ref <package-names> [options]


abpc add-package-ref Acme.BookStore.Domain
abpc add-package-ref "Acme.BookStore.Domain Acme.BookStore.Domain.Shared" -t Acme.BookStore.Web


  • --target-project or -t: Name of the project that reference will be added. If not set, project in the current directory will be used.


Downloads the source code of a module and replaces package references with project references. This command only works if your ABP Commercial License has source-code access, or if source-code of the target module is free to all type of ABP Commercial Licenses.

abpc add-source <module-name> [options]


abpc add-source Volo.Chat --add-to-solution-file


  • --target-module or -t: The module that will refer the downloaded source code. If not set, the module in the current directory will be used.
  • --add-to-solution-file: Adds the downloaded source code to C# solution file and ABP Studio solution file.


Creates necessary files for a solution to be readable by ABP Studio. If the solution is generated via ABP Studio, you don't need this command. But it is not generated by ABP Studio, you need this command to make it work with ABP Studio.

abpc init-solution [options]


abpc init-solution --name Acme.BookStore


  • --name or -n: Name for the solution. If not set, it will be the same as the name of closest c# solution in the file system.


Installs one module to another. Project relations are created according the types of the projects. For example: a lib.domain-shared project is added to lib.domain-shared project

abpc install-local-module <module-path> [options]


abpc install-local-module Acme.OrderManagement

abpc install-local-module Acme.OrderManagement -t "modules/crm/Acme.Crm.abpmdl"


  • --target-module or -t: Path (or folder path) of the target module that the other module will be installed to. If not set, the closest module to the current directory will be used.


Installs a module, that is published as nuget packages, to a local module. Project relations are created according the types of the projects. For example: a lib.domain-shared project is added to lib.domain-shared project

abpc install-module <module-name> [options]


abpc install-module Volo.Blogging

abpc install-module Volo.Blogging -t "modules/crm/Acme.Crm.abpmdl"


  • --target-module or -t: Path (or folder path) of the target module that the other module will be installed to. If not set, the closest module to the current directory will be used.
  • --version or -v: Nuget version of the module to be installed.


Connects to Kubernetes cluster. Press ctrl+c to disconnect.

abpc kube-connect [options]


abpc kube-connect

abpc kube-connect -p Default.abpk8s.json

abpc kube-connect -c docker-desktop -ns mycrm-local


  • --profile or -p: Kubernetes Profile path or name to be used. Path can be relative (to current directory) or full path, or you can simply give the name of profile if you run this command in same directory with the solution or profile. This parameter is not needed if you use --namespace and --context parameters.
  • --namespace or -ns: The namespace that services running on.
  • --context or -c: The context that services running in.
  • --wireguard-password or -wp: Wireguard password for the profile. This is not needed if you already set it on the ABP Studio user interface.
  • --solution-id or -si: Id of the solution. If not set, the closest solution in file system will be used.


Intercepts a service running in Kubernetes environment. Press ctrl+c to stop interception.

abpc kube-intercept <service-name> [options]


abpc kube-intercept mycrm-product-service -ns mycrm-local

abpc kube-intercept mycrm-product-service -ns mycrm-local -a MyCrm.ProductService.HttpApi.Host.csproj

abpc kube-intercept mycrm-product-service -ns mycrm-local -a MyCrm.ProductService.HttpApi.Host.csproj -pm 8080:80,8081:443


  • --application or -a: Relative or full path of the project that will intercept the service. If not set, the project in the current directory will be used.
  • --namespace or -ns: The namespace that service running on.
  • --context or -sc: The context that service running in. Default value is docker-desktop.
  • --port-mappings or -pm: Port mappings for the service.

See Also


Last updated: March 04, 2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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