Data Table Column Extensions for Blazor UI

Data table column extension system allows you to add a new table column on the user interface. The example below adds a new column with the "Email Confirmed" title:


You can use the standard column options to fine control the table column.

Note that this is a low level API to find control the table column. If you want to show an extension property on the table, see the module entity extension document.

How to Set Up

Create a C# File

First, add a new C# file to your solution. We added inside the /Pages/Identity/ folder of the .Blazor project:


We will use the component override system in the Blazor. After creating a class inherits from the UserManagement component, we will override the SetTableColumnsAsync method and add the table column programmatically.

Here, the content of the overridden SetTableColumnsAsync method.

protected override async ValueTask SetTableColumnsAsync()
    await base.SetTableColumnsAsync();
    var confirmedColumn = new TableColumn
        Title = "Email Confirmed",
        Data = nameof(IdentityUserDto.EmailConfirmed)

Here, the entire content of the file.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Extensibility.TableColumns;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Volo.Abp.Identity;
using Volo.Abp.Identity.Blazor.Pages.Identity;

namespace MyCompanyName.MyProjectName.Blazor.Pages.Identity
    [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
    public class CustomizedUserManagement : UserManagement
        protected override async ValueTask SetTableColumnsAsync()
            await base.SetTableColumnsAsync();
            var confirmedColumn = new TableColumn
                Title = "Email Confirmed",
                Data = nameof(IdentityUserDto.EmailConfirmed)

Customizing Data Table Columns

This section explains how to customize data table columns using the properties in the TableColumn type.

  • Title: Title of the column.
  • Data: Name of the field in the supplied model.
  • Component: Type of the component that you want to render. See the "Rendering Custom Components In The Data Table Columns" section for details.
  • Actions: Action lists for the column. You can render additional action columns by adding actions to this collection.
  • ValueConverter: Simple converter function that is being called before rendering the content.
  • Sortable: A boolean field indicating whether the column is sortable or not.
  • DisplayFormat: You can specify a custom format for the column.
  • DisplayFormatProvider : You can provide a custom IFormatProvider for the column. Default value is CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.

Rendering Custom Components In The Data Table Columns

This section explains how to render custom blazor components in data table columns. In this example, we're going to display custom icons instead of text representations of the property.

First of all, create a blazor component. We will name it CustomTableColumn.


Add an object parameter named Data.

public class CustomTableColumn
    public object Data { get; set; }

Navigate to the razor file and paste the following code.

@using System
@using Volo.Abp.Identity

@if (Data.As<IdentityUserDto>().EmailConfirmed)
    <Icon class="text-success" Name="IconName.Check" />
    <Icon class="text-danger" Name="IconName.Times" />

Navigate back to the CustomizedUserManagement class, and use Component property to specify the custom blazor component.

protected override async ValueTask SetTableColumnsAsync()
    await base.SetTableColumnsAsync();
    var confirmedColumn = new TableColumn
        Title = "Email Confirmed",
        Component = typeof(CustomTableColumn)

Run the project and you will see the icons instead of text fields.



Last updated: April 06, 2021 Edit this page on GitHub

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