Database Tables

This documentation describes all database tables and their purposes. You can read this documentation to get general knowledge of the database tables that come from each module.

Audit Logging Module


This table stores information about the audit logs in the application. Each record represents an audit log and tracks the actions performed in the application.


This table stores information about the actions performed in the application, which are logged for auditing purposes.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpAuditLogs Id Links each action to a specific audit log.


This table stores information about entity changes in the application, which are logged for auditing purposes.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpAuditLogs Id Links each entity change to a specific audit log.


This table stores information about property changes to entities in the application, which are logged for auditing purposes.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpEntityChanges Id Links each property change to a specific entity change.

Background Jobs Module


This table stores information about the background jobs in the application and facilitates their efficient management and tracking. Each entry in the table contains details of a background job, including the job name, arguments, try count, next try time, last try time, abandoned status, and priority.

Tenant Management Module


This table stores information about the tenants. Each record represents a tenant and contains information about the tenant, such as name and other details.


This table stores information about the tenant database connection strings. When you define a connection string for a tenant, a new record will be added to this table. You can query this database to get connection strings by tenants.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpTenants Id The Id column in the AbpTenants table is used to associate the tenant connection string with the corresponding tenant.

Blogging Module


This table stores information about the blog users. When a new identity user is created, a new record will be added to this table.


This table serves to store blog information and semantically separates the posts of each blog.


This table stores information about the blog posts. You can query this table to get blog posts by blogs.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
BlgBlogs Id To associate the blog post with the corresponding blog.


This table stores information about the comments made on blog posts. You can query this table to get comments by posts.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
BlgPosts Id Links the comment to the corresponding blog post.
BlgComments Id Links the comment to the parent comment.


This table stores information about the tags. When a new tag is used, a new record will be added to this table. You can query this table to get tags by blogs.


This table is used to associate tags with blog posts in order to categorize and organize the content. You can query this table to get post tags by posts.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
BlgTags Id Links the post tag to the corresponding tag.
BlgPosts Id Links the post tag to the corresponding blog post.

CMS Kit Module


This table stores information about the CMS Kit module users. When a new identity user is created, a new record will be added to this table.


This table serves to store blog information and semantically separates the posts of each blog.


This table stores information about the blog posts. You can query this table to get blog posts by blogs.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
CmsUsers Id Links the blog post to the corresponding author.


This table stores information about the blog features. You can query this table to get blog features by blogs.


This table is utilized by the CMS Kit Comment system to store comments made on the blog posts. You can query this table to get comments by posts.


This table stores information about the tags. When a new tag is used, a new record will be added to this table. You can query this table to get tags by blogs.


This table is utilized by the Tag Management system to store tags and their relationship with various entities, thus enabling efficient categorization and organization of content. You can query this table to get entity tags by entities.


This table is a database table for the CMS Kit Global Resources system, allowing dynamic addition of global styles and scripts.


This table is utilized by the CMS kit module to manage media files by using the BlobStoring module.


This table is used by the CMS Kit Menu system to manage and store information about dynamic public menus, including details such as menu item display names, URLs, and hierarchical relationships.


This table is utilized by the CMS Kit Page system to store dynamic pages within the application, including information such as page URLs, titles, and content.


This table is utilized by the CMS Kit Rating system to store ratings made on blog posts. You can query this table to get ratings by posts.


This table is utilized by the CMS Kit Reaction system to store reactions made on blog posts. You can query this table to get reactions by posts.

Docs Module


This table stores project information to categorize documents according to different projects.


This table retrieves the document if it's not found in the cache. The documentation is being updated when the content is retrieved from the database.


This table stores information about the contributors of the documents. You can query this table to get document contributors by documents.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
DocsDocuments Id Links the document contributor to the corresponding document.

Feature Management Module


This table stores information about the feature groups in the application. For example, you can group all the features in the AbpFeatures table related to the Identity module under the Identity group.


This table stores information about the features in the application. You can use the Name column to link each feature with its corresponding feature value in the AbpFeatureValues table, so that you can easily manage and organize the features.


This table stores the values of the features for different providers. You can use the Name column to link each feature value with its corresponding feature in the AbpFeatures table, so that you can easily manage and organize the features.

Identity Module


This table stores information about the identity users in the application.


This table stores information about the roles in the application. Roles are used to manage and control access to different parts of the application by assigning permissions and claims to roles and then assigning those roles to users. This table is important for managing and organizing the roles in the application, and for defining the access rights of the users.


This table stores information about the claim types used in the application. You can use the Name, Regex columns to filter the claim types by name, and regex pattern respectively, so that you can easily manage and track the claim types in the application.


This table is useful for linking multiple user accounts across different tenants or applications to a single user, allowing them to easily switch between their accounts.


This table can manage user-based access control by allowing to assign claims to users, which describes the access rights of the individual user.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpUsers Id Links the user claim to the corresponding user.


This table can store information about the user's external logins such as login with Facebook, Google, etc. and it can also be used to track the login history of users.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpUsers Id Links the user login to the corresponding user.


This table can manage user-based access control by allowing to assign roles to users, which describe the access rights of the individual user.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpUsers Id Links the user role to the corresponding user.
AbpRoles Id Links the user role to the corresponding role.


This table can store information about user's refresh tokens, access tokens and other tokens used in the application. It can also be used to invalidate or revoke user tokens.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpUsers Id Links the user token to the corresponding user.


This table is useful for creating and managing a hierarchical structure of the organization, allowing to group users and assign roles based on the organization structure. You can use the Code, ParentId columns to filter the organization units by code and parent id respectively, so that you can easily manage and track the organization units in the application.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpOrganizationUnits ParentId Links the organization unit to its parent organization unit.


This table is useful for managing role-based access control at the level of organization units, allowing to assign different roles to different parts of the organization structure. You can use the OrganizationUnitId, RoleId columns to filter the roles by organization unit id and role id respectively, so that you can easily manage and track the roles assigned to organization units in the application.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpOrganizationUnits Id Links the organization unit role to the corresponding organization unit.
AbpRoles Id Links the organization unit role to the corresponding role.


This table stores information about the organization units assigned to the users in the application. This table can manage user-organization unit relationships, and to group users based on the organization structure.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpUsers Id Links the user organization unit to the corresponding user.
AbpOrganizationUnits Id Links the user organization unit to the corresponding organization unit.


This table is useful for managing role-based access control by allowing to assign claims to roles, which describes the access rights of the users that belong to that role.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpRoles Id Links the role claim to the corresponding role.


This table logs important operations and changes related to user accounts, allowing users to save the security logs for future reference.

Permission Management


This table is important for managing and organizing the permissions in the application, by grouping them into logical categories.


This table is important for managing and controlling access to different parts of the application and for defining the granular permissions that make up the larger permissions or roles.


The table stores and manage the permissions in the application and to keep track of permissions that are granted, to whom and when. Columns such as Name, ProviderName, ProviderKey, TenantId can be used to filter the granted permissions by name, provider name, provider key, and tenant id respectively, so that you can easily manage and track the granted permissions in the application.

Setting Management


This table stores key-value pairs of settings for the application, and it allows dynamic configuration of the application without the need for recompilation.



This table can store information about the OpenID Connect applications, including the client id, client secret, redirect URI, and other relevant information. It can also be used to authenticate and authorize clients using OpenID Connect protocol.


This table stores the OpenID Connect authorization data in the application. It can also be used to manage and validate the authorization grants issued to clients and users.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
OpenIddictApplications Id Links the authorization to the corresponding application.


This table can store information about the OpenID Connect tokens, including the token payload, expiration, type, and other relevant information. It can also be used to manage and validate the tokens issued to clients and users, such as access tokens and refresh tokens, and to control access to protected resources.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
OpenIddictApplications Id Links the token to the corresponding application.
OpenIddictAuthorizations Id Links the token to the corresponding authorization.


This table can store information about the OpenID Connect scopes, including the name and description of the scope. It can also be used to define the permissions or access rights associated with the scopes, which are then used to control access to protected resources.



This table can store information about the API resources, including the resource name, display name, description, and other relevant information. It can also be used to define the scopes, claims, and properties associated with the API resources, which are then used to control access to protected resources.


This table can store information about the identity resources, including the name, display name, description, and enabled status.


This table can store information about the clients, including the client id, client name, client URI and other relevant information. It can also be used to define the scopes, claims, and properties associated with the clients, which are then used to control access to protected resources.


This table can store information about the API scopes, including the scope name, display name, description, and other relevant information. It can also be used to define the claims and properties associated with the API scopes, which are then used to control access to protected resources.


This table can store information about the claims of an API resource, including the claim type and API resource id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerApiResources Id Links the claim to the corresponding API resource.


This table can store information about the claims of an identity resource, including the claim type and identity resource id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerIdentityResources Id Links the claim to the corresponding identity resource.


This table can store information about the claims of a client, including the claim type, claim value and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the claim to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the claims of an API scope, including the claim type and API scope id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerApiScopes Id Links the claim to the corresponding API scope.


This table can store information about properties, including the property key and value, and the associated API resource. These properties can store additional metadata or configuration information related to the API resources.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerApiResources Id Links the property to the corresponding API resource.


This table can store information about properties, including the property key and value, and the associated identity resource. These properties can store additional metadata or configuration information related to the identity resources.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerIdentityResources Id Links the property to the corresponding identity resource.


This table can be store information about the properties of a client, including the key, value and client id. These properties can store additional metadata or configuration information related to the clients.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the property to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the properties of an API scope, including the key, value and API scope id. These properties can store additional metadata or configuration information related to the API scopes.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerApiScopes Id Links the property to the corresponding API scope.


This table can store information about the scopes of an API resource, including the scope name and API resource id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerApiResources Id Links the scope to the corresponding API resource.


This table can store information about the scopes of a client, including the scope and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the scope to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the secrets of an API resource, including the secret value, expiration date, and API resource id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerApiResources Id Links the secret to the corresponding API resource.


This table can store information about the secrets of a client, including the secret value, expiration date, and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the secret to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the CORS origins of a client, including the origin and client id. It can also be used to manage and validate the CORS origins of a client.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the CORS origin to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the grant types of a client, including the grant type and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the grant type to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the identity provider restrictions of a client, including the identity provider and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the identity provider restriction to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the post logout redirect URIs of a client, including the post logout redirect URI and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the post logout redirect URI to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the redirect URIs of a client, including the redirect URI and client id.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
IdentityServerClients Id Links the redirect URI to the corresponding client.


This table can store information about the device flow codes, including the user code, device code, subject id, client id, creation time, expiration, data and session id.


This table can store information about the persisted grants, including the key, type, subject id, client id, creation time, expiration, and data.



This table is important for providing a better user experience by allowing the application to support multiple containers and providing BLOB-specific features.


This table stores the binary data of BLOBs (binary large objects) in the application. Each BLOB is related to a container in the AbpBlobContainers table, where the container name, tenant id and other properties of the container can be found.

Foreign Keys

Table Column Description
AbpBlobContainers Id Links the BLOB to the corresponding container.


This table stores the localization resources for the application. This table is important for providing a better user experience by allowing the application to support multiple resources and providing localized text and other localization-specific features.


The table contains the resource name, culture name, and a json encoded value which holds the key-value pair of localization text. It allows for efficient storage and management of localization texts and allows for easy update or addition of new translations for specific resources and cultures.


Last updated: February 28, 2023 Edit this page on GitHub

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