Angular UI Extensions
Angular UI extensions system allows you to add a new action to the actions menu, a new column to the data table, a new action to the toolbar of a page, and add a new field to the create and/or edit forms.
See the documents below for the details:
- Entity Action Extensions
- Data Table Column (or Entity Prop) Extensions
- Page Toolbar Extension
- Dynamic Form (or Form Prop) Extensions
Extensible Table Component
Using ngx-datatable in extensible table.
actionsText :
** Column name of action column. Type : stringdata :
Items shows in your table. Type : Arraylist :
Instance of ListService. Type : ListServiceactionsColumnWidth :
Width of your action column. Type : numberactionsTemplate :
Template of the action when "click this button" or whatever. Generally ng-template. Type : TemplateRefrecordsTotal :
Count of the record total. Type : numbertableActivate :
The Output(). A cell or row was focused via the keyboard or a mouse click. Type : EventEmitter()