Distributed Event Bus Rebus Integration

This document explains how to configure the Rebus as the distributed event bus provider. See the distributed event bus document to learn how to use the distributed event bus system


Use the ABP CLI to add Volo.Abp.EventBus.Rebus NuGet package to your project:

  • Install the ABP CLI if you haven't installed before.
  • Open a command line (terminal) in the directory of the .csproj file you want to add the Volo.Abp.EventBus.Rebus package.
  • Run abp add-package Volo.Abp.EventBus.Rebus command.

If you want to do it manually, install the Volo.Abp.EventBus.Rebus NuGet package to your project and add [DependsOn(typeof(AbpEventBusRebusModule))] to the ABP module class inside your project.


You can configure using the standard configuration system, like using the options classes.

The Options Classes

AbpRebusEventBusOptions class can be used to configure the event bus options for the Rebus.

You can configure this options inside the PreConfigureServices of your module.

Example: Minimize configuration

PreConfigure<AbpRebusEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.InputQueueName = "eventbus";

Rebus has many options, you can use the Configurer property of AbpRebusEventBusOptions class to configure.

Default events are stored in memory. See the rebus document for more details.

Example: Configure the store

PreConfigure<AbpRebusEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.InputQueueName = "eventbus";
    options.Configurer = rebusConfigurer =>
        rebusConfigurer.Transport(t => t.UseMsmq("eventbus"));
        rebusConfigurer.Subscriptions(s => s.UseJsonFile(@"subscriptions.json"));

You can use the Publish properpty of AbpRebusEventBusOptions class to change the publishing method

Example: Configure the event publishing

PreConfigure<AbpRebusEventBusOptions>(options =>
    options.InputQueueName = "eventbus";
    options.Publish = async (bus, type, data) =>
        await bus.Publish(data);


Last updated: October 19, 2022 Edit this page on GitHub

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