
You can get the value of a feature on the client-side using the config state service if it is allowed by the feature definition on the server-side.

This document explains how to get feature values in an Angular application. See the Features document to learn the feature system.

Before Use

To use the ConfigStateService, you must inject it in your class as a dependency. You do not have to provide the service explicitly, because it is already provided in root.

import { ConfigStateService } from '@abp/ng.core';

  /* class metadata here */
class DemoComponent {
  constructor(private config: ConfigStateService) {}

How to Get a Specific Feature

You can use the getFeature method of ConfigStateService to get a specific feature from the configuration state. Here is an example:

// this.config is instance of ConfigStateService

const defaultLang = this.config.getFeature("Identity.TwoFactor");
// 'Optional'

You can then check the value of the feature to perform your logic. Please note that feature keys are case-sensitive.


Last updated: November 06, 2020 Edit this page on GitHub

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