ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages UI: JavaScript Events API
object is a simple service that is used to publish and subscribe to global events in the browser.
This API is not related to server side local or distributed events. It works in the browser boundaries to make the UI components (code parts) communicate in a loosely coupled way.
Basic Usage
Publishing Events
Use abp.event.trigger
to publish events.
Example: Publish a Basket Updated event
This will trigger all the subscribed callbacks.
Subscribing to the Events
Use abp.event.on
to subscribe to events.
Example: Consume the Basket Updated event
You start to get events after you subscribe to the event.
Unsubscribing from the Events
If you need to unsubscribe from a pre-subscribed event, you can use the, callback)
function. In this case, you have the callback as a separate function declaration.
Example: Subscribe & Unsubscribe
You don't get events after you unsubscribe from the event.
Event Arguments
You can pass arguments (of any count) to the trigger
method and get them in the subscription callback.
Example: Add the basket as the event argument
Multiple Arguments
If you want to pass multiple arguments, you can pass like abp.event.on('basketUpdated', arg0, arg1, agr2)
. Then you can add the same argument list to the callback function on the subscriber side.
Tip: Alternatively, you can send a single object that has a separate field for each argument. This makes easier to extend/change the event arguments in the future without breaking the subscribers.